yesterday i was making out with this guy that has liked me for awile, we were high, so i was making all the 1st moves, we made out sooo much, and i was on top of him, and my friend said i were practically doing eachother with cloths on.
he really liked me, and thought i was beautiful and made that aware to me, he even said he loved me.
his friend said that wen they were walking home last night after we made out, he was sooo happy, and he kept tellin his friend that i was a really good kisser, he really likes me, and that i am soo beautiful.....
2day it was awkward talkin to him on the phone,
what do u think he thinks of me now? could his feelings have changed? has he lost respect for me? is he over me?
HELP!!!!! mature answers please, thank you.
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cus i forgot my name...?