Dawood Ibrahim was born in Ratnagiri, India as a son of police constable, was the former Don of the organized crime syndicate named D-Company in Mumbai, which operated as well as a notorious terrorist organisation, due to the gangs build-up of mostly young, male already engaged in illegal activity. He is currently in the wanted list of Interpol for Terrorism, Organised crime ,Counterfeiting, and Crimes against Public.
He is accused of heading a vast, sprawling illegal empire, acquiring money and political clout. His name has become a byword in political, business and law enforcement circles in the manner of Al Capone . After the Bombay Blasts in 1993, which Ibrahim organized and financed, he became India's most wanted man. He is said to have moved from the UAE to Pakistan during the ensuing controversy. In 2003, the United States Government declared Dawood Ibrahim a "Global Terrorist" .
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