First she is a socialist. Second she is my Senator and has done a far worse job than I ever imagined. She is a good politician but a very poor representative of her constituents.
2007-06-15 05:43:07
answer #1
answered by Brian 7
Hmmm, let's take a looksy:
I am for Hilary Clinton - I am not
, because I agree with her thoughts on domestic programs - she has no original domestic programs, just what sounds good that season
, and that we definitely need to be spending more money on domestic issues before hypocritically trying to perfect other nations. - spending money on issues does not solve issues. It would be like feeding money to a fire to put it out.
Most of my friends (I am in High School, so most conversations about politics are really incompetent) say "If Hilary wins the election, I'm moving to Canada!" and then laugh like they said the most original joke out there. I ask them why they think Hilary would be such a bad president, and they don't have a true answer. - Asking the question is actually the joke in itself.
I truly think it's because one person who opposes having a woman president started to say Hilary would be a horrible president, and so many people followed for they had no true opinion on the election, they just wanted to appear like they know about politics. - Not true. Not too many people are opposed to a woman president, they are just opposed to Hillary. She couldn't even make her own husband listen to their wedding vows.
I just want to know why people are against Hilary, and I want intelligent political answers here, not just that she's a bitc* (if she was a man she would be considered tough). - I don't think she's a b***h, I believe that taking from the hard working individual and giving it to the lazy and undeserving welfare recipient. I work for myself and my family and pay my taxes for the government to protect me, not to provide for the common good. The USSR tried that once and failed, their entire country crumbled...ever heard of Communism? This is just one reason why I'm against Hillary.
2007-06-15 06:01:20
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
What you are saying is a bunch of baloney. If Obama wins then Hillary cannot run again in 2012. Barack Obma will mess things up so badly if he is elected that any Democratic Candidate will be unelectable in 2012 and the Republicans will take back the White House at least until 2016. Hillary and Bill Clinton will do everything that they possible can to make absolutely certain that Obama loses. Yes Hillary has to say in public that she supports Obama. However behind the scenes she and Bill and all of their friends are encouraging their supporters to vote for McCain so that Hillary can run against McCain in 2012.
2016-05-21 02:12:28
answer #3
answered by ? 3
I was tempted to look at the answers you've received before I answered your question but why bother. How many "she's a socialist," "She's evil,", "she's a sociopath," "she has no chance to win," and similar idiocies will you get? The cons hate her and get their talking points about her from their heroes, like Rush, Coulter and O'Reilly, and FAUX News in general. I've often offered to help the oh so dramatic "I'm leaving the country" idiots pack their bags. You are right on target with this question and good luck getting many intelligent answers about her. They'd actually have to know something about her platform to be able to do that, and most of them have never bothered to even look at it. They never let truth get in the way of a good insult when it comes to Sen. Clinton.
You've clearly missed the Wall Street Journal poll news that was all over the news channels the last couple of days. She's moved up a total of 10 points over Giuliani, for the first time. She was five points back from him two weeks ago, now she's five points ahead, a ten point move. If you check out the following unbiased website, it has all the pertinent polls and shows quite a different picture than the one you have.
2007-06-15 05:51:27
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Well I do appreciate your thoughts. What I find odd about Hillary is it depends on where she is giving the speech or to what audience, what platform she supports. Over the last 6 years she has been Pro-War, Anti_War. Pro-Christian, Anti-Christian. Pro-Fairness Doctrine, Anti-Fairness Doctrine. Spoke with a New York, Chicago, and Arkansas accent.
So it really depends who she is talking to, and for what purpose, as to what she will say.
But I have to say that anyone who lets their spouse walk all over them, and humiliate them over and over again as she continually allows her husband to do, all for Political gain, shows ABSOLUTELY NO BACK BONE, would have trouble standing up to the Hostle Leaders of other countries.
I am NOT speaking a "Religious or Family Values" standpoint here. She just has ABSOLUTELY NO SPINE.
