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Current Events - October 2006

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2006-10-24 08:36:48 · 9 answers · asked by Live & Let Live! 1

2006-10-24 08:22:04 · 16 answers · asked by Warren 1

My community is putting on a modern day USO dance to help raise money and items to send to our local men and women fighting in the war in Irac. We have ideas, but a list would be great, or advice on who to ask.

2006-10-24 08:09:33 · 8 answers · asked by r_nieto66 1

Specifically in the UK, we have white liberals campaining for gay adoption, and at the same time campaining and supporting muslims rights for separate schooling and allowed to carry on there third world arranged marriages and denying womans rights. The best or worst example of this is Ken Livingstone depending on which way you look at it, as London mayor he likes to champion minority rights, now surely if paedophiles were a legitamised minority and he though their were votes in it Red Ken would be advocating them special priviliges. Anyway would any liberal try and justify why minority intrests should be advocated over the majority of the population, because i have yet to here a coherent argument in support of this.

2006-10-24 08:09:04 · 18 answers · asked by asdfaf d 1

Cahrity never worked in the 19th century at ending poverty, why should we believe it will work now in the third world?

2006-10-24 07:31:59 · 7 answers · asked by Bob M 1

Come on who in their right mind would want to be a shirtlifter when you have to wake up every morning to elton john or jimmy sommerville, graeme norton or anyone other. Their are absolutely no good looking buffties, so how are straights meant to turn. Ha ha ha give me Kelly Brook, Charlise Theron or any other honey rather than this ugly shower. Surely all future queer weddings should be held behind closed doors with no photographers, and the wedding night cottaging in a public toilet should be in the dark.

2006-10-24 07:16:44 · 9 answers · asked by kjasfalf f 1

with their pit bull?
She turned the pics in to the cops, and the guy is being charged with felony animal cruelty.
I read about this yesterday, I think it happened in Washington state.

2006-10-24 07:08:20 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

Nowdays there violance in the world because of terorisme ,do you think that muslimes are behinde this ?if you think so ,why?

2006-10-24 07:08:04 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous


It will be wake-up call for a lot of American's who are believe the lottery is a better bet than a retirement plan...

How much is enough? How much can you eat at one sitting? Or how much sq. ft house before one becomes "happy", or the size of the car/truck?

The generations that proceed one another should be of greater intelligence, learing from mistakes of the past. At this time in history, we seem to be going backwards, ethically, morally, and culturally.

2006-10-24 07:02:38 · 7 answers · asked by LovePinkPuffies 3

Ok when I see a vehicle parking like an ****** I get pissed off!
How bout you?

2006-10-24 06:53:05 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-10-24 06:51:08 · 7 answers · asked by x1 2

Any strange goings on? Would YOU go to live there?...YES YOU!!!
(I sure as hell would not, even if a babe said pleeezzze).

2006-10-24 06:37:57 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-10-24 06:30:29 · 4 answers · asked by sloppy chops 3

I've always thought a troop was a group of soldiers.

2006-10-24 06:10:06 · 5 answers · asked by rk 2

For me, cleaning the bathroom ranks at the top. Getting the scrubbing brush, the ammonia, and all, and oh man, the smell gets you "toxic" dizzy.
Vacuuming blows pretty much, the same back and forth motion.
And picking up that loose "snigglet" that refuses to get vacuumed
up, even though you keep going over it.
Washing the floor is awful, per the Pine Sol, wringing the d a m n
mop, cleaning the dirty bucket out.
WIndow cleaning reeks......getting out the windex and paper
towels, trying to get the last da m n bits of dirt.
Washing the car.....maybe the worst......the dirty bucket again,
the leaning over and squating with wet rags.....
Just getting ready for work sucks too, the blow drying of hair I hate,
and flossing the teeth is a major bore.
Cutting grass is okay if one is in the mood, but the emptying of the
Catcher sucks.
Raking leaves with a rake and bagging it is worst, and now is the season.
Finally, shoveling major snow sucks.....even with a snow blower.

2006-10-24 05:33:00 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

As an international student in states, I like homecoming events, but I don't really get it. Thanks in advance.

