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Singles & Dating - 2 December 2006

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

Is there anything you can do to help someone think of you?
I really like someone and if they can't get me out of their head I think it would help!

2006-12-02 08:40:17 · 7 answers · asked by Nicola 1

I'm in love with my (male) friend and I have to let him know before I lose my mind and throw myself on top of him! But how do I tell him, what do I say??? I don't want to scare him away and I don't want him to think he has some kind of power over me. What would you do??

2006-12-02 08:39:55 · 19 answers · asked by Mountaineer 3

well i like him and weve known each other for 4 years and been like bfs and now i like him should i ask him out? i think he likes me idk though. I LOVE HIM SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2006-12-02 08:38:56 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-12-02 08:38:50 · 13 answers · asked by supahtforyou 4

meaning if a man goes and sleeps with alot of woman what does that make him? And if the woman were to do the same ,what would that make her?

2006-12-02 08:38:44 · 8 answers · asked by katch 1

okay so like everytime i go to the mall or something i always see a white guy with a white chick or african american chick. but i never see them with a hispanic girl do white guys not like hispanic girls or what.. are we to ugly for them or what. like me i've never dated a white guy.. and i would love to date one but it seems like some of them are stuck up. and wouldnt talk back if i talked to them.. anywho.
''by the way i'm 16'' plz.. answer this with good answers plz..

2006-12-02 08:37:10 · 6 answers · asked by aly90 1

my best guy friend in the world has become a SERIOUS crush for me. i think i want to get over him because i don't think he likes me, but at the same time, i'm not sure. last year the same thing happened and i didn't think he like me then either but later, after he got a gf, he told me that he had liked me. i don't want to make that mistake again, but i don't want to ruin our friendship by making it awkward if he doesn't like me. he's too good of a friend for me to risk that. he never has time to hang out with me on the weekends, but when we talk he'll tease me and call me a "devil woman" for teasing him. should i get over him? or how can i get him?

2006-12-02 08:36:11 · 10 answers · asked by juliiii 2

ok so thers this guy at wrk. hes a new guy n we get on so well. we r the same age-16. hes sendin out all the right signals, lyk the eye contact, stance, smile, etc. n he always talks to me at every opportunity!i reli lyk him bt not sure if he lyks me just as a friend. im 2 shy 2 ask him directly. what shud i do??! answer if u can pls! xxx

2006-12-02 08:34:40 · 9 answers · asked by banana_split 1

I have been dating this woman for almost a year now and everytime we argue the whole thing gets turned around onto me. I feel very poorly treated and yes, often times during an argument I will bust out the four-letter "C" word and have even told her to "go die" because I feel she has just pushed my buttons that far. I always step up to the plate and take responsibility for my actions and each argument is only resolved when I say that I am the cause and that I have done everything wrong. This woman never acknowledges that she ever does anything wrong and it's always a one-way street rather than a two-way like a relationship should be. She has had me convinced to go into counseling, which I did, and the counselor told me he saw no signs of an anger problem so I stopped going. This started another argument because things didn't appear to be going her way. My friends all tell me that they see how she tries to control and manipulate me. I don't know what to do anymore...

2006-12-02 08:34:29 · 14 answers · asked by ? 1

2006-12-02 08:33:42 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

My married female friend had this single male admirer from work. They flirted around at work and such for close to a year. Even talked on the phone and IM on the computer. All this went on for close to a year. Then finally when she decided she would make a move and asked him if he wanted to get to know each other better, he started to avoid her.... Why would he pursue a married woman and then chicken out at the last minute? keep in mind, he was telling her how sexy she was and everything all the time and then all of a sudden, ... nothing! why would a guy do this?

2006-12-02 08:32:21 · 20 answers · asked by BUTTERFLY 2

There is this guy in my class who I really like, but I have no chance with him. I know who he likes, and she likes him back...But, He already knows that I like him because a friend of mine told him(I'm kinda mad at the friend), and I think I need to talk to the guy a like. I don't know what to tell him, but I really feel I should talk to him about it...please help me!!

2006-12-02 08:31:47 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

Please don't just say be yourself. Because I am reallly shy around guys, and thats not myself but I just don't know how to not. I just want some techniques.

2006-12-02 08:31:22 · 9 answers · asked by Liz♥ 4

My question is im pretty good at attracting women so that the let me makeout with them with in 30 minutes of meeting them at a bar. But after we kiss, i freeze up and i dont know what i am doing. How do i take the kiss in the bar to my bedroom? any tips playas and playettes?

2006-12-02 08:29:32 · 8 answers · asked by Answer man 1

What kind of hints will shy guys drop if they like you?What kind of hints should i give him that i like him without acting all desperate and clingy and attached?We both are in highschool,he is a grade older than me and is super shy around girls he likes,but he has a lot of girls that are his friends.We have a lot in common,same shows,music,friends,etc.What kind of hints will he drop and what kind of hints should i drop to show i like him?I
I'm pretty outgoing,but we both haven't really had a real relationship?

