Should everyone just mind their own business and get their own houses in order before interfering in other countries affairs?
I say this because its 2006 and in the UK we still have homeless people, children living in care, people that are too poor to live any sort of reasonable life, no care for our elderly people and people dying because our hospitals can't keep up with demand.
Would it not be more sensible to sort ourselves out first and then look at helping other countries?
Yes, by modern standards we are a relatively affluent country, however, sometimes I still think we're still living in Dickensian times when it comes to some of our unresolved social issues.
And, before anyone jumps on the PC bandwagon about "at least we have running water and food" etc etc ask yourself this - if your child needed an organ transplant, would you bypass them to give the only available organ to someone from another country? Or would you put your own before someone else?
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