I do know some history, and I know that this prophet, Muhamma created such a massive convertion to his new idea called Islam, by going to all people around area, and in effect, told them to believe in Islam, or we will kill you. And that's how he did it. He killed anyone who refused to convert. Well, heck, if I just saw 10 of my friends heads cut off, because they said they would not convert to Islam, when they came to me, I'd have to say, yeah, I'll be Muslim. Sure will. Go to next person now. This is not just something written in the Koran, this is mentioned in many writers of that time, that Homama went around and said convert or die, and he meant it! It's true historical FACT. So why do these Muslims get so upset?? Heck, it even says in the Koran to do that.
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