That is scary...
2007-06-15 05:53:13
answer #5
answered by Ken C 6
I am definately NOT against a woman president. Just against Hilary. She seems to be very fake. Plus, she's been a senator for a few years, how does that qualify her to be President? Just because her husband was President? Plus, she wants to take away my 2nd ammendment rights. I'm a law abiding veteran and I enjoy shooting. I also enjoy hunting. I'm not hurting anyone and want to be left alone.
Condi for President
2007-06-15 05:52:59
answer #6
answered by hannibal61577 4
Hilllary's whole agenda needs to be analyzed. We ought to be mature enough to forget what others say about her, and dig into the facts by ourselves. Hillary is a left wing radical.....who wants government to control everything we do. She wants to take the control of children out of parent's hands and give it to the government......among other vital issues. She is a Socialist. She also swings back and forth in her stands and promises,....leaning the way her present followers want her to lean. Wishy-washy, driven by what the polls say...and not by her convictions.....wrong as those convictions are. What kind of a leader sways back and forth between opinions??? No good ones, for sure.
If Hillary gets into the Oval Office she will THEN show her true colors, and continue her radical agendas to make our government GOD ALMIGHTY to the rest of us. Do you want government snooping into your life, running your life....taking away your freedoms one by one??
If so, vote for Hillary ! She, and her fellow liberal, radical Democrats are already working full time to do just this, and they have had a large measure of success. HELP !!
It is scary !! It is real !!! Do some research, my friend......look at BOTH sides of the opinions about her, study her record......and then find out what so many others have found out.......Hillary is a dangerous woman. Blessings to you as you do your research !!
2007-06-15 05:55:36
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
I applaud you for being in High School and showing an interest in politics.. :) Might I ask if you're in a public school? If so, I'm impressed!
I'm apposed to Hillary because of her stance on social issues and her feelings of 'sharing the wealth'. I work hard for my earnings and although I'm certainly aware that there are many out there who merit getting help from the government at the expense of the tax payers, there are equally as many, if not more, who are taking advantage of a generous system and need to get a job.
If we clean up our act, instead of throwing money at it, we won't need our taxes increased to help those people out, who truly need it. :)
2007-06-15 05:52:01
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Because of her stated positions and policies. She wants to institute Socialist programs that meet her Facist agenda. Her impact would be devastating to the economy in this country. Oh, GOP Princess, I love you , but she is a Facist, not a socialist. Look up the definitions and read her policy statements.
2007-06-15 05:46:30
answer #9
answered by booman17 7
A bunch of conservatives are going to answer that Hillary is a Socialist, which is just stupid and ignorant.
The reason I don't like Hillary is because she can't admit when she's wrong. She refuses to admit she was wrong in voting for the Iraq War, and we've had 6.5 years of a president who can't admit he's wrong with disasterous results. We don't need any more of that.
On top of that, because Hillary is so unpopular, she has the least chance of the top 3 Democratic candidates of beating the Republican candidate. Hillary trails the top 4 Republican candidates head-to-head by an average of 1%. Obama leads by 1% and Edwards leads by 14%. Edwards also has the best plans when it comes to global warming, Iraq, and health care. It amazes me that he's so far behind Hillary when he's clearly a far better candidate.
2007-06-15 05:46:19
answer #10
answered by Dana1981 7
She was on the Wal-mart board of directors from 1986 to 1992. Her husband signed a bill in 1993 called free trade agreement which is now why we get everything from china, just like wal-mart. Back in the 80's early 90's Hillary worked for wal-mart while they advertised "buy american" when they bought everything from china. She is a democrat who is for Unions, but when wal-mart hears the word union they just close the store. Hillary also has voted 17 times against ethanol and now she is for it. She will flip flop to just get votes.
2007-06-15 05:44:16
answer #11
answered by $1,539,684,631,121 Clinton Debt 6