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Singles & Dating - 4 January 2007

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

there is this dude Alex in my class and he gives me gifts cause he likes me but I don't like him and he wants to have sex with me should I tell him off?? Or keep getting gifts???

2007-01-04 11:40:07 · 7 answers · asked by SSEEXXYY HHOOTTTTIIEE!!!!!!!!!! 1

Well the guy i like found out i liked him and i was afraid he wouldnt want to be frirends with me if he didnt feel the sames way and we are really good friends every since middle school started. What should I do?

2007-01-04 11:38:27 · 23 answers · asked by aynomonuslycute42 1

Ok, i have met a very hot guy online, and we have been talkin to eachother for about 3 weeks or so. I really like him and he thinks that im hot to. We want to met eachother soon, and maybe do a few other things together. We are havin a cyber relationship, in a way, and i dont want anything to happen to mess it up, so what should I do? I want him to be my boyfriend, and for us to maybe get married in the futer, but I keep thinkin he might just do what he wants with me then go find another girl.

2007-01-04 11:37:31 · 12 answers · asked by Mrs. Kevin Jonas♥ 3

What shouldi do!!!!!!!!!!! ok me and him used to talk all the time but now we go out and it's is different. we don't talk as much.

2007-01-04 11:37:18 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

well, i have had a friend for about 6-12 months now, and i can't tell if he likes me. he has always been like the wierd, kinda goofy kid, but in his own cool little way-which i like in a friends view and in a "like" view. well, the thing is he is a lot nicer to me and he gives me some like chips during lunch, (he'll give them to my friends but he'll turn his back to them and turn my way and give me more....hmmm....but he also lets my friends get the hint-but will stilll not give them more.) so, i can't tell if he is being his goofy old self, or if he is trying to drop the himt that he likes me more than a cool friend. By the way, i am still i n Jr. High. FYI i am to young to date. that means i can't ask him out. so, how can i LIGHTLY drop the hint that i KINDA like him and how can i tell if he likes me? please help! SOS!

2007-01-04 11:37:03 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

why is it that black men seek out white women but white men never sought out black women

2007-01-04 11:36:39 · 13 answers · asked by crazysexycool 1

I need birthday ideas for my boyfriend. He is going to be fifteen, and we've been together for about a year. He's not into sports.

2007-01-04 11:34:14 · 8 answers · asked by Kaiti 1

I like this guy but i dont know how to ask him out.

2007-01-04 11:34:12 · 8 answers · asked by monkeys_are_coolness 1

2007-01-04 11:34:05 · 3 answers · asked by hockeylova#1 3

i will do whatever turns him on.... the taste of it isn't what turns me on it is getting him off that does.....

2007-01-04 11:33:52 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

i love.love.love. my boyfriend sooooooo much...but we're about 5 years apart! his dad HATES me with a passion...so me and him were on the phone last nite [about 2:30 am.] and his dad walks into his room and sees that hes on the phone....so now he can only talk to his family members on his cell phone for a month!!!! im gonna freakin dieeee....=[
my parents dont like the fact that we like eachother either...my mom says he doesnt even like me bcuz wen were in public we try to act like friends bcuz his parents are around-so my mom sees him acting like my friend....not my boyfriend
and idk....im just really confused
i love him with all my heart and nothin will EVER change that....but nobody thinks that its right...u know-me and him going out....=[
i love him...alot
plzzzzz help
i need it....and i need it badddddd

2007-01-04 11:32:45 · 11 answers · asked by lindseyy♥ 2

I am 49 divorced and i find it hard to trust men, he left me after 23 years. I have a lot of love to give, but don't want to get hurt again. my kids are grown and i don't want to die alone. I realy have trouble with trust issue. When a man looks at me all i can think of is want does he want, will he hurt me and then leave me.I don't know what to do.

2007-01-04 11:32:34 · 12 answers · asked by carpathian3030 6

A cople of days ago I broke up with my 14 year old boyfriend, because he was a drinker. and called me a *****. My friend's older brother is tight friends with him and my OTHER ex ( whom wont talk to me what so ever) and he is having a party at his house. Since my friend lives with him and is having this all boy party, that means both my ex's will be there. My friend calls me saying she wants me to come over so she wont be the only girl there..with a cople of other friends of ours.

Thing is I'm so nervous around the both of them. And I don't know what todo. i want to be there for my friend. But just how do i act around them...

please help!

