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Other - Politics & Government - October 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Other - Politics & Government

Please explain your position, and answer respectfully. I will state my opinion later. Thank you!

2007-10-15 09:35:22 · 13 answers · asked by Lisa M 5

persist in kicking a dead horse?

2007-10-15 09:25:11 · 8 answers · asked by americanhero_aa 2

Dem's don't mind shaking hands and using the same bathroom with Barney Frank but they want to be dissinfected while attending a race. Frank may possibly have feces on his hands. What about the so called gay debate? I'm sure aids was floating around that room...

2007-10-15 09:22:24 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

Because we know they are still consipring with the Crown to plot our destruction...

2007-10-15 09:22:19 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

If so WHY
if not WHY

2007-10-15 09:14:48 · 9 answers · asked by Soylent 4

2007-10-15 09:05:00 · 8 answers · asked by Lisa M 5

I think I would rather tune in to good news than constant bad news. Besides the starving children, lack of education, electricity, refugees and dead economy I am sure there must be good news somewhere worth reporting.

2007-10-15 08:57:15 · 14 answers · asked by Edge Caliber 6

Who would it be and why.
Would it have to be someone true to their marriage and children, true to their commitments to keep our Country and this globe peaceful and strong, someone that had the commitment to graduate with honors, someone that served in our armed forces. Someone with guts to stand up to their adversaries.

2007-10-15 08:50:43 · 14 answers · asked by Lou 6

Now, I'm not saying that there aren't things very wrong in our current government, but every kid and his sister will take every chance they get to bash America without any knowledge or research or factual basis. They themselves are in a sense lowering the standards of our generation by not being to back up what they say.

I was in history class and a girl blurted out how corrupt the government is these days, and I asked her how, and she couldn't back up anything she said.

I honestly agreed with some of her half-points, but she was obviously repeating things she heard from somewhere else. Anyone could change her mind too, if being a conservative was fashionable, she would be a conservative. And if she has an opinion shouldn't she be well versed on it? I know I wouldn't go on America-bashing without knowing any information.

So what are your thoughts on this? Do you think it will be changed? I'm willing to hear all! Thanks.

2007-10-15 08:49:23 · 17 answers · asked by Ana Makes Art. 3

What happens to our right to bear arms? Canadian and Mexican citizens are both not allowed to legally bear arms. How could they make this work? Would our constitution still stand in light of this Union? Bearing arms as well as a gazillion different things has crossed my mind. Minimum wage, social security are a couple others. With that said, Im not a gun person, never have been, and never thought I would be. I now am looking at this Union and wondering if I should bear arms now before I lose the chance. Is it possible to have this Union with 2/3 of it not legally not being able to bear arms and let a 1/3 keep their right to do so?

2007-10-15 08:05:19 · 8 answers · asked by Loosid 6

should serve in the military? Do you also believe that since the majority of our military is Conservative, that if all were to serve our country would end up with one major political party? Please be respectful and explain your position. Thank you!

2007-10-15 07:52:44 · 34 answers · asked by Lisa M 5

That would protect our Christian heritage from the continuing Muslim threat to our Nation.

2007-10-15 07:50:10 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-10-15 07:35:16 · 5 answers · asked by The Attack Of The Giant Ants . 1

If you are an indigent (eligible for food stamps but not participating) and have to pay a 500$ late traffic fine, you can go on food stamps (remember, you are eligible before the fine payment).

The Montana DPHHS says you cannot collect food stamps after a 500$ fine since there is no deduction allowed for fines (that applies to those not eligible, does not apply to those eligible for food stamps). How do I get the Montana DPHHS to recognize delinquent fine payments could be causing an increase in food stamps?

2007-10-15 07:33:27 · 4 answers · asked by Mr Potatohead 7

Where i live the pubs and betting shops are full of pensioners yet they tell us the state pension is a pitance. I say drop it by 30%, and give us workers a tax break, do you agree?

