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Singles & Dating - 19 January 2007

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

It's a case of two students of differnet schools. I am Surabhi I love Piyush it's not attraction it's real love. He also loves me but we are not able to speak to speak up. We had relationship before but it was broken because of some small mis-understandings. We both are student of 10th standard. We both live in Delhi. We know each other very well as we study in same coaching centre. His mother also likes me. She knows that we both love each other but whenever I talk about this to her she says "dear it depends upon him i just can't force him for anything".

2007-01-19 20:46:28 · 25 answers · asked by Surabhi Verma 1

she had an infatuation towards me.But i dint understand and i had only friendship.but later on when i started loving her(like anything) after one year of thick relation, she had already got another guy.But i couldnt get her out of my mind.believe me.after another year we broke our friendship on some probs.then started relation with another girl.
but still i cant get her out of her mind.so i called her and told sorry and everything is fine now.But now i want to to flirt with her atleast.just cant sit without talking to her.pls suggest a way to to start flirting with her.will she enjoy it.with her thoughtrs i cant concentrate on anything

2007-01-19 20:42:05 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-01-19 20:41:05 · 1 answers · asked by peeps you 4

Will she ever switch? I have been doing her housework for her, buying her outfits, cooking her dinner for the last 9 months but so far she only lets me kiss her below her ankles. Her girlfriend thinks its really funny but I just can't stop loving her. Is there anything else I should do for her so that she might accept me as something more?

2007-01-19 20:40:20 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

i go too college, theres alot of them but im very shy, im 19 years old do i still have enough time to find a single one, is there enought asian girl singles? please no onlinedating or singlemeeting website no negitive or smartass questions thank u ;)

2007-01-19 20:37:22 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

I would never cheat on her but I love it when she goes on dates and sleeps with other men. I help paint her toenails, buy her outfits to wear on her dates, give her some spending money etc. We both really love it. Is this some kind of fetish? Is so is there a name for it?

2007-01-19 20:36:56 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

She will allow me to perform the "cleaning duties" on them after she has finshed with her boyfriend. Does she want me to tidy the bed or what? I really like this girl but I don't know what she means

2007-01-19 20:35:28 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

Is it true that the longer you make them wait the longer they stay? That the more uninterested you appear to be,the more interested they'll become? WHY??

2007-01-19 20:28:05 · 9 answers · asked by Direktor 5

cheat on your wife and or how many men u know who cheat on their wife? There shd be no excuse but what is the reasoning for cheating? With whom do you cheat? where you find these women?

2007-01-19 20:26:33 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

PLEASE BE NICE!EVERYONE IS A JERK NOW A DAYS,DONT ADD TO THAT COUNT!Heres my question,this guy I love,I mean love,started flirting with me,and I think he wanted to be more than "Friends".Then he gets asked out,and he accepts. :( Well anyways,I still caught him looking at me even though he had a girlfriend,almost every day,but now,for about a month,I hardly ever catch him,which makes me feel as though he's over me.But one day,about a week ago,we had to do this playing test(playing scales on an instrument in front of the whole band) as individuals,and when I got done,people started clapping,but he was the only one who stood up and clapped.That day,out of like 35 people,he only stood up and clapped for 5 of us,2 guys,his girlfriend,his girlfriends best friend,and then me.I was seriously the odd ball out.I could see why he stood up if we were super close,but were not,we dont talk much anymore.What do you think?Is he over me

2007-01-19 20:25:52 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

Theres this guy,who I've liked for 3 years.We finally started flirting,but before either of us made a move,he got asked out.Anyways,um,he was in this bad car wreck where he almost died. :( I called and checked on him,and he was sorta out of it,so I asked if he wanted me to let him go,he said yea.I said bye,and he kept talking,saying "Thanks for calling and checking on me"and when I was about to say bye again he said "Call me again some time okay?"I said yea,but never did cuz I was afraid he was just being nice.Well,ever since then(his car wreck was on Dec.18.06)we havent really talked.I've only caught him looking at me twice since then I think.Today,I caught him looking at me,and when I looked back,he held my gaze,and I broke it off after like 2 seconds cuz I get freaked out just staring at him.He looked sorta mad while he was staring at me,but I didnt do anything to him,so I'm pretty sure he wasnt mad at me.Well,a week ago,we had to do this one thing as individuals,we couldnt do it as a group.Well he stood up for 4 people who you would expect him to stand up and cheer for,and then he stood up and cheered for me,which is weird cuz we havent talked at all hardly since his car wreck.I was the odd ball out of those 5 people,so I dont know what to think.And then last night,we had this band thing we had to go to,and out of no where,while he was going up the bleacher I was sitting on,he patted me on the back VERY LIGHTLY
and asked how I was,but he really didnt wait for me to answer him,he sorta just kept going up the bleachers.My sister said that its weird that he did that to me out of everyone else around,and she I think its weird because of how we dont talk anymore at all really.Does he still like me or not?

2007-01-19 20:24:44 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

Okay.. I caught my guy googling college cheerleaders pics online and finding their profiles to check them out..He never tried contacting them..It was purely for looking at but he did it excessively! We live together! Plus I see him checking out girls when we're out all of the time! It totally bothers me and I confronted him about the cheerleading thing and he doesn't do that anymore..But I want to know why? Does that make him a creep?? He's never cheated on me but I would like to know now if thats a sign that he probably would..Do all guys look at other girls? Or do guys that are seriously in love keep their eyes in check? And what do you propose I should do?

2007-01-19 20:23:58 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

if so what kind of shoes would you wear?
honest answers only please.

