I don't understand it. Women take advantage of it because they can. Why?? I know a girl who had 3 because she could and it was free. She would not use protection. If they dont want a baby then why wont they be responsible and use protection? If you know thats what you would do why wouldnt you get your tubes tied or use protection?? If your gonna get pregant , you need to stand up, be strong, have the baby, and do what ever you have to to provide for it. Be responsible and Deal with the consequences. Why would you want to destroy something you created? Especially a child. And women say, well its MY body, well be responsible about YOUR body. Unless its a case of incest or a severe medical condition I really dont undersstand. I dont understand because the moment I found out I was pregnant I fell in love with my son and he came first no matter what!!! I just dont understand.Honestly, what could be a good reason other than incest or a severe medical condition? Explain, yourself please!!!
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