First off, you sound too young to even be worrying about this. But, if not there are classes (which generally will come to you) likea Tupperware party. If this is not feasible, then ask a trusted source like a friend.
2007-01-19 08:30:08
answer #1
answered by bc_munkee 5
For one....The title of your question is:"I really LOVE my boyfriend but....." Then your opening sentence is: "I really LIKE my boyfriend...". So which is it? From the sounds of it your aren't ready to have sex and you may be confused. I would talk to your boyfriend and tell him you aren't ready. If he breaks up with you, he was only after sex. If he stays around and WAITS until YOU are ready, then he could be a keeper. It seems like your heart and head are telling you 2 different things. Just wait on having sex with him for now. Also in my opinion, he may be only after sex for the simple fact...why would he keep asking you if you are "hot". When you are ready to have intercourse with him, I'm sure you would have told him by now. So tell him to back off on that! Good Luck!
2007-01-19 08:46:59
answer #2
answered by PrincessAli'sMom 2
Youre obviously a virgin - and that is okay. You seem to be being pressured into doing someonthing you arent quite ready to do. So, dont give in to his desires.
Tell him you really like him, but tell him if he really likes you, he wouldnt be pushing you into something you dont want. Tell him that if he REALLY wants it that bad, then you will submit - but only if he allows you to stick a broomstick up his butt - when he freaks out on you, tell him that is exactly how he is making you feel by pressuring you into it.
Or, you could just undress and lay there and let him do all the work. It will take about 30-45 seconds...
But I really hope you dont do it girl.
2007-01-19 08:31:01
answer #3
answered by YDoncha_Blowme 6
hunny there is no right way. the guy just kinda puts it in and you guys have to be comfortable with each other. it sounds corny but you work off each other. and is he some sex pro? because if thats the case u better make sure he really loves you and isnt just humpin everyone. every guy wants to have sex but dont just do it because he wants too. i know you mite think you want too because hes like youre hot and all this ish but if youre not comfortable enough dont. do it when youre good and ready and comfortable with your own body and sexuality. the rest kinda just happens.
2007-01-19 08:33:40
answer #4
answered by Jaime P 2
Well if he loves you he should wait for you and stop pressuring you. Also if your not experinced then dont worry because that just tells a guy that you haven't done it alot or at all. When you are sexually active you become better, and you also learn what your partner likes. so dont worry so much about it. Just explain that you are not ready and if he keeps it up then break it off because it seems that he is only after one thing.
2007-01-19 08:34:31
answer #5
answered by jocelyn s 2
Honey you need to watch some porn.. do you have an older brother you can steal some from?
Its prob the best way to see how its done otherwise just be honest with your boyfriend and tell him its your first time and Im sure he will understand .. if his done it before he can just be in charge and you wont have to worry about anything.
2007-01-19 08:30:08
answer #6
answered by sexcee_sinorita 2
if it does not seem natural, you are not ready yet. If he cares then he will take it slow and let mother nature do the rest. Everyone has to have their first. So go with the flow and take it slow.
2007-01-19 08:32:19
answer #7
answered by mykd4sound 2
If you're not ready, then don't do anything. If you are, then just do what feels good. If you want to learn techniques, you'll have to watch some videos or something.
2007-01-19 08:32:15
answer #8
answered by SoCalSkierGuy 4
you should just open you legs and wait first most likely he will make your wet then he will ask you to suck his then open your legs and he will do it to you. if he ask you to do it to him you jump on top and ride like a cowgirl HARD. then just enjoy him also scream Ohh Yes Daddy and that will surly please him.
2007-01-19 08:32:37
answer #9
answered by 1
okay.... If he respects you enough and isn't using you he can wait until your ready!
2007-01-19 08:31:08
answer #10
answered by mel 2