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Women's Health - October 2006

[Selected]: All categories Health Women's Health

I am a professional procrastinator. Right now I'm procratinating about wheither I should stop thinking about procrastinating. I'm perplexed and confused. Is there medicine I can take for procrastination?

2006-10-17 15:26:22 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

My lips(face) began to turn dark a week ago.

2006-10-17 15:20:17 · 5 answers · asked by eish 1

This is a pretty stupid question but here goes --

My birth control pill pack says to keep it away from moisture..so let's say I had my pack in a pocket of my purse (zipped close) and it was raining outside...is this considered moisture? It's not like my pill pack got wet but I'm afraid it still got exposed to this rain moisture...would it affect it..?

2006-10-17 15:15:52 · 11 answers · asked by surfandsand10 1

it wakes me up at nite while i'm sleeping. need to know what to use on the knees for the pain?

2006-10-17 14:57:19 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

What is a way to make hair grow faster? I recently cut my hair short and now I hate it! I wish it was long again... I know time helps, but is there anything to speed up the process??

2006-10-17 14:51:42 · 9 answers · asked by newf_chick_1987 2

My husband and i want to concieve next month but we are a biit worried that thingds may not go accordingly. I have smoked for approx 8 yrs, inc. marjuana every day! I havn't smoked now for the past two days and am feeling great and plan to keep it up. But im worried that the pot will make it difficult for me to get preganent! Has any one else been in similar situation or know of some1? Or perhaps you just know anyway??!!

2006-10-17 14:50:50 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am 13, and about one year ago i started to get real lightheaded. So i went to a ENT and he said that i have TMJ. So then my mom found me a dentist that could make me a splint, he did in march, than in april i got a CT and everything was ok with it, so i am still dizzy, i went back to my ENT, snd in 3 days i am going to Chrildens Healthcare of Atlanta (i live in atlanta) and i am going to get an MRI with contrast. i am so confused i am so scared that i have cancer or something like that. Can someone please pray for me?????? i would appericate it!!!! Thankls,


2006-10-17 14:47:38 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

I havent had a period in 10 months because of being on the depo shot last october it stopped it (already been to the dr)...well lately ive been really grouchy bad...and i thought i ovulated because on one side a few weeks ago i had this little twinge, This week is like he ll tho im grouchy everything smells bad to me. and my back hurts and im kinda crampy. I had started the pills back but i had skipped a few and i wasnt really taking them lik ei was supposed to..i quit taking them completely about 3 weeks ago which i wasnt taking them like i was suppposed to anyways....do you think i could maybe be getting my period? i took a test mid day on the 11th and it was a negative....im thinking about taking another one but im just not sure if its a waste of money or not? give me some answers if you can....

2006-10-17 14:34:31 · 5 answers · asked by cutenwild1769 5

My girlfriend keeps waking up and cannot get a sound night's sleep. Her hot flashes are keeping her from getting needed rest and she is exhausted during her working day. Any suggestions??? Thanks. :)

2006-10-17 14:25:37 · 9 answers · asked by navigate100 2

does anyone know whats that callen wen a gurl thinks she pregg but she not but she has some eymtoms but not all and she keeps thinking she preg but she not there a word4 that idk if is a desease or what

2006-10-17 14:20:55 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have had frequent uti's and even though I don't have a urinary tract infection when I do a urine test at my dr. nearly every few days on average I have frequency and burning AFTER I pee and it feels like I still have to go but I just emptied my bladder. Could I have an over active bladder? The burning is extremely annoying and really wearing me thin. Please help has anyone else experienced this if so what was wrong or did anything help?

2006-10-17 14:20:48 · 15 answers · asked by TennesseeGirl 2

This is a serious question! I get really hot in the week or so before my period starts, and I do strange things like want to get on my boyfriend or stare at other girls' boobs (I'm not lesbo-- girls do this, trust me)... What do I do to release this without having sex or looking at porn or touching myself or others!? I'm serious... I know it may sound like a hilarious, stupid question, but this is a serious concern-- I would like a clean solution to this dirty problem. Thanks!

2006-10-17 14:18:37 · 15 answers · asked by reba 1

I sleep about 12-15 hours when I get the chance....is that bad???Or is it normal???

2006-10-17 14:15:25 · 8 answers · asked by Lia 2

I'm not a stalker or anything but when i do meet a really hot girl i pretend to like her a lot and call her "beautiful" and stuff like that... now most girls are turned off by this but when i stop they seem to sort of chase me after. So how would u feel if a guy said all these nice things to you and you thought he really liked you but later u found out that he was saying that to almost every girl he meets? and why do girls get relaly antsy when i start touching their hair in the first 10 seconds of meeting them but its okay after a while?

2006-10-17 14:08:53 · 3 answers · asked by private0909 1

It seems like no matter what I do I cant seem to put on any weight. I'm about 5' (short, I know!) and 93 pounds! I hate it so much! What are some good ways to be more curvy? Thanks everyone for your help! =)

2006-10-17 14:00:06 · 11 answers · asked by Ashley B 2

I usually start my my period at the end of the month (around the 20s) I havent started it yet and its the 17. Even though in not suppose to start it for maybe a few more days, I feel like i havent had my period in a while. Im beginning to think that thats maybe because I started it earlier last month. could that have just been an irregular period? my boyfriend and i have had sex but we use a condom with spermicide everytime and check it carefully after, since im not on birth control. when i began to worry and took one of the preganancy tests that tells you 5 days before your missed period. i took like 3 of them and they were all negative. could i just be worrying too much or could i be pregnant?

2006-10-17 13:42:32 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

I just recently changed pills to Triphasil and since taking the first active pill I have been really bloated (up a dress size). I can not let go of the gas at work as I work in a small office. Does anyone know what will help (besides laxatives). It is really embarrassing.

2006-10-17 13:36:59 · 11 answers · asked by emy -j-d 1

I have had 3 vertical cut c-sections with the last one being 4 years ago. Now I am trying to lose weight and I want to know if it is possible to lose the fat in my lower abdominal, around the insicion, without having to have some kind of surgery.

2006-10-17 13:15:31 · 12 answers · asked by pookie 1

would she know for sure by now?
If a women who is 42 and had her tubes tied 17 years ago had sex in August and has had 3 normal periods since, pretty well know for sure that she is not pregnant?

Also she took a home test just to get me to leave her alone in september which was negative.

Is it safe to say this lady isnt going to have my baby?

Is it 100% positive that she didnt get pregnant?

2006-10-17 13:13:42 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

What kind of questions would you ask a rape victim in a sexual history/assessment? serious answers only.

2006-10-17 12:58:15 · 5 answers · asked by Kroo 1

There is a new screening method to replace Mammogram. What is it.

2006-10-17 12:56:43 · 6 answers · asked by twoyoutoo 1

I jus want to know.... if a girl is "open" and she stops having sex for about a year..will her vagina get "tight" again??

2006-10-17 12:54:10 · 6 answers · asked by Avanteche W 1

i want to loose weight through 10 day plan of starvation how do i make it sucessful and what precautions should i take during this 10 day plan

2006-10-17 12:50:06 · 12 answers · asked by Nikki 1

without a condom, only up to the 14th day after the first day of your period? (does that make sense?) Because that's when you can get pregnant, cause you're ovulating?

2006-10-17 12:39:10 · 13 answers · asked by candy- capped 5

2006-10-17 12:26:49 · 9 answers · asked by snowbunny 1

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