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Politics & Government - 13 June 2006

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

Senators and Congressman routinely squabble over petty issues and rarely get anything of importance done. What they do get done has been revised so much it is nearly impotent by the time it passes. This is mostly due to apathy on the part of the American people. It is the job of our representatives to care about what the people care about, but even this is not always the case. What can be done to wake the people up and get them to pay attention to what's happening in our capital? I, for one, would appreciate a daily listing of the topics that were discussed and an outline of the solutions that were presented. It should be clear and consise, and as simply and efficiently written as possible so that regular people won't have a hard time understanding it's contents.

2006-06-13 04:16:56 · 16 answers · asked by Robert B 3 in Other - Politics & Government


2006-06-13 04:13:41 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

2006-06-13 04:13:13 · 28 answers · asked by mar48iah 2 in Other - Politics & Government

Well the way I look at Why isn't marijana legal......tabacco is and in my opion alot more addictive and harmful then marijuana. Marijuana if legal could also help our economy many "drug dealers" and "weed farmers" make thousands even millions off the herb why if we want to help our economy why not legal it? Why cant we make millions? This could not only bring money but also work! So give me your feed back i would be glad to hear it.

2006-06-13 04:11:21 · 19 answers · asked by ERACER 1 in Law & Ethics

Every time I see him I compare him to JFK, and all I see is a sad, drunken little man that can never come anywhere near his president brother. I think it is about time he retired from public life.

2006-06-13 04:10:33 · 17 answers · asked by John D 2 in Politics

is it because they agreed wih me 100% about liberals hating america or because they think al gore is as dumb as the day is long?

2006-06-13 04:07:58 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

I am watching America go down the tube due to liberalism or communism. Seems all about the same. Our country is so far from its foundation it is scary. Liberalism has made American lazy and our society criminal. We are forced to take care of other Americans against our will through tax's. Liberalism has caused our court systems to be a podium for activist judges legislating from the bench. So what can I as a true American do to rid our country of Liberalism? How can I force the hand of the government to remove these people from society and save the millions of hard working, family oriented, and law obiding citizens. Liberalism is a decay which I hate leaving my kids to deal with.

2006-06-13 04:06:17 · 15 answers · asked by LAR C 1 in Politics

tell me your age??
which state you are from??
kids/how many???

I've read some of your posts on here so often, that i feel like i'm starting to know you,so i was just curious!!! THANKS to all of you who answer this!!!!!!!!!!!

2006-06-13 04:06:10 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Civic Participation

This statement doesn't put me pro or anti Bush. I am simply looking to see if anybody out there even knows why they hate the president other than mere follow the leader. Is it the media, parents, teachers, or friends that form your opinions. Listen kids. If you don't know any political views. Stop following the crowd and stating ignorant comments.

2006-06-13 04:06:08 · 6 answers · asked by musedelirium 4 in Other - Politics & Government


2006-06-13 04:02:06 · 5 answers · asked by bigalanr2003 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

When you ask lame questions you get lame answers. Your questions just prove how ignorant you are and you can't back up any point with any qualified sources. I guess it must be easier to lie than to debate with facts.

2006-06-13 04:01:30 · 8 answers · asked by therandman 5 in Politics

What do you think about 350 families being evicted from the 14 acre community farm in South Central Los Angeles so that a developer can build a warehouse?

2006-06-13 04:01:15 · 2 answers · asked by bethie_biker 3 in Civic Participation

2006-06-13 04:01:02 · 25 answers · asked by orangecycle30 1 in Politics

It is shameful for a country to allow it's citizens to flee in search of better opportunity. A country must have mechanisms in place that provide opportunity for its citizens.

Mexican citizens clean up your greedy, corrupt government!

2006-06-13 03:59:44 · 7 answers · asked by Sandra G 2 in Civic Participation

When right here at home, IN AMERICA there are more deaths due to HOMICIDE every day compared to Iraq, More children being MOLESTED, HOMELESSNESS, RAPE, GANGS? Why do YOU choose to complain about something YOU cant do anything about, and sit around quietly (You know you turn your head the other direction) as these things are happening in your own country?
I dont need idiot responses, they will be reported...

2006-06-13 03:59:27 · 5 answers · asked by Chaos mediation 3 in Other - Politics & Government

I asked why liberals hate America? Well they do and Im trying to ask why? Yahoo needs to stop being a left wing spam site and be careful or watch their stock go $2. At least Google doesnt delete questions that are anti-left wing fanatics.

2006-06-13 03:57:52 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

2006-06-13 03:56:13 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous in Government

Here are just a few reasons why he has to go. The media won't tell you this stuff:

1. Torture at Abu Ghraib
2. Torture at Guantanamo Bay
3. Torture at the Afghan prisons
4. Kidnapping and extraordinary rendition
5. Secret gulags
6. Invading Iraq based on willful lies
7. Afghanistan nearing collapse and failure
8. Usama bin-Laden still at large
9. Illegally wiretapping of 200 million citizens
10. Illegally spying on journalists
11. Spying on Quakers
12. Spying on those opposing Halliburton
13. Spying on those feeding the homeless
14. Spying on gay people
15. Searching citizens' homes without warrants
16. Imprisoning citizens without trials
17. Creating crippling national debt
18. Huge tax breaks for EXXON and others
19. Crippling Medicare
20. Attempting to destroy Social Security
21. Exploiting Terry Schiavo
22. Censoring scientists
23. Refusing to address global warming
24. Outing an undercover CIA agent to cover lies
25. Tom DeLay indicted for money laundering
26. Cunningham impriso

2006-06-13 03:54:33 · 12 answers · asked by patreeotik 2 in Politics

Is America ready for a female to run for president? state your opinion I would really like to see what both girls and guys have to say.

2006-06-13 03:53:21 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

My boyfriend is in Iraq, he has been there for 9 months and I have not heard from him in the past 3 months, is this normal? He is in Intelligance, would that make a difference?

2006-06-13 03:49:35 · 7 answers · asked by jessicamk79 2 in Military

Whyyyy oh whyyyyy!?

2006-06-13 03:47:56 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous in Government

If we get involved in world issues and conflicts we are bullies. If we don't, we're called irresponsible and chastised.

Can we ever win? We're damned if we do and damned if we don't...

2006-06-13 03:45:02 · 3 answers · asked by Redlily 1 in Civic Participation

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