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Singles & Dating - 21 February 2007

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

When you turn a guy down, then reconsider, how do you bring this fact up with him?
Friday night, my crush indicated to me that I excited him "started a fire" in his pants. I told him "I want to drop this subject!" But I really don't want to drop it. I just didn't know how to respond. So we dropped it. Monday, I thought he was ignoring me. I knew he had been sick over the weekend. So I approached him from the point of view of "I hope you're feeling better now." He talked to me okay then. But because he said he didn't feel like himself yet, I didn't bring up Friday night. So when I see him Wednesday or Thursday, what should I say? I need to know if I have that effect on him all the time? And I want to see where he sees us heading. But I don't know speak my feelings very well. I get flustered. And I'm am a grown woman so I can't use the "I'm in the 9th grade" excuse! What would you do in my situation. I am definately interested in him. I'm just lousy with guys. But this one is terrific.

2007-02-21 16:26:14 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

Just hit a bit of a low period... thought I would turn to Yahoo for a bit of a pick me up.. that is all.

2007-02-21 16:26:13 · 10 answers · asked by 21 Year Old 1

likely to attract sharks?

2007-02-21 16:24:51 · 7 answers · asked by Saddam 1

a family friend seems to have got her self into trouble. the lady is mentally retarded and lives in a Semi-independent living apartment complex. She called a chat line advertised on television. She met a guy that is bad news. He claims to be a 40 year college graduate from a good college. He speaks very proper and seems (somewhat) intellegent He has only talked to her on the phone for a couple of weeks but calls 10+ times a day. He masturbates on the phone when talking to her.He claims to be in love with her and only whats to help her. I have heard some of the messages he has left her. He says I love you, I love you with all my heart sweetie, but if she doesn't call back he leaves messages calling her a dirty c*nt and b**ch. She told him to leave her alone and not to call again. I told him to leave her alone and not to call again. Her mother told him the same thing. The guy calls back still. Since he has not broken any laws the police will not do anything. Any advice

2007-02-21 16:21:09 · 2 answers · asked by Sarah G 1

we ended the relationship back in November, 3 months ago, and my ex and i haven't spoken a word ever since. This past sunday morning she sent me an email saying "hi---how have you been" i replied following day saying "Hello---i am doing well---thank you for asking---how have you been?" she replies back in few hours and says that she is doing good, working hard and she is glad she didn't had to work today (because of Presidents day) ends it with a smiley face...and concludes it, have a good day. I didn't replied to that yet. Should i reply back to her? this is the first time i heard from her in 3 months, i don't know what she is thinking or what her deal is, and don't want to ask her right away and at the same time i don't want to look like i miss her or something by replying to the message too quickly. i don't know, does it make any sense? thank you for your input ahead of time

2007-02-21 16:18:19 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

heres some things he does when im around:
1)he looks alot but when i look at him he looks away
2)his friends nudge him when im around
3)sometimes when i catch him looking i kind of hold the stare and he looks right back at me
4)sometimes he completly ignores me
oh and did i mention he has had a gf before and has yet to ask me out
does it even sound like he likes me???what should i do i need all the advice i can get....HELP!!!

2007-02-21 16:13:55 · 11 answers · asked by prettyinpearls922 1

I'm a nice looking professional & spiritual man. I wanted to wait until marriage but not sure if I can. What does it mean you? Should I wait? I have not found 'the one' yet.

2007-02-21 16:13:30 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

My gf stopped at my apt and listened to my conversation with roommates from outside the front door. she told me the next day about this and let me think about it for a few hours, then she told me she really didn't. She says she told me that just to see what my reaction was to make sure my conversation with my roommates was not inappropriate. You see, previous to this, I did indeed meet a girl for coffee- a girl that I met on myspace.com. When I first met her on myspace, my gf and I were in a fight. After my gf and I made up, I did continue to email the girl and then met her for coffee as friends without my gf knowing, my gf was out of town at the time. She found out about that anyways, and this has caused some lack of trust in our relationship, and that’s my fault, I admit. To get to the point, what I am wondering is, do you think it is wrong for her to listen in on my conversation without me knowing, or even if she didn't, to say she did to see how I react to that?