2006-10-24 05:31:22 · 4 answers · asked by Euhanna 1

It appears that the number of road deaths, specifically among young male drivers is on the increase. Despite several Government initiatives, the death toll continues to rise. Will there ever be a solution?

2006-10-24 05:27:03 · 24 answers · asked by Moose 2

Does your social life consist of eating dinner, watching 3 hours
of TV, having 30 minutes of obligatory sex with your mate, and going to sleep?
Doesn't anyone have a life or do anything anymore?

2006-10-24 04:54:15 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

New scam warning !

pass it on...

We actually received a call last week from the 809 area code. The
woman said "Hey, this is Karen. Sorry I missed you--get back to us
quickly. I Have something important to tell you." Then she repeated a
phone number beginning with 809 "We didn't respond".

Then this week, we received the following e-mail:

Subject: DON'T EVER DIAL AREA CODE 809 , 284 AND 876


This one is being distributed all over the US . This is pretty scary,
especially given the way they try to get you to call.
Be sure you read this and pass it on.
They get you to call by telling you that it is information about a
family member who has been ill or to tell you someone has-been arrested,
died, or to let you know you have won a wonderful prize, etc.
In each case, you are told to call the 809 number right away. Since
there are so many new area codes these days, people unknowingly return
these calls.

If you call from the U.S. , you will apparently be charged $2425

Or, you'll get a long recorded message. The point is, they will try to
keep you on the phone as long as possible to increase the charges.
Unfortunately, when you get your phone bill, you'll often be charged
more than $24,100.00.


The 809 area code is located in the British Virgin Islands (The
The charges afterwards can become a real nightmare. That'! s because you
did actually make the call. If you complain, both your local phone
company and your long distance carrier will not want to get involved and
will most likely tell you that they are simply providing the billing for
the foreign company. You'll end up dealing with a foreign company that
argues they have done nothing wrong.

Please forward this entire message to your friends, family and
colleagues to help them become aware of this scam

Sandi Van Handel
AT&T Field Service Manager

2006-10-24 04:49:00 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

yesterday they said they had caches of weapons in europe and were going to attack soon

2006-10-24 04:36:15 · 13 answers · asked by Bob M 1

Obama made a great speech at last Democrat convention in 2004 and became a media star. He is now being seen as potential President. IMHO, he is still raw and inexperienced. So far, we have seen a lot of hype and style and still has much to prove in terms of substance.
BTW, if you have not noticed, I am back after managing to stave off bankruptcy and avoiding sleeping on the streets ! If people like Dubya Bush and Obama can be President, I may considering running for President in 2008 also. If you support me, vote at TheErrandboy site :)

2006-10-24 04:18:11 · 10 answers · asked by TheErrandBoy 2

2006-10-24 03:14:44 · 31 answers · asked by artmartsmart 1

2006-10-24 03:06:18 · 15 answers · asked by michael b 5

im 14 and live i the uk. i want people to know that not all muslims resort to violence and kill innocent people. i want them to know that the muslims who do resort to violence should not represent our religion but i just dont know how to do this!

2006-10-24 03:01:25 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

Yes, you can get a monthly "Boob Bill", if you are so inclined.......
Every month, you can write a check out for your boobs.....
what a concept.....

2006-10-24 03:00:07 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

2 ex naval persons think that this is not allowed

2006-10-24 02:59:32 · 2 answers · asked by peter d 2

I think the answer is a resounding yes.
When you are young, being dumped on is a new thing, you are
supported by your folks, and the money isn't probably that great.
More so, you have no family to support.
As we get older, not only do we get more accustomed to putting
up with crap, but we progressively take on more responsibility.
Even if we are single, we have a rent or mortgage payment.
groceries, car payments, and insurance all add up.
Suddenly, we can't say "I QUIT" with the same relish as an
under-25 angry young chick or guy that still has that looseness
of life that lets them get away with it.
Suddenly, the 23-year-old sullen barista at Starbucks is 35,
with a family, a job she must keep to support the family, and,
if a single mother, must keep for her family to stay out of the
Salvation army thrift store and the shelter.
Suddenly, the 22-year-old "dude" at Jiffy Lube who quit in a huff
has three kids, and has to eat major s h i t from his union steward.

2006-10-24 02:39:18 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

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