2006-12-02 08:29:05 · 5 answers · asked by jayjay 1

my best friend got her first boyfriend about 2 months ago and shes very excited about him but she completely ignores me when they're together.... he pays more attention to me than she does. l'll be at her house and he will just show up and they'll start makin out on her bed like I'm not there.

2006-12-02 08:27:49 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

The worst part is, he doesnt get how much it hurts. He did this befor about 3 months ago, we went out all summer and for another half a month into school, but we dont go to the same school and he is a grade younger. the first time he dumped me i didnt get an answer as to why or anything. this time, i havent seen him in 2 weeks and ive been asking him to go do stuff [movies, mall, friends,etc.] but he 'couldnt' or just didnt respond and kept asking to talk to a frend of ours[kind of the frend in between, if u kno] i still really love him and in total we've gone out for just over 4 months
bottom line, how can i get over this or at least not have it hurt me so badly?

2006-12-02 08:27:41 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

i have a girl friend, i love her and she does, but i care more about her than she does ! and iam afraid about her than she does! she doesn't ask about things where i feel its big like when iam driving in the rain she doesn't even say takcare in driving ! is it more confidence or that she's not really caring !
when she describes her sister husband i feel like she likes his character too much which makes me feel jelus and hate her sister and her husband !
alot of stories, but is there is a way to make sure of that she loves me for real as i do .. are we will be good togather as husband and wife......

2006-12-02 08:26:35 · 12 answers · asked by bayhell 1

Really, what do look for? Everythang. I need guy's to tell me! Please and thanks! <3 ;-)

2006-12-02 08:25:56 · 15 answers · asked by Ali 2

If you went out with a man and his sexual performance was more of a sprint than a marathon, how would you address the problem without hurting his feelings?

2006-12-02 08:25:49 · 27 answers · asked by Stripper 3

Because a woman just got out of a long term relationship and didn't want an exclusive relationship, a man and a woman start talking about having a friends w/benefits relationship.

She says she isn't sure but finally says she really wants to be with him but is is nervous because she hasn't been w/anyone other than her ex for a long time. She asks him to be patient with her and go slow. He says okay.

They were talking about seeing each other that night but when she asks he then says "no it wouldn't be a good idea". She asks what he thought she meant when she asked him to go slow and be patient. He said he thought she meant continuing slowly as friends before having sex.

2006-12-02 08:24:36 · 7 answers · asked by j t 1

This new kid came last year. A few things happened between him and my friend but I found out that he liked me and not her. A lot of things happened and he was my first kiss. It continued for the rest of last year. Before the kiss he had 2 girlfriends and always looked and flirted with me. This year we kissed but i never made out with him because we weren't going out. I told him this and things happened and he stopped talking to me. I talked to him a few times on the phone and the convos. weren't what I wanted. We ended up fighting and now we don't even talk. He has a girlfriend. But I always catch him staring and when he is around her and sees me, he will kiss her and stuff like that. He told one of my friends something that makes me think he doesn't like her and just wants one thing. I don't know what to do. HELP!

2006-12-02 08:22:41 · 4 answers · asked by littlenikki57 2

i like this guy but i want him to notice me and start talking 2 me..should i just start talking to him or make myself over so he notices me?

2006-12-02 08:21:48 · 18 answers · asked by Brittany-x 2

I mean love you with all their heart and soul. And did you appreciate it or walk all over them?

2006-12-02 08:21:20 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

well last yr when i was in 7th grade i wrote him a note and put it in his locker and he never returned it?? i mean i have liked this guy for a yr now and i really want to go out w/ him how do i ask him out cause well i'm kind of shy around guys...when he's around i can't even say hi. i know sad so how can i???

2006-12-02 08:20:07 · 2 answers · asked by Kallee n 2

He is brutal, a maniac and rarely home in time and does not provide for the family yet you still saty on. What keeps you going even when you can clearly see that he wont change?

2006-12-02 08:19:53 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

I was straightforward with this guy that i just wanted to be platonically friends when I started to feel that he wanted to be more than friends... he was ok with it.. he said it was cool... now the other day he asked if i ever thought about him and i being more than friends... should i stay away from him? i don't want anything more with him than just being friends...

2006-12-02 08:19:12 · 6 answers · asked by lala15 3

Theres this guy i love a lot.
But im scared to be with him im scared
hes going to turn into every other
guy i dated and like yeah i dont want
to loose him

2006-12-02 08:18:32 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

i've never been in a relationship. I've never even kissed a guy! Is this unusual? I have this really close group of about 10 friends and probably six or seven of them have never kissed a guy either. but then there's the others who have had sex, etc. Im just wondering if its really unsual to be my age and never kissed a guy before, or been in a relationship. help!

2006-12-02 08:17:48 · 18 answers · asked by Anna 2

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