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Women's Health - September 2006

[Selected]: All categories Health Women's Health

I had my hysterectomy at 35, at 38 I believe I am starting into menopause, night sweats, sleeplessness, crankiness, some hot flashes during the day... has anyone else gone into menopause this soon while maintaining your ovaries?

2006-09-10 13:42:21 · 4 answers · asked by moejaymom 3

For anyone with a medical background... is this possible, and if so, how should it be treated?? Say a girl has a vaginal yeast infection, messes around with her partner, performs oral sex, and later notices symptoms of an oral yeast infection. Is this transfer possible, from the girl to the guy, and then from him to her through oral sex?

2006-09-10 13:41:43 · 11 answers · asked by nac chick 2

one of my breast is swollen and painful?
Please help me!!!!!!!!!

2006-09-10 13:40:34 · 3 answers · asked by punkprincesspebbles 2

well at first i thought that i was just shedding hair i always would loss hair when i would shower. but then i got a little spot on my temple then it got bigger and bigger now it just an ovel shap spot on my temple its been growing back but its white hair but i think an getting another spot a little higher then that one but its only one one side of my head. and i really dont know what to do am am stressing over this so bad. and am only 16.

2006-09-10 13:39:07 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

i havent had my period since january
i just have started
has anyone started then been off for a while then got it back???

2006-09-10 13:32:12 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous


im 2mnths pregnant and i have pains in my stomach ive been to the hostpital but htey said that nothings wrong what am i supose to do???

2006-09-10 13:31:21 · 6 answers · asked by bayb_gurl_1313 1


2006-09-10 13:27:52 · 13 answers · asked by kristin 1

I haven,t had a normal bowel movement in 9 days. I have lots of gas diarrehea. I done an enema and taken laxatives thinking I was blocked. The pain is almost as bad as labor until I fart or have a small amount of BM. What is wrong with me?

2006-09-10 13:27:24 · 6 answers · asked by karena 2

#1. Is 12 to young for birth control?
#2. do tampons everget stuck?
#3. is12 to young to waer tampons?
#4. what is a good way to stop period cramps?
#5. does anyone know any good ways to hide tampons at skool?
#6. how long does your period normally last?

(the reason i am asking these questions is bc i do not feel comfortable asking my mom and i know some of my questions are personal but i have female problemsand i want to know what YOU think about some of these things!)


2006-09-10 13:17:21 · 10 answers · asked by kristin 1

I was just on the Nuva ring for my first month, then i took it out as scheduled but no period, so on the day i was supposed to put the new one in, i took a pregnancy test--negative. and went ahead and put the new one in. well like two hours later i kinda started my period but not really.. u know what i mean and then it stopped for a day adn then came back and its been really light but bad bad bad cramps and i finally had to wear a tampon with the nuva ring and i take it out to clean it daily. i know this is gross but its been like 4-5 days now i think and it just doesn't seem right. its not even like a REAL period. its like a half-*** period but still enough to annoy me and keep me from having sex so i'm really sick of it. QUESTION: IS ANY OF THIS NORMAL FOR NUVA RING USERS?

2006-09-10 13:07:27 · 3 answers · asked by the1princessh 3

i been wanting a boob job since the age of 15 im now 18 and dont know to go about it i want then to be made smaller please advice me in what to do xx

2006-09-10 13:04:48 · 8 answers · asked by Bipolar-Bird88 3

ok i use tampons and my gynoe said my uterus lining was to thick so she put me on hormones and said that my next period would be very clotty do the clot come out when you use tampons?
or will it just stay in there?

2006-09-10 12:59:12 · 10 answers · asked by kristin 1

I've never bled after sex before but I have been on the pill for a couple of years now. Also, my partner has a Prince Albert piercing on his penis and I don't know if that could be related to the problem either. It's almost like spot bleeding; it's a discharge but it's not red and it only lasts for about a day.

2006-09-10 12:58:54 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

I dont know when i should have sex and if i will get pregnant. and i dont know how I should either... Im 18 and I havent before...and I really want to with my boyfriend...I have been going out with him for 7 months now...

2006-09-10 12:58:14 · 20 answers · asked by imjustme 2

My husband is in the military, and he's currently in training a few states away. I'm supposed to see him this upcoming weekend, and I just got my period!!! ICK!!! I need to know how I can get rid of it by this weekend so that my husband and I can, uhm, reunite properly...lol. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2006-09-10 12:55:50 · 11 answers · asked by sashermer 1

2006-09-10 12:47:04 · 8 answers · asked by donna s 1

im having problems with my body laddies!..it feels like im cramping all the time..i get sick and feel like using the bathroom or throwing up!..my breast are soo sore!..and i have 2 weeks b4 my period! so i kno that's not the issue..help me!!!!.. thanks laddies!!

2006-09-10 12:40:42 · 7 answers · asked by sexii 3

Malaise prevails despite more healthy than not. Do not have a major illness, but challenged only by depression, migraines, body pain for 25 years.

2006-09-10 12:29:13 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-09-10 12:11:32 · 3 answers · asked by whildchild318 1

The Guinness book has a record for the worlds tallest man, the worlds tallest woman and the tallest man in Britain but nothing about the tallest woman in Britain. Why is this?
Does anyone know who she is and how tall?

2006-09-10 12:07:02 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

Here is the deal. I work as a bursar for a college. Im in my late 30's. I am married. There are about 3 college age girls (20 - 22) that individually stop me and talk to me. Each smile all the time and if they are with a college age guy, they totally ignore the guy and talk with me. I thought I was seeing things, but it happens several times a week. Last week I found out that the three of them knew each other. They are in the same sorority or something. They are very friendly and touch little things on me like my ties, tie pin, lapel pins. etc. Two of them smile A LOT all the time at me and whenever they see me they run over and have a conversation. I smile and stuff too, but just to be polite. Are these girls hittin on me? They know I am married, but it seems like they are flirting in a way. What can all this mean? I am avoiding them becuase they look more and more aggressive as time goes by. I'm flattered I think, but whats going on?

2006-09-10 12:02:09 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

How bad was the pain? How bad is the scar? Are they "perky" afterwards?

2006-09-10 11:55:27 · 3 answers · asked by nimo22 6

it seems like every girl is geting raped. what is the % of girls before 18 who got raped?

this is scaring me

2006-09-10 11:48:37 · 2 answers · asked by blah 2

i need one for spanish class. i was thinking margarita or chalupa (i recently went to taco bell) but i dunno.. thankss

2006-09-10 11:45:45 · 9 answers · asked by Mrs. Shia LaBeouf 2

its so weird, i eat a normal sized meal and next thing u know im starving, my stomach is growling and i feel empty, is this normal, what to do in these situations ?

2006-09-10 11:43:42 · 4 answers · asked by sourgirl 3

GIRLS ONLY. NO BOYS ALLOWED. Guys need not answer.
Is this possible? If so, how?
And I mean without the use of any toys.

2006-09-10 11:38:48 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

Do you get TMS when you masturbate on your stomach? Because that is what i heard and i masterbate on my stomach! PLEASE HELP FAST!

2006-09-10 11:37:07 · 11 answers · asked by Katie 1

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