some of you just don't understand. if the taxes are high the spending is low, the rich will save their money to pay taxes. the rich are at the top of the chain, when they spend money every link of the chain underneath them gets some. lets say someone buys a 10 million dollar boat from a dealer, that money gets taxed. the guy who sold the boat pays his employees that money gets taxed. thay all go out to celabrate at a resteraunt after work and spend money, that money gets taxed. the waitress gets a huge tip, thats taxed. the waitress can afford to go to the store, the store pays taxes. the guy who sold the boat will buy his kids new cars or what ever and that gets taxed. all this creates a strong economy and increased revenue for the gov. i could go on and on explaining it but why, if you don't get it you never will
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