2007-01-19 20:23:55 · 7 answers · asked by Batson D. Belfrey 2

hello, im a 15 year old guy who is in love with a 14 year old girl and I have been in love with her for a long time now and I want us to be together as boyfreind and girlfreind. So I was wanting to know if its ok to ask a girl out like on a date just to see a movie or to get sumthin to eat...Then if she says yeh, should i tell her how I feel about her while on the date and see what she says and then if everything seems like its working out, should I ask her to be my girlfreind? Im also not sure how to ask her out on a date...Would this be ok?: Hey, I was just wondering If you're available 2night cause i wanted to know if u would like to see a movie or get a bite to eat or sumthin?

2007-01-19 20:20:45 · 6 answers · asked by Lee 1

There is a guy i like but i duno if he likes me.I'm not popular and not so beautifull either(judge for yourself on my profile).There is a popular girl who likes him and she is pretty.What do i do?Plz help

2007-01-19 20:19:42 · 6 answers · asked by Angel 2

I WAS getting married in march. My fiance broke up with me and the only "excuse" that he gave me was; (in his words) "That I don't deserve a man like him, he deserves better."And he say that he loves me but that he knows that someone better is "outside..."
He was very cruel to me. He even took my ring off! and he returned where he bought it!!!
(he told me!!) why in the world I will want to know that?)he broke up this month, a week after he ask my parents to marrie me.
I was devastated! he kept calling me and saying that he loves me, he wanted to have sex, I am a fool because I accepted to see him last week. Two days ago I decided to walk away and forget him, and he WANTED TO COME BACK WITH ME when I decided to not see him anymore, and today he don't want anything with me anymore.
He knows that I didn't do anything wrong in the relationship and that I love him so much.
I decided to go to Spain to study and forget him. I feel that my lovelife is over.

2007-01-19 20:19:41 · 15 answers · asked by shantabelly 1

By 3rd sex I mean a normal 3rd sex, not like a hermaphrodite or anything like that. It would have to be something that doesn't reduce to male or female.

2007-01-19 20:17:05 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-01-19 20:16:32 · 2 answers · asked by sandra . 1

I've been going out with this guy for about a year. I really liked him. He moved, and well i missed him so much. Now, he calls me everyday from where he is, and well I don't feel the same for him anymore, and we're on the phone talking about NOTHING! I get bored, but yet I still stay on the phone.Is this the ending of my relationship??

2007-01-19 20:11:58 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am wanting to go out with this girl. I think she likes but the problem is i am not the same race as her. She's white and i am an asain. My parents are my main concern. Any one got any thoughts??

2007-01-19 20:11:54 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

Well, him and I have known eachother for awhile.So Im kind of confused..He's changing right in front of my eyes! He cant be with me on the behalf of what Im doing is what he says but I think it's more than that....Then Im already going through a depression stage...(pregnancy)I also taake anger management (temper)So wut should I do... even though he's hurt me; I still want to be with him...Why?Im tooo old to be playing child games now I'm not too old but Im becoming an adult do I have to learn some time

2007-01-19 20:11:27 · 2 answers · asked by laylah ali 1

how should I make that day wonderful for him

2007-01-19 20:09:01 · 11 answers · asked by fancy 1

i had to move back in with my parents cause i couldnt make it on my own and i did this right after i graduate and i broke a promise to a girl and she doesnt trust me n e more and i care about her more than n e thing and i dont want to lose her and everything i say isnt workin i need help

2007-01-19 20:09:00 · 4 answers · asked by fattyslimjack 1

Ladies I need to know why some of you hate breads? Also the this girl i was with had me shave off all my facial hair. After that soo many ladies told me how better I.E. cute or handsome I looked without my facial hair I miss it!!!

2007-01-19 20:08:37 · 12 answers · asked by Vesdog! 3

Ok i'm on holidays up here at my dads place and I run into this girl that I like, and her mum (her mother is my mums friend and they where up here because in was a fimily thing) so I am talking to her mother and the girl that I like didn't know who I was. Now I think she likes me, becuase her sister told me and becuase I have been getting signs like smiles and she always looks at me and laughs around me. She could have forgotton who I was because she only sees me with my mum and I hadn't seen her for about 6 months after I told her who my mum was she remembered(her own mother even said how can you forgit him). But how could she forget me if she likes me? and what should I do?

Ps we don;t go to the same school and I hardly ever see her but she is really hot

2007-01-19 20:06:36 · 5 answers · asked by barnhawk2 1

What do you think is more asthetically pleasing: men's bodies or women's bodies? I mean, if you're having sex, is it more about how sexy you think the man's body is (within reason), or about how beautiful they make your body feel?

2007-01-19 20:03:17 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

im a waitress at a restaurant and you cant believe how many guys older married or with their gf that stare at me and some even give those dirty smiles right next to their gf or wife. Dont they care if their wife or gf notice ? Some have even flirted with me big time and i can tell their gf or wife get annoyed and mad bc theyre giving me or him an attitude. I didnt do anything wrong why r they getting at me?

2007-01-19 20:02:49 · 10 answers · asked by tragickingdom 1

k theres this guy i no, and he always looks at me.. (i can c thru the corner of my eye) but yeah, and he always pokes his tongue out at me, and jokingly says,,, i love u.. blah blah and cals me honey and stuff. But wenever theres a hot girl somewhere he makes sure I hear him comment about her like when he tells me that 'that girls hot' he expects me to react or sumfin.. am i supposed to be jelous or somthing?? whats the deal ?

2007-01-19 20:01:14 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

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