I've been living w/my bf for a year, love him w/all my heart. This past week I was contacted by a girl who claims to have slept with him and has been seeing him. She knew a few things only someone close to him would know. A lot of other things don't make sense. She contradicted herself a lot. She won't meet with me or talk to me on the phone. All of the info she gave me was old stuff that I knew about from before we were together including the few personal things about him. Said she has been seeing him for a while (known him from before we were together) but hasn't seen him since early October or talked (email) since late November. Doesn't remember how long ago they had sex only was a while ago. Said only has his Myspace site as point of contact. I know he has some crazy ex's. Maybe one of them is trying to start things? His friends talk about how psycho they are. A kinda recent incident has my trust in him shaky to start. I KNOW if I ask he will deny. WWYD? How would you handle?
13 answers
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I thought about trying to snoop. Will be difficult. The previous incident I immediatly confronted him and probably made him just be more secretive and careful. We have different schedules. He works midnights, I work days, his cell phone is a pre-paid so no phone bill. She did send me a message and offer to try to contact him to hook up and tell me where to bust him. I said go ahead. I figure if it is someone trying to start something, that will never happen and either way then I will know. I just don't know if being sneaky is the right thing to do.
08:45:31 ·
update #1
i agree....talk to him and then dump him.....because 9 times out of 10 he is probably cheating.....but your trust in him is broken anyway...because even if he has a great story to explain this all you will have that little speck of doubt in you mind anyway.
2007-01-19 08:33:05
answer #1
answered by blah blah blah 5
Of course he will deny it but that is why you have to do a little investigative work. Watch him and listen more than you talk. Be a little curious and find out where he is when he's not with you. Are there cell phone bills, you'll just have to take your time with if and sneak however you have to so you get the correct information. Even though he won't admit it, you could still let him know that you have been made aware of his infidelity and he can either confess or not but you will find out one way or another. Let him know you'd much rather it come from him if it's true. You need to know so start finding out!
2007-01-19 08:35:31
answer #2
answered by enjoyrselves 5
I was once in a situation where something looked quite suspicious with my bf too. However, I didn't know for sure, and there was no way to know for sure. So I realized I had no choice but to put the disturbing incident out of my mind the best I could and go on living happily with him. Before I did so, however, I DID confront him, even tho I KNEW he would deny, deny, deny. I didn't go crazy, but it was like, "I've got my eye on u, u know... I'm not totally oblivious here..." I wanted to make him nervous and realize its not worth it to lose me. I think u should do the same.
2007-01-19 08:35:44
answer #3
answered by F 5
Hello, what I would do is trust in my instinct first & foremost; but you do need too talk too him about the trust that he has shaking in you then ask him anyway tell him about this girl & ask too see his myspace page if he has nothing too hide then he will not miond you seeing his web page on my space but if hes a very good at deceiving then you might not find out thru him most people that cheat men or women deny it always . You could be very right that it's just someone trying too start something then she might have been teeling you the truth but wanted too confuse you also right now she has you wondering so its a hard choice too make too what you really need too do . maybe she trying too keep him off track who she is also crazy people you never really know with them but like I said trust your instinct first & foremost & talk too him .
Good Luck & Best Wishes
2007-01-19 08:42:53
answer #4
answered by sweettexasangel12001 2
Don't let him know yet you have been contacted by another woman. NEVER give your secrets away, since this is how you will catch a cheating man. Watch him more closely, and I hate to say it, but be snoopy. Go through his phone, email, car, my space. And for what its worth, people in long term relationships, don't need myspace since it causes problems with ex's contacting them and random people wanting to hook up. Just open your eyes more, snoop and ask questions but not to make it look like you are digging for information.
2007-01-19 08:32:44
answer #5
answered by Premo Mom 5
Well if you don't know who it is and don't know if they're even telling the truth, then there's nothing you can do.
If it were me, personally, I would bring it up to him and tell him if I ever get a phone call like this again then I'm kicking him out. I don't think stuff like this happens when a guy is 100% good to you...
2007-01-19 08:41:16
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
He may deny it of course but just ask about her and why she might be saying these things. Just stick by his side. Girls lie all the time. Granted a lot of guys cheat but just stick by his side untill u find PROOF that he is cheating. Anyone can say they did something. Tell her to go play in traffic or something, get a life, and leave u and ur man alone. "hes mine u may have had him once but i got him all the tiiime" - good song :)
2007-01-19 08:33:32
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
You always want to believe the best about your significant and sometimes we turn an eye and put the blame on jane, but sometimes we need to JUST ASK -- if he denies it -- just accept his answer and pray to God, the Universe -- whoever you believe in and ask for guidance, clarity and wisdom so you can see the truth. It's hard to give people advice because it's THEIR life not yours, but personally I would ask and then take it from there. Good luck to you honey!
2007-01-19 08:40:07
answer #8
answered by Faerie Girl 3
Why weren't you invited? i could bypass alongside, she won't understand that he's hooked up. it incredibly is a cookout so it incredibly is in all danger casual, so decide for it. As for believing him, why no longer? He truly hasn't given you a reason to no longer have confidence him, so....have confidence him.
2016-12-14 06:14:57
answer #9
answered by ? 4
do some research first. Like, go to his page and find out who this girl is. go through his cell phone and see if theyve talked recently. if he says hes going somwhere, follow him. and if all thet fails, confront him and find out what the f u c k is going on.
2007-01-19 08:31:42
answer #10
answered by Nikki C 2