OK i met this guy in college.I'm sorta starting to get into him.He's very much into me.This I know b/c of what he tells people about me.The only thing is, I don't know whether to pursue a serious relationship.In my heart, I want to, but I know my family will disapprove of his appearance,his personality, or his habits. Anything about him really.He's about 5'5 and weighs about 125. He's very pale and always wears really big, baggy sweatshirts, and pants.He has long stringy black hair, tattoos, and a tounge ring.He's from Chicago, both parents are lawers, and he really flaunts his parents' money and the things (expensive clothes, flashy cars,etc.) that he buys with it.He also smokes and drinks extensively. Ladies, what would you say to your friend if she was dating someone like this, and moms, what would u think if your daughters came home with him on their arms?I appreciate any comments/advice.I want advice from either angle, as a parent or a peer, even if it is negative advice.Thanks
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