They are saying now that it's the insurgents causing the war, because they are fighting back against foreign forces who waged war against them for no reason.
They are saying it's to retaliate for 911...Hello??? Rumsfeld and their PNAC organization had been lobbying to invade Iraq WAY before 911 (see their letter to Clinton on their website .. read also their document "Rebuilding America's Defenses, " this is where they said, one year BEFORE 911, that a "New Pearl Harbor" would help speed up their scary military police state agenda.
911 is a fraud, a terrorist act committed by BushCo against his own people, profiting only Cheney's outfit Haliburton and their ilk, and it is a FACT that using 911 to wage illegal wars has multiplied terrorism and anti-Americanism, not to mention bankrupt the USA, and break laws meant to protect the people from abuses of power. Bush sent troops there fraudulently to kill and to die,do not blame Americans who object to this
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