2007-02-21 16:13:24 · 9 answers · asked by monkeyness 2

I have recently met a man 11 years my junior, he is 27 and I am 38. He is very sweet and we have so much in common. He claims he is tired of dating girls his age and really wants to settle down with someone and have a life. My problem is he's never been married, I was married for 14 years and I have two children, ages 7 and 9. About five years ago I faced a very life threatening situation, I had an operable tumor that left me unable to have any more children. While I adore this man, I feel so inadequate next to him. I feel like I need to let him go and let him find a woman his age who can give him what he wants. He may not want it now but eventually he may want to have chlidren and I don't want to be selfish and steal those years away from him where he could be having children of his own. Am I wrong to feel this way? Should I let him go? He says he likes our age difference and the fact that I'm very calm and sure of myself, but will he always love it esp when we can't have kids

2007-02-21 16:13:11 · 12 answers · asked by ooolala 2

2007-02-21 16:12:00 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

My boyfriend & his sister are very close, i am very close to her. The 3 of us are best of friends. The problem is her boyfriend. She has rose colored glasses on w/ him & can't see the controling jerk that he is. OK fine, she's not stupid & will eventually figure it out.
The problem is until she does we feel it is neccesary to be somewhat nice to him - out of respect for her. But each day it gets harder - because now not only does he try to control her - he tries to control us. When we try to explain to her how we feel she gets very defensive. We don't want to hurt her but how much are we supposed to take? My boyfriend just avoids him & since they are in a different town that is easy to do. But i live in the same town. And i am really begining to HATE her boyfriend. He seems to think since i am in the same town that we should be best buddies as well. When in fact i've got to the point that i detest him. Any suggestions no how to deal w/ this peacefully so no one is hurt.

2007-02-21 16:11:17 · 2 answers · asked by purple dove 5

I am talking to this guy that I have known since high school. We met over my break and did a lot of catching up that turn into a mutual attraction. He mentioned that he had done some things in his past that he is not proud of but not the whole story. It was not until last night that he told me the full story. He was put in jail twice and both times it was due to pyschotic ex girlfriend. I've never been the type to date this kind of guy but he is really sweet to me. Neither time was it his fault but I am just not sure how my parents would view him and if he has shaken old habits like he says. I am only 21 but I am looking long term and he can't really be who he wants to because of this incident on his record. Should I give him the benefit of the doubt or should I tell him that his criminal record has made me second guess?

2007-02-21 16:10:25 · 7 answers · asked by from_me_to_you 3

I really like this girl and I have known her my whole life. but we havent talked for a couple years cause we were in different schools for a lil bit. But i REALLY like her and cause of that i wont go out with another girl who wants me. So she recently broke up with her BF in January and when she walks home she goes the same way i do most of the way so i figured thats when i would get to talk to her more and maybe ask her out then eventualy in the spring. But i dont know what to do when she says yes...Like do i hug her or what?? And when were going out when should i kiss her like after how long?? I really like her she is really beautiful, smart and nice and all that and i really want this to work out. So if you have any advice PLEASE HELP! thank you.