2007-10-15 07:28:02 · 9 answers · asked by BRIAN D 1

Not a WORD about it (nor about his oppsition to the Civil Rights Movement and the only two African Americans to serve on the US Supreme Court, Thurgood Marshall and Clarence Thomas) - http://byrd.senate.gov/bio.htm

Check here for information about his KKK affiliation (past and present):

2007-10-15 07:26:44 · 4 answers · asked by Lavrenti Beria 6

First they refuse to post my question: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=Ar9HIS_pYAax3HrWZ3EBoTXQ7BR.;_ylv=3?qid=20071015101553AAsQesE

then after I post a challenge to them: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AvWWFBghxb9PI6tQgP0_v0bsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20071015103510AA6swM4
they then post both questions 45 minutes after the first one was asked, placing them deep in the stack where very few people will see them. I'm frankly shocked that they had the guts to admit that not posting the first question while posting garbage from lib-trolls (at the very same time) amounts to lib-bias, but then putting the questions deep in the stack serves the purpose of being biased while paying lip-service to the idea of them being non-biased.

2007-10-15 07:14:27 · 13 answers · asked by Lavrenti Beria 6

It's all over the news, rice trying to talk the two sides into talks here in the US. It will cost us Tax payers a horrendous amount of money, but can it lead to anything, without at least an idea of a plan, what to achieve? Or is it a much needed publicity stunt? What's your draw?

2007-10-15 07:11:22 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

well ... today each citizen's share of the national debt is around $30,000

And the National Debt has continued to increase an average of
$1.42 billion per day since September 29, 2006!

2 additional questions ~

Do you still think the GOP (republicans) are fiscally conservative?


Why the heck didn't I buy stock in Haliburton?

2007-10-15 07:10:26 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

that will segregate alternative lifestyle male/female teens to different locker rooms due to sexual harassment........................ details please

2007-10-15 07:00:02 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

Why would it be bad if Turkey joins in?
Fine, let them deal with the crazies.

2007-10-15 06:58:56 · 8 answers · asked by Philip Augustus 3

2007-10-15 06:42:00 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

They won't post a question about Robert Byrd's KKK membership:

Why doesn't Democratic Senator Robert Byrd's official Senate biography mention his KKK membership?
Not a WORD about it (nor about his oppsition to the Civil Rights Movement and the only two African Americans to serve on the US Supreme Court, Thurgood Marshall and Clarence Thomas) - http://byrd.senate.gov/bio.htm

Check here for information about his KKK affiliation (past and present):

But WILL post garbage by lib trolls:

...and similar "questions" from the likes of shortbus.

2007-10-15 06:35:10 · 5 answers · asked by Lavrenti Beria 6

Doesn't it seem both sides are far more interested in waxing polemic than they are in a rational discourse and a pragmatic approach to resolving issues?

2007-10-15 06:34:56 · 8 answers · asked by Mike 1

regarding setting up a Palestinian state in the West Bank? This goes against all of God's teaching. The wrath of God will then come down upon us. We need a president with backbone, one like Ronald Reagan. He knew about helping Israel. We need to remember Israel as the chosen nation of God and do all to help them.

2007-10-15 06:23:35 · 3 answers · asked by Mark S 6

I just saw someone use this comparison to justify abortion, I was wondering if there is a large number of people who can't tell the difference, of it's its just that one person.

2007-10-15 06:08:08 · 10 answers · asked by Yahoo Answer Angel 6

Im confused .? I thought at sixteen you were classed as a non dependant and treated like an adult and child benefit stopped because you can leave school and get full time employment, so theres no need for benefits. Now the taxcredit system is here its 19-20.The law says your are an adult when your 18 . So why are the government still paying tax credits etc for young people to work full time and do 12hrs college (which is classed as fultime education) Do u think the benefits system has gone wrong by classing adults as children ?

2007-10-15 06:02:08 · 6 answers · asked by trixy 1

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