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[Selected]: All categories Health Diseases & Conditions Cancer

I have many lumps and bumps and some hurt and some do not and I am not sure if I should worry about future cancer or not. my sisiter (has breast cancer) said this is how she started. i have been diagnosed with benign fibromyalgia breast cysts and tumor. should I worry? is this a pre cancerous issue or am i over reacting because i have had many famly deaths with this disease......--->?????

2007-05-26 16:18:27 · 4 answers · asked by catpat 3

I would like to see how it is given through a port.

2007-05-26 16:07:54 · 5 answers · asked by smiley 3

i found some of that too

2007-05-26 14:34:41 · 9 answers · asked by david.bbc_gf 1

2007-05-26 14:33:12 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

how can she deffinately tell..
and ...can u get breast cancer at any age?

2007-05-26 11:05:30 · 12 answers · asked by Dee 1

my grandma died of it a few years back and im guessing it could be hereditary. im seeing some weird things with my body :

- i've been bruising very easilly lately. i skate weekly and this time i awoken with bad bruises and been getting bruises out of nowhere last week.

-last night i woke up and my neck was sweaty. i read through stuff today and sw that swaeting alot is a sign but not sure

-just today i have this weird circle thing on my hand and its red and it bulges up a bit. like a pencil earser size

im not sure if those are symptoms or sign or what
i plann on getting checked this tuesday and i just want to make sure im not making a big deal out of this =// so if you have any info or suggestions on cancer please just tell. thanks<3

2007-05-26 09:04:53 · 5 answers · asked by Shirley R. 2

I lost my dad in January. He was on home hospice and was on morphine due to pain in his spine (where the tumor metastasized).

Do you feel your parent is watching over you? My dad said he would watch over me. Sometimes I feel like he is, but I'm not sure if it's just wishful thinking.

What was the last thing they said to you?

2007-05-26 07:48:07 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

diagonised at 63 with lung cancer - acute..
included loss of weight and anaemia.
Scans in July 2006 and October 2006 show cancer - re-staging despite treatment with Chemo.
Was a smoker - but gave up approx 15yrs ago.. Also used to work with asbestos
In October 2006 - as shown in July 2006, there is asbestos related pleural disease in both lungs.
They are tumors in Right upper lobe, Retrocaval pretracheal node and left upper lobe - measuring a total of 12.1cm (this was in July 2006. In October 2006 they measured 13.3cm.. with the left upper lobe increasing from 3.7cm to 5cm

Also indication of small left pleural effusion that increased in size.

Difficultly in breathing as well as retaining of fluid in left lung according early 2007. Recent drainage took 800ml (feb 2007) and April 2007 was 450ml.

Can anyone assist in understanding of this condition - what outcome will be??

2007-05-25 22:10:42 · 4 answers · asked by wantinganswer 2

Oral Cancer?
Throat Cancer?
Lung Cancer?

2007-05-25 20:08:05 · 21 answers · asked by LS 4

My brother was talking to me about how scientists found this drug that killed cancer cells in rats but they don't want to use on humans.. know why???
They said that the drug is really cheap and they wouldn't be making any money. Thousands of people are now gonna die cuz they aren't making money?? What has this world come to???????

2007-05-25 13:27:53 · 5 answers · asked by Dancychikchik 3

I want your expieriences involving this disease, thank you

2007-05-25 11:13:50 · 1 answers · asked by bradfanizzle 2

2007-05-25 09:57:00 · 1 answers · asked by bradfanizzle 2

I'm a little freaked out because its not healing right away and I had thyroid cancer -- which puts me at a higher risk for all cancers, especially of the head and neck...
(Prayers appreciated, by the way)

2007-05-25 08:48:13 · 8 answers · asked by Lisa the Pooh 7

Is it ok to give transfusion of: White or Red Blood Cells or/and Platelets to a Non-Jehovah's Witness family member with leukemia?

2007-05-25 05:20:37 · 11 answers · asked by Mike B 1

My liver enzymes have been consistantly elevated. I worry I may have something serious like liver cancer. Some info would be great.

2007-05-25 04:55:49 · 10 answers · asked by Miguel R 1

he couldn't even take medicine. He is given some pain medincie with nausea medicine by suposatory. It will be a week on Saturday. Hospice is coming during the week.

2007-05-25 04:51:27 · 9 answers · asked by Diane H 1

my mouth is starting to feel 'dull'. It's as if I have no real taste anymore. Also, I'm getting small sores like crazy wherever I scratch. Finally, I have an AWFUL rash on my neck that I think was caused by a reaction to a necklace I got as a gift the day before I started the chemo and wore. Even though I've never been allergic to any metal, this made my neck red and itchy and now it's a mess. A huge rash.

All that being said, what are the top three foods I should be eating during chemo to keep my skin healthy and my energy up? If you have any advice on the rash or sores, I'd to hear about that as well.


Also, I'm on day 10 since my last (and first) treatment and I am on an AC therapy of chemo. When will my hair start falling out and how long will it take for it all fall out? (I know this is different for different people, but I'm just curious to other peoples thoughts)

2007-05-25 04:37:41 · 11 answers · asked by kathylouisehall 4

I have been having this lump for the past three months and it still refuse to go. I took two sachets of Ampiclox but still it was there. Can somebody respond, please?

2007-05-24 22:49:00 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

Or is it an address collection scheme?

2007-05-24 12:55:41 · 3 answers · asked by thinkingtime 7

2007-05-24 12:41:23 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

My TSH results were 4.70 and the ref. range is 0.44-4.37. What exactly does this mean if it is in the" ORH-Reference range high?" How does it affect you if it is too high

2007-05-24 10:22:43 · 3 answers · asked by J.J. 1

2007-05-24 05:02:51 · 10 answers · asked by Josky 2

Dr.M.D.Ravi Master, Brahmadharmalayam can cure chronic deseases through alternative medicine? Is it possible?

2007-05-23 22:39:10 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-05-23 22:13:44 · 6 answers · asked by ira a 4

He often talks about their is cures for "everything" one in particular that he mentions is herpes and breast cancer. We see in commercials that their is no cure for herpes and he mentions that their is. Sam about breast cancer and diabetes. Is their really cures.

2007-05-23 21:53:17 · 7 answers · asked by EsPaMeX 1

I was reading a magazine the other day and I read that oral sex can cause throat cancer because of the HPV virus. Then on the radio today my husband heard the same thing.

2007-05-23 15:50:01 · 7 answers · asked by ? 1

My uncle has been diagnosed with Carcimona and its spread to his lymph nodes in his chest and its also in his lung and colon the doc gave us 4-6 months with treatment are there any clinics near nc?

2007-05-23 14:27:13 · 7 answers · asked by Un-Happy Gilmore 4

B-17 is a vitamin found in many sources of food, including some nuts, and fruit pits. So what made the America come to the conclusion that we should'nt be allowed to use b-17, i mean we can smoke ciggerettes.

2007-05-23 11:52:58 · 26 answers · asked by Joose 1

My boss just found out she had cancer in her bum. It is at the base of the anus and she is going to have a piece of it cut out next week. How am i supposed to comfort her? Does anyone have any experience with some like this? This woman has been such a role model and gide for me, I am really concerned.

2007-05-23 11:41:40 · 5 answers · asked by artist9120 4

My art teacher was telling me there is something in diet sodas that cause cancer. He also said there is something in tomatoes that help prevent the cancer. He's a great guy, but I really need to find out if it's true because I'm always drinking diet pepsi. Anyone know for sure? Sure answers, not guesses, are appreciated. Thank you.

2007-05-23 10:46:27 · 5 answers · asked by beth 2

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