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what would happen anyone can answer this question any religion

2006-08-10 06:11:46 · 15 answers · asked by meagain 1

Have you followed this case? I'd like to know how and where they were located and arrested. Were they carrying explosives? I heard on the news the plan was to get the explosives with them. How do we know? Were they caught in the act or just the Scotland Yard received such information but no hard evidence?

2006-08-10 06:10:17 · 3 answers · asked by cpinatsi 7

With all this greed, evil, violence, wars, terrorism, technology....
I feel like the world is a pot boiling over like a volcano!...
Does anyone think this is leading up to the End.?
The End that the Bible speaks of?
The tribulation & the Anti Christ, deciever of the world?
If so why.. what signs do you see?
God Bless & be with us all

I personally believe the end is near...I pray & hope it is!

2006-08-10 06:09:56 · 8 answers · asked by Joeysol'lady 3

Because of the media slamming it in our face nightly. Much like a child becomes desensitized to violence from cartoons and video games.

2006-08-10 06:09:35 · 5 answers · asked by Rebel Regan 2

The US should break off diplomatic and economic ties to this nest of vipers..

2006-08-10 06:09:08 · 17 answers · asked by Furibundus 6

Without a huge religious debate, I want to know what your views are. Do you think we are heading into a massive world war, and quite possibly bringing on the Apocalyps?

2006-08-10 05:59:14 · 8 answers · asked by Rebel Regan 2

except underwear or a bodysuit type thing? That means no shoes, socks, hand luggage and only the essentials like your passport and ticket. This would help to cut down on people being able to smuggle stuff on and make it safer too!

2006-08-10 05:53:53 · 18 answers · asked by Showaddywaddy 5

He has used the term terrorists before; why use a new term? Does this mean that there are "Christian fascists", "Jewish fascists" and "Buddhist fascists" too?

2006-08-10 05:45:05 · 24 answers · asked by Paul D 2

I wish they wouldn't use the term "British Nationals". They don't deserve it! These people probably don't even speak English! They are Pakistani Muslims (I thinik they said some might be Somalian as well) who live here - in "ghetto" like areas with lots of others of their own kind. They do not accept British culture, our way of life or anything about us. In fact they hate the West and Western people. Most of them only live here to take advantage of our benefit system, national health service and work opportunities which offers them a better standard of life than they'd get in Pakistan or Somalia.

They are just the same as the 7/7 bombers.

They are not native Britons. They are Islamofascists who have no allegiance to Britain. Sadly they have probably got British passports which means they get "categorised" as British even though they are basically foreigners who hate us and our country.

2006-08-10 05:44:21 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

Do you think something is going to happen to us with these new people trying to blow up those planes over in the UK? I'm kinda scared. Do you think that they will actually get through and over to the US?

2006-08-10 05:43:54 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

sounds like moslems are responsible for the plot to blow up more innocent people! Yes, I know! Not ALL muslims wish harm on Americans...blah, blah, blah....

2006-08-10 05:35:47 · 5 answers · asked by carolinagrl 4

What can we do to make these brain-washed fanatics see sense? That includes not just those young British Asians who plotted to blow up planes, but also the fanatic George Bush cult who goes around blowing up other countries, it includes the British army in Iraq... It includes all MURDERERS!

There's no point blaming religions or nations... maybe there needs to be a worldwide acceptance of each other. In my opinion, no one community is being anymore civil than the other. The West uses Bush and Blair's army, the Middle East uses suicide bombers.

What can we, the people affected by these cheap political gimicks, do to stop this nonsense?? How do we really bring a peaceful revolution? How do we educate these people not to be self-destructive?

PS: This question crosses the barriers of East vs West, who's more civilised, who's more right, etc. EVERYONE at war is wrong! So please say something constructive.. no need for fanatics' ignorance to be highlighted here

2006-08-10 05:35:13 · 26 answers · asked by conspicuous 5

2006-08-10 05:32:59 · 29 answers · asked by meagain 1

i dont understand how that could be dangerous?

