im having some problems at home, with my mom and her soon to be ex-husband, the man i hate most MY step-dad aka, the no good dirty rotten worthless cheating son of a monkey's uncle(his mom is awsome, ill show her respect) i told my bf, and he understands but lately i havent been as open with him i never get to see him so i can only comfort him over the phone, same with him "comforting" me but i told him its like im fighting a war with my emotions and family strain isnt helping and i didnt want to lie to him so he got the cold hard truth, which i didnt want to tell him, right now im not letting anyone close to me, or my heart i even pushed my best friend of 6 years away along with everyone i have no one to trust and im locking everyone out of my emotions and heart for now until this is settled inside me(i know it sounds crummy) and he told me the truth after i asked him to tell me, he was mostly scared of getting locked out and me not letting him come back I’ve told him that but he still seems worried like the other night I was in a personal chat room with him his cousin and our friend, well my sister being the brat she is pressed something and the computer shut down after I rebooted it his cousin started nailing me with things like ” y did u leave, u didnt say goodbye, JC is really worried, he was about to call u” so on so forth well I asked her y he was so scared and she told me that he thought that something had happened, anyways right now I am SO scared of losing him I cant stand it anymore, what can I do to help myself trust ppl again, I so afraid of someone getting hurt by whats going on in MY life
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