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Government - August 2006

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Government

2006-08-07 04:20:54 · 9 answers · asked by sam s 2

do u think Dems after the next election should dedicate part of our taxes towards drugs and education centers dedicated to education and re-habilitating their poorly functioning brains.

I mean we are Democrats it is our duty to be humanitarians even to these "challenged" individuals. Yes I agree the genetic predisposition to lowered synaptics in both regions of the brain, is too late to change and without stem cell research we may never truly be able to acheive theirs to re-grow to what should be standardized nodes, but perhaps with phsychology and what little we do have by way of drugs we can hope to dampen and lessen the effect of future generations of these inbred,cross-bred, and "mutated" beings and sort of "teach" them to be an entry-level person even if the "wiring" may never allow them to advance into more. At least in this way we can all turn to each other with a glimpse of hope.

For the Republicans that try to read I will translate:
"oooga ooooga booga, foooga, guu ."

2006-08-07 03:47:09 · 7 answers · asked by Old School Funk 1

Just wondering...

2006-08-07 03:40:20 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

It will have to be in crayon as my doctor won't let me have anything sharp

2006-08-07 03:06:53 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

Why are the English having to be dragged kicking and screaming in to the 24 hour society?

Its here - 9-5 is gone or going !
Why can we only look back all the time ?
And most of all - Why are the English so bloody mean with our cities and towns infrastructure - and absolutely obsessed with charity !
E.g. why should we have to give blood - if they want to pay me for it - I'd be at the hospital every bloody day - and then there would be no shortage would there - Why can't they get that through there thick heads ?

2006-08-07 03:00:36 · 6 answers · asked by beiterspace 2

Take all the world leaders, and put them into a wresteling ring, let them duke it out until the last one is standing? Call him the winner. And have everybody get on with their lives?

2006-08-07 02:57:06 · 32 answers · asked by a_poor_misguided_soul 5

I am going to call my congressmen with a big long list of complaints. Anything you can think of to add to it?

2006-08-07 01:58:28 · 16 answers · asked by a_poor_misguided_soul 5

2006-08-07 01:53:16 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-08-07 01:48:18 · 36 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-08-07 00:53:42 · 6 answers · asked by cool 1

2006-08-07 00:27:34 · 12 answers · asked by tunachunks199 1

now theyare saying that the oil refinery that provides 8% of americas gas is going to be shut down for matanence, 8% ? that means it's going to jack up gas prices? and for theoil companies to be maknig 100% profits, is there really a shortage? well everytime i go to wal-mart to get gas there is a gas truck from florida, dosent seem like he has trouble getting there and filling the tanks up...something is not right about this hole thing, and something needs to be done.

2006-08-07 00:21:54 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

Tony Blair has broken his word to the Country so many times that it is time for the whole Country to stop work for a day and March for another election so we can give Cameron a chance and warn Cameron that if he breaks his promises then we will kick him out too - these politicians are taking the pissla Come on UK its time to change things in the UK. Gordon Brown is just Tony Blair MARK II. There is nothing left but to give Cameron a shot and he better keep his promises. First we have to March to get rid of Blair the Liar. Somebody who has clout please organise a March against Blair he has lied enough he makes me sick how could he get back in power its all wrong having this **** in charge.

2006-08-07 00:05:17 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous


who can make a sentence at most in 10 words that best describe
these two?

2006-08-06 23:44:14 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

its related to Economics-Macroeconomics and macroeconomics

2006-08-06 22:53:02 · 4 answers · asked by tribal_ripgurl 1

Coco Cola and Pepsi has been banned by the Government of Kerala, India as it has pesticide content 24 times more than in the prescribed level.

2006-08-06 22:16:00 · 14 answers · asked by Red Scorpion 3

I am not pointing finger on particular person but I am saying to all the world that if there is any Terrorist Country existing presentlly that's UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. What they think we all are blind. USA put his leg everywhere whether it's a matter of food or death. USA think that they are GOD but keep one thing in your mind that GOD IS MERCIFUL and no one is more powerful than GOD. USA are killing incocent peoples and then saying we are killing terrorists. I am appealing to all AMERICANS plz wake up and don't keep false prestiage in your mind.