2007-01-04 11:32:32 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

recently i asked the question of whether or not i should make a move. Now i'm asking wether i should even bother. Story goes like this. Been dating chick for only 3 weeks and she just recently got divorced. We have been having a great time with each other but no physical contact;i.e. no kissing or sex. she says shes very apprehensive. Regardless, we talked or texed almost everyday. after last date she was very anxious to get together again. That was last week and i havent heard from her since sunday, 12/31 in the afternoon. she wrote me the other day and said she left phone over her friends house. She said she still is very much interested in hanging out but still isnt ready for any kind of physical activity. So i wrote her back and gave her my phone number so she would have it and said to please contact me cause i'm confused as to our status of what she considers us. friends or potentially more. should i jst forget her or continue waiting for her to even call?

2007-01-04 11:31:11 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

i have five more months to be with my boyfriend, then i will be returning to my mother country. i wish to spend most of the time with him, so after i go i won't regret. but no matter how hard i try to spend time, he either sleepy, or he either have to work for his dad. barely have time for me. Two nights, he cried to me for me to stay, and don't go. But what is the sense if i stay and he can't spend time with me. i'm always here for him, and i am always welcome him to visit me. when he is in trouble, i am always got his back. but when times to me, he didn't back me up, he didn't want spend as much time with me... i wonder, how he will feel after i left him and go back to my country. can you guys tell me? thanks

2007-01-04 11:30:48 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

I hate how girls are always complaining when guys don't do something. It annoys the crap out of us, and girls wonder why we leave them all the time......

2007-01-04 11:30:38 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

cus i sure like giving them

2007-01-04 11:29:48 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

The only difference is men admit they're dogs, and
women blame men for everything.

2007-01-04 11:29:48 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

Even if a man lucks up and finds that one woman that can do every thing that his heart desires, he still manages to hookup with someone else. WHY??????

2007-01-04 11:29:05 · 15 answers · asked by alive4mine 2

if no than how come they cant become presidents?

2007-01-04 11:28:35 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

well i want my crush to come with his bestfriend and invite me to come with them to my crush's bestfriend's grandma's house. I imagine of my self knowing what My crush & his bestfriends doing.... & they know what im doing. like they have a tracker thing a they cane see what im doing.... well today i imagined that Joseph & and anthony( my crush a his best friend) walking to anthony's house and joseph saying (while looking at the tracker) that he knows i like him and that he will come to my house with anthony and invites me to come to his grandm's house. witch is like my naighbor. Well i say yes... and when we get inside his grndma's joseph asked if i would take a seat on the couch. i say yes... then we talk and then joseph gets in closer to me and then starts maken_out with me.... so why amm i like this... i know i want to make-out with the guy but i dont know why im imagineing that i know that joseph and anthony are spying on me soo why?Do you know?

2007-01-04 11:27:17 · 7 answers · asked by Ladywoman 2

There is this guy who loves this girl, this girl is his bestfriend. He has always been there for her and always loved her yet she sees him as a buddy. Everyday he rides the bus just so he can be with her. She is his fire, lights his world up for him and when shes close keeps him warm. this guy tells her that he loves her, she always finds a reason for him not to love her. When they are together she makes him feel like he is the greatest person alive makes him feel like he has a purpose, but then when others are around he is invisible. Then one day reality punches him in the face, he realizes she never cared about him, it didnt occur to her once how he felt, he was never good enough for her. Even though he has always been there for her, she has never let him help her. My Question: Is this guy trying to hard or is she being too stuck up? what are your opinions on this situation?

2007-01-04 11:25:20 · 10 answers · asked by dwickleworth 4

i like this boy but he 17 years old and i'm 13 .Is he too old for me.

2007-01-04 11:25:09 · 21 answers · asked by Tip-a-licious 1

i like this one guy and he likes me too. He asked me out but my best friend likes him too!! I REALLY want to say yes but dont want to hurt her feelings!!!

2007-01-04 11:25:02 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

If a guy says he isn't a player, but others say he is, who do you believe? How do you find out for sure, without stalking the guy?

2007-01-04 11:24:43 · 13 answers · asked by Love_Forever 3

i want a really small dog like a poodle that i will love. i would take him everywhere in my juicy bag but if i get one now i wont be able to keep it in 2 years when i am off to dorm in college. i wouldnt want to give it to anyone cause i would be too attached. what do i do?

2007-01-04 11:24:42 · 8 answers · asked by no longer caligirl. 2

2007-01-04 11:24:15 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous


2007-01-04 11:23:47 · 11 answers · asked by Shana 2

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