Because they have more respect for you than that.
Or... they're not interested.
There are a lot of girls that guys think are pretty. But it doesn't mean they're gonna go for it. There's more to a person than just looks, ya know.
2007-01-19 08:31:57
answer #1
answered by ( Kelly ) 7
Well there are a number of reasons:
1. Guys (especially younger guys) are terrified of having a female angry or upset with them, so to avoid conflict they tell you nice things and move on, not really meaning it, but avoiding drama, which unfortunately causes confusing situations for girls.
2. They genuinely do think that you are pretty but for whatever reason are not interested in you, likewise a confusing situation for girls.
3. They are looking for a quick and easy lay and believe that if they tell you enough nice things they will get laid. If you do not put out after receiving a certain number of compliments, they move on to the next girl.
4. Secretely gay. Just because someone is homosexual does not mean they cannot appreciate beauty and attractiveness of the opposite sex, and may compliment you, but hitting for the other team.
From personal experience, don't worry about what guys think about your looks, a good guy is someone who not only appreciates your looks, but your mind as well. If a guy is only interested in your looks, you will probably get hurt (unless you're ok with short-term "no strings attached" type hookups).
2007-01-19 16:35:58
answer #2
answered by little miss green 2
Varying reasons. Perhaps they don't feel you are interested in them so they don't make a move. Perhaps they are shy. Perhaps they only think of you as a friend or are looking for something different from a relationship then you are.
Pretty much all the same reasons why a girl might think a guy is good looking but never says or does anything about it.
2007-01-19 16:34:24
answer #3
answered by kildarner 2
Take the compliment and say thank you. It could be you are pretty but maybe they think you're out of their league. It could also be they mean just that but have no desire to go further. Either way it's nice to here so don't question it be gracious and enjoy.
2007-01-19 16:35:30
answer #4
answered by lucyshines49 4
They are trying to break the ice maybe you will pick up the conversation because some guys are shy and don't know how to speak with beautiful girls. SOme are even imtimdiated with a beautigul girl.
2007-01-19 16:38:56
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
what you want them to do? maybe they dont want to date now. maybe they like your looks but think that they are way to important to you. maybe they are scared of you. maybe they are just being nice. stop thinking about it just be a nice person and see what happens, when i guy tells you your pretty say thanks and act like it dosent matter.
Say "well will you still like me when i am a wrinkly old grandmotehr because I am looking for a guy that will love me even when I am old and saggy" old age is coming sooner than you think so enjoy your youth it won't last long.
2007-01-19 16:36:22
answer #6
answered by mdbuchanan2000 5
okay do you know how many girls a guy thinks is pretty? just one guy. I mean if he acted on everygirl that he said and or thought was pretty we would be calling him a man so just take the compliment .
2007-01-19 16:33:02
answer #7
answered by Mikentab R 3
Because the way my luck runs they are almost always in a relationship and am just tired of getting my hopes up to be let down yet again.
2007-01-19 16:46:30
answer #8
answered by Col. Forbin 3
They think you are pretty but that doesn't mean they must date you just because you are pretty!! Most probably they might think you have a boyfriend.
2007-01-19 16:32:54
answer #9
answered by Thomas Pang 1
They think your out of their league, they are scared your going to turn them down and they want to deal with the rejecton. The ones that do approach you and act all better then everyone else usually just want one thing, and when they don't get that one thing they leave.
2007-01-19 16:33:09
answer #10
answered by angel2005_2001 5