2006-08-06 22:12:38 · 12 answers · asked by danishlanker 1

what would you do first, besides saying something assenine like getting rid of me?

2006-08-06 21:23:50 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

The Sri Lankan military using similar war tactics to wipe out their enemies.Ex: both the countries are using air attacks on their enemies and even the same air crafts are being used by both countries. the use of elite commandos to wipe out the enemy has being used very successfully by both the countries. less casualties are suffered by both the countries meanwhile their enemies report large death tolls. the only differnce that stands out is that in sri lanka a fewer number of civillians have died so far due to the actions of the troops unlike in Israel. So what do you think ?

2006-08-06 21:18:35 · 2 answers · asked by qwerty 1

Just write the word "STOP"...let's try to have loads of people signing, it'll be like a petition! People who are actually for the war, don't bother!

2006-08-06 21:01:57 · 3 answers · asked by SpaceCowboy 2

For Dems - I like John Edwards and Al Gore(by the way, why didn't Gore run in 04? it was so close in 2000)
For Reps I dont even know - nobody stands out to me (If it's another Bush gets in the White House I am moving to Europe to see what the Old World is about)
Personally I dont choose sides for Rep or Dem
I just want a good overall President and Bush SUCKS!! don't even try to defend him - I will be so glad to him go

Anyway, who are some possibilties??

2006-08-06 20:58:54 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

And don't start adding up the rights and wrongs!

2006-08-06 20:46:56 · 8 answers · asked by Birddog 1

Any government back then up to now that isn't running the USA "of the people,by the people AND, for the people", where the government is hiding things from the people, where the government is corrupt, must or should be replaced by another, "of, by, and for the people". If this is true, why hasn't this been done back in the middle to late 1960s after JFK was killed? Does anyone notice this in that great document?

2006-08-06 20:10:37 · 15 answers · asked by ZORRO 3


Someone had foreknowledge of the attacks. In the weeks leading up to 9/11 someone made a series of investments that would have paid off in huge profits because of the attacks. This is well documented and undisputed. This person specifically invested in the two airliners used in the attacks, anticipating windfall profits from any drop in the stock prices of these companies. This is solid evidence that at least one person in the United States had detailed information that something bad was going to happen to the specific airlines that were to be used in the attack.

We have been told that the person who made these investments never claimed the profits. We are expected to believe that this explains why his or her identity is unavailable. This is absolutely untrue. This is not an instance in which someone was waiting to pick up a package at an airport locker. This is a case of a financial institution processing an investment transaction for an individual. This CAN NOT BE PERFORMED ANONYMOUSLY! The identity of this person who had foreknowledge of the attack is know and this person’s identity is being protected by our government and this is a fact! Period, end of story.

WHO MADE THE INVESTMENT? Identify this person and you have someone who very probably had detailed foreknowledge of the events. The fact that the profits were never collected is even more suspicious and incriminating. The fact that the identity of this person remains unknown is even more suspicious. The only possible conclusion is that this person is known to the government and that his or her identity is being protected.

There has been a clear and concerted cover up regarding the person who tried to profit from events he or she knew were coming. The people who could easily clear this up, but who chose to close any further investigation into the matter are not underlings. They are officials who answer directly to the President of the United States. Check.


On September 11th, Towers One and Two collapsed after suffering direct hits by airliners. Building 7 was neither hit by an airliner nor damaged severely by flying debris, but at 5:20 p.m. it collapsed in the exact same accordion style of the other two towers. The official explanation by FEMA investigators claimed that WTC 7 fell as a result of burning for 7 hours.

Several weeks after the events of 9/11, Larry Silverstein, the new owner of the WTC was interviewed on TV. At this time he openly acknowledged the decision to pull Building 7. This was a public statement in which the owner of the WTC agreed to the destruction of the building.

This decision was never explained and was never questioned by the Kean Commission. The conflicting report of the FEMA investigators was also never explained. Pulling a building requires weeks, if not months of preparation. Explosives have to be carefully and strategically placed and wired. How was it possible to pull a building without first preparing for its demolition?

