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Singles & Dating - 21 December 2006

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

would you say a guy is flirting with you if he stares at you a lot, tells you about a nice bar he thinks you would like, puts his arm around you when you touched his arm for a chat and always wants to hold your hand before he leaves your presence? If he is why isnt he asking me out I finally asked him i just dont know what to do next

2006-12-21 14:41:54 · 17 answers · asked by crazylife 1

2006-12-21 14:40:33 · 12 answers · asked by blah blah 1

Does a break-up and get back together sometimes needed to make a kinda failing relationship revive? And is it possible that after a break up, we will get together again soon?

2006-12-21 14:38:21 · 6 answers · asked by Viscount Nelson888 1

what is......
good sex
bad sex
uglly sex

2006-12-21 14:36:42 · 7 answers · asked by mor(h)emad 1

2006-12-21 14:36:26 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-12-21 14:36:11 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

The reason I ask is because it often seems like alot of ladies are drawn for some reason to assholes. Just curious.

2006-12-21 14:33:14 · 41 answers · asked by Steve H. 1

I typically dont like guys like you? I have a friend i just met about a month ago. Well we hang out and hit it off just fine. We were supposed to go on a date a wile back, but we had a little dissagreement and she called it off. But we got past that, and things are cool now. Well we have been talking pretty often, and tuesday night we ended up drinking at her party and hooking up, all the way. Before we went through with it, I promised her it would not mess up our friendship. She said she normally was not attracted to guys like me(Black guys I am guessing) but she liked me alot. The next day I called her and things are cool. I asked her today if she wanted to hang out this weekend and she said she did not have plans and we could figure it out. The bad thing is I am 25 and she is 19, I know she is a little young, but she is pretty cool. what do you guys think of this situation? Should I just try to be her friend, or see if she makes a move again.

2006-12-21 14:32:49 · 15 answers · asked by ucfmanic 2

When you tell a girl you love her are you just saying that because you want her to have sex with her or do you mean it. What do you expect after saying I love you or after having sex?

2006-12-21 14:31:47 · 24 answers · asked by CountryGirlygirl 2

so here's the deal. i used to like this guy in elementry school, then i stopped for some reason. now 3 years later, middle school, i like him again.
why? he's nice, funny, and sweet. but he's best friends with this guy i can't stand and most people don't like the guy i like. so how do i figure out if he likes me if i can't ask he's friend (the guy's friend used to be my friend) to ask the guy that i like if he likes me. So basicaly i'm asking: what signs should i look for to know for myself

2006-12-21 14:31:46 · 3 answers · asked by Tara 1

just wondering

2006-12-21 14:31:25 · 8 answers · asked by snowboard dude 1

I knew about sexy stares but sexy eyes?

2006-12-21 14:30:16 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

Im Only 15 But Im In Love With A 24 Yr Old Tht My Mom Introduced Me Too.She Thinks It's Ok.I Really Love Him ALOTT But Im Tired Of Everyone Talkin Bout Us!What Should I Do?

2006-12-21 14:28:35 · 47 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-12-21 14:26:17 · 35 answers · asked by Ashley S 3

all i want to do is find some normal 13 year olds who don't want to sit there all day and talk about their boyfriends, and some normal guys who don't feel like they have to put a cussword in every sentence!!!

2006-12-21 14:25:37 · 7 answers · asked by annabanana 2

2006-12-21 14:24:13 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

i mean really, being cold and bitchy is defnitely not the way. most of them dont care about how ur hair looks or smells as long as it doesnt smell like ur bathroom garbage cane or doesnt embarrase them infront of their friends..

2006-12-21 14:23:35 · 6 answers · asked by Kelly S 1

i broke up with my boyfriend tonight and feel horrible. i just dont feel the same about him anymore. its the worst feeling in the world. whats the best thing for me to do right now?

2006-12-21 14:23:31 · 8 answers · asked by Little Girl 2 3

I meet a guy a week ago and we are going to be dating soon because there is chemistry. He told me that he got me something and it sounds really nice and expensive....so what should I get for him?? Hes 18 and so am I. Help!

2006-12-21 14:23:25 · 3 answers · asked by staci 1

Is this possible, to meet someone again after a few years have past and discover that you still have feelings for each other? Does stuff like this really happen?

2006-12-21 14:21:55 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

i have a real good friend thats a girl and for a while it was going good but all the sudden she wont tell me her secrets anymore doesnt want me to call her or even tell her that she looks good (which i only do like 1time in a blue moon and when we talk she aburbtly stops it after about 5 min is there a way to find out if there is another guy or to find out the problem without asking her cuz if i do she will really get mad but i really need to know but her parents love me im shy so i dont want to ask her mom but i think something is wrong any ideas????

2006-12-21 14:20:25 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

My ex-boyfriend and I agreed to break up in October because we thought we were meant just to be friends. However, about a month later he would often tell me how he really does care for me and how he wants to be with me but he doesn't know if I would ever trust him again. (He told me he cheated after we broke up and apologized, he truly did hurt because of what he did) I told myself time and time again that I would never have anything to do with him relation ship wise because he cheated on me. But, now I am starting to have these emotions over him like he is the one for me. I want to tell him but then again I am so scared. Also, i think he may be seeing someone new now. One night when we were drinking a few weeks ago he told me he thought he was in love with me, was it the alcohol speaking, or honesty? I know this all sounds pretty lame but its all thats been on my mind lately! PLEASE HELP! Thank you!

2006-12-21 14:16:49 · 13 answers · asked by . 3

People seem to get married late teens or early twenties and that's with a lot of years already dating. Why would you want to settle down so young?

2006-12-21 14:16:35 · 12 answers · asked by David H 3

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