I typically dont like guys like you? I have a friend i just met about a month ago. Well we hang out and hit it off just fine. We were supposed to go on a date a wile back, but we had a little dissagreement and she called it off. But we got past that, and things are cool now. Well we have been talking pretty often, and tuesday night we ended up drinking at her party and hooking up, all the way. Before we went through with it, I promised her it would not mess up our friendship. She said she normally was not attracted to guys like me(Black guys I am guessing) but she liked me alot. The next day I called her and things are cool. I asked her today if she wanted to hang out this weekend and she said she did not have plans and we could figure it out. The bad thing is I am 25 and she is 19, I know she is a little young, but she is pretty cool. what do you guys think of this situation? Should I just try to be her friend, or see if she makes a move again.
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