Larry Silverstein invested $386 million in WTC 7. On 9/11, by his own admission, Larry Silverstein ordered the demolition of his building. In February of 2002, his company won a settlement of $861 million from Industrial Risk Insurers. Do the math. No one investigated. This is a confession to the demolition of Building 7. Let me repeat that, THIS IS A CONFESSION! Checkmate.

Until these questions are answered there is no need to establish more doubt. What we have here is solid undisputed evidence that we were never told the truth. We have solid evidence that the official investigation stopped short of delving into questions that could have supplied answers. We have solid proof that something is very, very wrong.

There is a mountain of unanswered questions concerning the events surrounding the 9/11 attacks. Anyone willing to listen or look at the inconsistencies would have to draw an obvious conclusion: the official explanation of the events of 9/11 is nothing more than a desperate attempt to distract the American people from investigating the truth. There can be no denying that there are a number of strange and puzzling occurrences that have never been, and seemingly cannot be explained.

Perhaps the abundance of startling and damning information is too incredible to be accepted easily by the millions of Americans who have bought into the corporate media's version of the events. So many people in this country can not deal with, or accept any real challenge to the official explanation that allows for no foreknowledge or cover up by their government. Even if most Americans were to be presented with clearly corroborated facts or cold evidence, they would probably refuse to even consider the involvement of their elected leaders in a tragedy of such huge proportions.

The official story, however, collapses after an examination of the two questions just raised. Very simply put, case closed. We do not need to pull an OJ here and bury the obvious under more evidence than the jury can handle. Show the Bronco chase and the blood evidence, and rest the prosecution. Otherwise we risk badly confusing a jury of the uninformed.

It is vital that the evidence based community encourage the American public to question the events for themselves. Two questions of this magnitude are enough to raise reasonable doubt. Two such questions that have gone uninvestigated and unexplained are enough to arouse curiosity,

We’re in a very dangerous game, here, and all of us are players. Much of what happened on September 11th remains at best unclear, and at worst terribly suspicious. The reality that the President of the United States spent more than 18 months resisting an official investigation into the most devastating tragedy in our history is in itself an outrage. But the reality that there is no official body still seeking answers to vital questions is an even greater outrage.

And if that remains the case, we all will have been checkmated, en masse.

Editor's NOTE: People might comment on this article by calling it a conspiracy theory. This is their usual way of dismissing the facts. I ask you, where exactly is there “theory” on this page? What elements of this article are in dispute? This is not a theory, this article poses questions that have not been answered and the people who call the results of the independent 9/11 research community “conspiracy theories” have yet to qualify their assertion. You can not simply call something a “theory” just because you have not looked closely enough to see the facts that have been presented. If you call this a theory you are in denial. Very simply put, you can not debate this issue. Many people will dismiss this, as they do all evidence that goes against what they want to believe, yet when asked what their criteria is for discerning between theory and fact, they will not have a logical answer. This is not theory and neither are the facts that have been brought to light by the many people involved in the legitimate independent 9/11 research community.

Watch Loose Change Second Edition On Line Free - Click Here! - This is a MUST watch video for anybody who wants to know more about the events of 9/11 than you have heard on your TV sets!
An URGENT Message from the Editor!
9/11 Truth Calling Oprah! - I submit to my fellow 9/11 truth seekers and truth bearers that our effort to alert the public will be victorious if Oprah Winfrey gets on board.
TvNewsLIES Challenges Believers of the Official Version of 9/11: - Where the Hell is YOUR proof?
They Are Not “Conspiracy Theories” - They Are, in Fact, “Discoveries”
WHY AMERICANS REFUSE TO BELIEVE THE 9/11 EVIDENCE!!! - The attacks of 9/11 were so unthinkable that most Americans would refuse to believe the complicity of their own government, even if presented with a mountain of evidence. - Very simply, it is possible to escape blame if you do something that nobody in the world believes you could do.
Before you call this a “Conspiracy Theory” read this! Learn the difference between theory and fact!
Close-Up of WTC-7 Collapse Footage Shows Unmistakable Demolition Charges
Professional Demolition of World Trade Center Building 7 - On-line videos and in depth analysis.
9/11 Video Selection
How Building Implosions Work

2006-08-06 20:07:09 · 7 answers · asked by tough as hell 3

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