2007-02-21 16:10:16 · 2 answers · asked by yankeefan706 1

Alright... I am really confuzed here. So I gave this one girl some stuff for V-Day.. but did not think that she liked me... so I tried to not get into her much, and it worked out pritty well. Then, last week, I went to a dance and met this other girl girl. I really wanted to get to know her better (and still do...). Some of my friends know her, so we were going to all get together and just have some fun, and then maby i'd be able to talk with her and all. So then, this week, the girl I gave V-Day stuff to gave me a thank you card, and suggested that we should go to the movies...
~~~Some of my friends said I should still talk to the first girl, and then get to know the other one a little later... then maby see what happens from there. Is this a good idea? Any other suggestions on what else I should do...? =|

2007-02-21 16:09:30 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

this a direct quote "you are nice and kind and you can make me laugh and you always listen to me when i have a bad day and you are easy to talk to. "

i really didnt think i was any of those. . . . i try to be nice, but i never thought that i was that nice.

another quote is "i love you"

wouldnt that make your whole day---it did for me!

2007-02-21 16:08:46 · 8 answers · asked by SwordDancer 5

I personally think that men are always looking for the next big thing. They are always lusting after other women......no matter how good of a woman they have. What do you think?

2007-02-21 16:08:17 · 16 answers · asked by Calebs Mom 3

me and my bf have been together about 7or8 mths. the past 2 mths he found out i made out with another guy the first month we were together things started going downhill very fast we stopped seeing eachother as much he was rude 2 me all the time said that i broke his heart and never let me live it down. this past month we have broken up and gotten back2gether over 7 times&appearantly imbetween those times he has had sex with his ex gf that came into town again this month and he told me he still has feelings for her but that i could trust him talking to her and hanging out with her. I heard he was trying to hook up w/her again from his friend and just recently the past few wks he did.He told me he was confused & that he needed to be single for a while and that i should wait for him and that he still loves me mre than any girl we werent supposed to hook up with other ppl but he did and i found out. I told him 2 make up his mind within the next few dys & 2 call me,whats he thinking Wht2do?

2007-02-21 16:08:08 · 7 answers · asked by myheart2btornapart 1

So I really like this one girl and today she told my friend something about me staring at her, but then she asked if I stare at other girls like that. We talk sometimes but not all the time, also she tends to just look over at me whenever i'm near her. so i just want peoples opinion on it.

2007-02-21 16:07:20 · 4 answers · asked by Pirate84 1

I am half Greek half English and she is a quarter Lebanese and 3 quarters Italian.
I do not want to be a traitor

2007-02-21 16:06:21 · 7 answers · asked by whitepwr 1

Can anybody give me advice on how to help him get better at it.

2007-02-21 16:05:50 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

him!! he's sooooooo much hotter in person!! who else thinks he's hot!?!?! haha sorry i know this isn't really a question.. but he's been like my celeb crush for so long and i'm really excitedd =]

how hot is this pic!

2007-02-21 16:04:25 · 8 answers · asked by the names lauren =] 1

Either on match or myspace, these men contact you starting out telling what a 'vision' and 'angel' you look like, how "it is fate" that they saw your pic. They all say they're widowed, have one child, usually a daughter, and are traveling usually in South Africa and 'will be home soon.' Then at the end of the message, they want you to IM them on yahoo. They never want to keep talking to you through the dating site or myspace. Can anyone figure out what kind of scam it is? I'm sure you might have guesses but does anyone know? I am guessing they are foreigners who want to hook up with American women or foreign hackers that want to get in your computer? They all can't spell. They start sentences with small letters and don't double space after a sentence period. Like this: "i am loving your face.i can't beleeve i saw you luvley vision" (They misspell also.) The messages are all the same but with different profiles.

2007-02-21 16:03:15 · 7 answers · asked by Ann 1

Guys, have you ever taken a fat girl out on a pity date? Why did you do it? Have you ever approched a girl (no matter the size) thinking she would agree to go out with you (or do other things with you...not necessarily sex) because you thought she would be desperate to be with someone?

2007-02-21 16:01:49 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

Ok tell me if you think this is a cool idea or not. Lots of places have a speed dating service, where you pay a fee and meet at a restauraunt or somewhere and in the course of an evening talk to like 15 differant people and hten decide if you want to see them again. Ok...well what if you did that but with an added twist. Hire a hypnotist to hypnotize all the particiapants. You get there like early and they hypnotist puts all the participants into a deep hypnotic trance. Then he brings the guys out of it and leaves the girls in a trance. The guys do the rotating date thing and ask the hypnotized girls questions they must respond to truthfully and then after they finish the guys are put back out and the girls ask the guys. What do you think?

2007-02-21 16:01:09 · 4 answers · asked by constantinejohnson23 1


why do people do it ? are they not happy with the people they are with ?. i know this one guy and he has been cheating on his girlfriend for over 3 years i guess. but i just want to know why? he said i love her but i dont know if she is "the one"

2007-02-21 16:00:20 · 11 answers · asked by jen 2

ok well
i have had gfs and stuff but
i get sorta nervous around girls and say stupid ****
and then in the long run i look like a fool
how do i talk to a girl one on one?
what to say ?

2007-02-21 15:59:45 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

I love woman like you

2007-02-21 15:58:48 · 4 answers · asked by Blake B 1

If god or your higher power (whatever the heck you people beleive in) got tired of running stuff and appointed you the new master of all. What would you change here on earth, if anything?

2007-02-21 15:58:47 · 6 answers · asked by krissy 5

I really do love her but am not sure she feels the same way. We have been going out for four years now. Recently she has gotten where she won't kiss me; she always makes a reason like she just ate, cold sore, etc. She will not say she loves me, but when I ask her she says yes. When we are intimate, it is always about her. It is never about what I want. As long as she gets hers she could care less about me. I also have a 9 year old son and she will never come around when I have him. When we are together it's more like I'm with a friend than a lover. I had her favorite flowers delivered to her and all I got from her was a text saying thank you. Nothing more. Should I cut my losses and move on?

2007-02-21 15:57:28 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

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