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Other - Politics & Government - February 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Other - Politics & Government

You can live on that, but if you live in the suburbs in some blue state that's far from driving a Ferrari and spending winters in the Bahamas.

2007-02-06 09:36:24 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

Why do so many seem to think he is so Great? I think he is a douche.

2007-02-06 09:32:16 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

This cold spell more than cancels out, the few weeks of warm weather we had earlier. Al is laughing all the way to the bank.

2007-02-06 09:18:06 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

"The consequences of failure are immense. I think it destabilizes the entire Middle East, encourages Iran and on top of that it's pretty clear that the terrorists will just follow us home." Rep. John Boehner. Am i missing something here? have we not already seen failure and it's consequences? Is the middle east not destabilized? Has Iran been encouraged by our failure thus far? And how will terrorists follow us home? On magic carpets?

2007-02-06 09:16:09 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

He is coming up w/ some crazy stuff right now.

2007-02-06 09:15:35 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

Sometime in the 1980,s (I think). The IT department of Wiltshire Council was privatised via a management buy out. I am researching some history and am interested in this story. If memory serves me right the whole issue was subject to some controversy at the time. I am trying to find some background info into the story. I seem to remember that there were three senior managers involved at the time.

2007-02-06 09:11:42 · 1 answers · asked by Gordon A 1

I find it amusing that they made this statement in support of his statement that he is "totally heterosexual":

"Ralph said the board spoke with people close to Haggard while investigating his claim that his only extramarital sexual contact happened with Mike Jones. The board found no evidence to the contrary."

Ha ha! Whether he is GAY is hardly the issue: the man hired a prostitute (illegal!) and took crystal meth (illegal!).

Anybody else laughing at this absurdity? By the way - the guy was the only one in the evangelical community to tell the TRUTH about global warming, and really stuck his neck out trying to change their minds. They wanted him to shut the hell up. Gee, then this happened. (Just mentioning that).

2007-02-06 09:10:10 · 2 answers · asked by justagirl33552 4

I am looking for pictures of Hillary Clinton in a skirt.

None of the pictures I have seen on Google show Hillary Clinton in a skirt. The few that do show below the waist all show her dressd in pants.

What I am really looking for is the view of Hillary Clinton during the last presidential speech.

I don't really know where to post this question as the question crosses many boundries?

What would you rather see Hillary Clinton dressed in?
Pants or Skirt, or does it matter?

2007-02-06 09:06:53 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous


2007-02-06 09:05:30 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-02-06 09:04:24 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous

Your NOT going to get it with the current structure! You have to end Representative Government by constitutional amendment! In order to serve the most people the best a true democracy utilizing Majority rule & control by the legal citizens. So call your third party "Legal citizen majority" or the LCM for short! People who work for the citizens "government" should be well managed EMPLOYEE'S who can be replaced or fired at will!

2007-02-06 08:53:48 · 13 answers · asked by bulabate 6

Iraq has been and continues to be a personal cash bank for Bush and his cronies, 363 tons of cash gone and no paper trail!

2007-02-06 08:48:57 · 15 answers · asked by overworkedsingleguy 2

2007-02-06 08:43:28 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

Can you give me some indes for s political science paper?
i need to write a paper on a current event and i cant com up with any thing that wont be over 10 pages. the requirements are that it has to be a spacific current event no older than 5 years. so far i have thought of chins foreign poicy with the US 1059-present but the prefessor would like me to shorten it.

2007-02-06 08:37:58 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

I do not care what main stream media says, this has been the coldest winter we have had in 20 yrs. (Texas). My bud lives in Oklahoma and its snowed more this winter there than it ever has in his lifetime (he is 46). Parts of the upper mid west are right now experiencing record low temps, and I understand that Russia is also experiencing the same. Oh yeah I forgot Gore said that Global warming may mean colder winters. HA HA HA!!!

2007-02-06 08:36:44 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-02-06 08:30:17 · 9 answers · asked by Murphy 3

Why don't their attorneys argue against the constitutionality of the War Powers Resolution? If the resolution is unconstitutional, isn't the war? And if the war is unconstitutional, isn't it their duty, under their oath, to defy an illegal orders according to the Uniform Code of Military Justice?

2007-02-06 08:27:13 · 20 answers · asked by Crystal Blue Persuasion 5

I want to fill out a application for disability from the social security administration.

2007-02-06 07:55:40 · 9 answers · asked by nitagurl2006 1

And the tax will be less than half of what you're paying now. Same for employers.

Theoretically it is a tax increase, but you'll have more money in your paycheck.

That's why GM is moving production to Canada. It's cheaper to pay the tax than the premium.


2007-02-06 07:53:02 · 13 answers · asked by bettysdad 5

If a tourist wants information on the laws when coming to the US, but doesn't speak English, how does that individual get the informational so that they don't break the law?

2007-02-06 07:48:04 · 3 answers · asked by dawhitfield 3

I am a former republican, who is no longer involved in politics. Espicially since they seem to be killing all my friends. Please send me the answer to the questin abouve.

2007-02-06 07:36:17 · 7 answers · asked by thekatyandthealicealways loveyou 1

2007-02-06 07:35:37 · 13 answers · asked by Year of the Monkey 5

Hey, wait a minute. Isn't that what terrorists do? Does that mean that the US is a terrorist state and part of the axis of evil?

Oh no, sorry it was the Iraqi army! Ha ha ha I don't think.

2007-02-06 07:33:44 · 8 answers · asked by airmonkey1001 4

It seems like people are overly harsh when they reply to questions (particularly political ones). If someone is against the war in Iraq or President Bush... all too many people say that person should be "bashed in the head" or "deported". If they support the war and the President, they somehow "have a screw loose". Isn't freedom of speech one of the most important things we've got going?

2007-02-06 07:30:31 · 20 answers · asked by Kenneth M 2

His approval rating is at 44% thats the highest in almost a year.

2007-02-06 07:25:04 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-02-06 07:22:37 · 7 answers · asked by spamalot 1

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