This guy I know had given me one tutoring session, and he's always asking me if I would like to sign up for more, but I told him I was going through financail difficualty and couldn't so he offered me a follow up free sessions, he said he has that diecreation who he wants to give one too, so he seen me, and told me to call hm for the free follow up session, but I never did so he txt messaged me at night at 12:00 midnight asking me if I wanted to come in too see in for the tutoring session on tueday at 9 and I told him i let him know. but then he called me a few days later, out of the clear blue, but didn't leave a message, And I'm thinking didn't he tell me to let him know when I was available so why is he calling me?Can Anyone tell me what the deal is?Am I not communicating myself clearly enough?
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