I'd say to go with the guy that makes your heart smile everytime you think about him.
Decide which guy you know better and which one knows you better.
Whatever you do , don't forget to follow your heart.
2007-01-19 08:43:32
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
What makes the Hotentot so hot? Who put the ape in apricot? What does the hot guy got that the other does not? Your "hot" guy is obviously not interested. Perhaps he is merely amused by the fact that you like him. You should give the other guy a chance. Maybe once you get to know him better, your opinion will heat up.
2007-01-19 08:38:07
answer #2
answered by jhartmann21 4
Totally, like, for real, like totally, ummm, learn to speak English. Like. You write like you are 12.
Spend your, you know, free (cool) time studying and reading. Start with English and American classics like Conrad's "The Secret Sharer," "Treasure Island," "Pride and Prejudice," and Byron's love poetry. Even Edna Saint Vincent Millay's plays are quite lucid on the topics in which you are interested.
These geniuses have a LOT to say about love, decision-making, marriage, and human nature, in language that is intelligent and breath-takingly beautiful.
Worry about guys when you can communicate your needs and desires more succintly. (Look it up.)
2007-01-19 08:50:24
answer #3
answered by Lottie W 6
Well, I say give it a shot with the one that likes you. Plus, you don't know for sure if the "hot guy" likes you. I'm someone that likes only one person for a long time, then I finally find out if they like me or not. And I regret it because I liked someone for a really long time just to find that they don't even like me. So the whole time I could've been with someone else. Yeah. Just try the one that likes you, if you really like him. Don't use him.
Hope this helps
2007-01-19 08:36:19
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
If you are friends only with one, do not lead him on, no matter if the other guy is being aloof.
wait it out, don't be in such a hurry..
Do not play with someone's feelings, you will hurt them and look like a biotch.
If you are being ignored,and you said he is supposed to like you,. he is probably occupied with someone else. I would find out if you are wasting your time with this one.
2007-01-19 08:38:27
answer #5
answered by doclakewrite 7
It would be better to go with th e guy who loves you and plus you know him alot better! For all you know the hot guy could be a total *****!
2007-01-19 08:36:08
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
if you have to ask and you don't know the answer than neither.. if you don't like the first guy and you go with him a- you can hurt your friendship b- your just going to hurt him
next- the hott guy is ignoring you do you see a future with that guy? I mean your not dating and he is already ignoring you.
2007-01-19 08:35:34
answer #7
answered by Mikentab R 3
sounds like #2 thinks you and #1 are an item and isn't willing to ask you out. let him know you and #2 are just friends nothing more. don't always leave it up to the guy to make the first move.
2007-01-19 08:34:23
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Why would you go out with the first guy if you don't like him that way??? Just because you want to "be" with somebody? That's selfish and not fair. Go after the guy you actually want to be with. If he's not into you, wait and find somebody who is, that you also actually want to be with.
2007-01-19 08:36:57
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
There are not that many black pupils at my college the two and no person seems to care approximately absolutely everyone's epidermis shade. the only racist comments I ever pay attention are from the previous men that stay out interior the rustic area of city. so which you may desire to easily attempt, probability is, he would be superb with you.
2016-10-07 10:13:17
answer #10
answered by ? 4