2006-08-10 05:32:33 · 34 answers · asked by shakira 4

SPR, Strategic Petroleum Reserve, was set up in 1974 and funded by federal government as an insurance policy for major supply interruptions like the Arab Oil Embargo of 1974. The oil was imported cargo by cargo & placed in storage in salt caverns & salt domes in Texas near many major refineries for a rainy day. The US Dept of Energy (DOE) under Sam Bodman operates it. Portions of the oil in storage could easily be drawn down now & sold into the oil market forcing the world prices of oil to drop to more reasonable prices, lowering the ridiculous geopolitical speculator-driven prices of gasoline & electricity we are paying. The generated revenues from the SPR oil could pay off some of the costs of having the US military in IRAQ & help New Orleans & the rest of the US Gulf Coast rebuild after being devastated by the Katrina& Rita Hurricanes in August 2005. Any SPR oil we draw down now, can be replaced later at lower costs when demand drops due to increased efficiencies & conservation.

2006-08-10 05:28:28 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

what do u think of the tried terrorist attack?its kinda scary but luckily it was stopped.looks like u can bring less on the plane now.tell me what u think of it.

2006-08-10 05:24:56 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

Then we would not only be safe from terrorism but all those whingers who love the queen plus all the royal family and their hangers-on, plus tony blair and his clique would all leave for another country and everyone here could live in peace, love, harmony and happiness?

2006-08-10 05:20:21 · 29 answers · asked by neilcam2001 3

What do you think about the threats with the planes again today in the news? Why do they keep wanting to hurt us. I live in the UK and I must say I now to scared to go on a plane for the sake of my children's lives. Why, put us through this?

2006-08-10 05:16:36 · 15 answers · asked by Pinkflower 5

It is really sad we cannot take a vacation or return from a vacation because of all of these terrorist attacks especialy all of the things happening in Heathrow airport to protect people's livelyhood and the US from being blown to peices. What can we do to make this all go away?

2006-08-10 05:16:12 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

Planes leaving the UK and flying to the USA would have had a large proportion of passengers from both countries. Some British tourists etc flying to the States but also a lot of Americans returning home from European Holidays, business trips etc. Do you think the terrorists were trying to strike at Britain or at America - or both countries? I'd say both.

2006-08-10 05:13:14 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

I went to the back room where my grandma watches tv and I didn't even know what the world trade center was (i was 13). I saw the first plane crash, and then to my horror, the next, and then 2 more after that. I was really scared and didnt want my dad to go to work that day.

2006-08-10 05:11:12 · 21 answers · asked by pumpmar 2

Why do so many Muslim posters insist that 9/11 was an American set up, that Muslims never kill civillians, that this lastest foiled plot is a "set up by British police" etc etc.

Why can't they accept that these things have been indeed done by muslims.

You cannot possibly dispute that the Londond bombings on 7/7/05 were done by Muslims in a "jihad" against the West as the perpetrators are actually ON VIDEO bragging about what they are going to do and why they are doing it!! So that one cannot be disputed.

I find it offensive that these people still try to convince themselves and others that Muslims "couldn't have done it" - its also a little pathetic. It must be hard to have this sort of thing to face up to and maybe face that your religion is not what you thought it was but its a big insult to those who have died.

All this talk of "Zionist Conspiracy" is pure rubbish. Its just as bad as Nazis claiming the Holocaust never happened!!!

2006-08-10 05:10:07 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

Say one day u were horny and u really needed some badly and u just got home and found a guy laying on your bed with his dick out, and I mean he is everything you look for in a guy, sexy body pretty eyes pretty teeth everything what would you do in tis situation?

2006-08-10 05:06:13 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

LONDON - British authorities said Thursday they thwarted a terrorist plot to simultaneously blow up several aircraft heading to the United States using explosives smuggled in carry-on luggage. Security was raised to its highest level in Britain, and carry-on bags were banned on all flights. Huge crowds backed up at London's Heathrow airport as officials searching for explosives barred nearly every form of liquid outside of baby formula. All the flights were headed to Washington, NY and LA .... UA, AA, Continental flights

and my daughter is in LA .. due to fly home saturday! this is giong to suck having to wait to get a pass to pick her up (she's nine) and vise verse. her dad is so irresponsible he'll have her there late! i know it. !!! maybe it would be better for him to drive her home.


2006-08-10 05:05:06 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

There was a terrorist alert today, in which MI5 raised its security level and massive checking were carried out at different airports across UK and there was also long delay of flights and London Heathrow airport was shut down for incoming flights for several hours.

2006-08-10 05:00:41 · 4 answers · asked by ZxssxZ 5

it was a very brief statement.

2006-08-10 05:00:00 · 6 answers · asked by malak 4

Its all chaos at most airports,cos of the b*stard terrorists

2006-08-10 04:58:05 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

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