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Singles & Dating - 29 November 2006

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

in one day? And did this day break any records?

2006-11-29 10:05:50 · 12 answers · asked by No Name Joe 1

O.K. Now, I just became single after a long time and have no idea how to talk to girls. Well, I was working one day and this girl walks in and starts small talk and suddenly askes me if I wanted to go to church with her. Naturally, I said YES and we went for the first time this past week. Well, I am at a spot here where I don't know what to think. See, she is really religious and did not act at all like she was interested in me when we went to church. When we were NOT at church, she chit chatted like she was interested. Now, I could deffinitely have a relationship with her, but I think she only invited me to her church to get me to go to church. If that is the case, I am fine because I love the church. I just wander if she may be interested in me or not. Help if you can........

2006-11-29 10:05:01 · 16 answers · asked by Dave 1

Are women picky when it comes to a guy's height? Would any of you date a guy 5'-6" tall?

2006-11-29 10:04:39 · 29 answers · asked by ezlayedback 1

2006-11-29 10:03:54 · 2 answers · asked by divine dana 1

Doing those things is my way of showing how much I love you.

2006-11-29 10:03:45 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-11-29 10:03:16 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

I just came out of this relationship. It has not been that long. One day I feel good. And the next I am so down in the dumps. Just when I say oh well. The pain returns, But I do know the pain that I were in I don't want a refund, Its about moving on.
He had the nerve to come back. I refuse to let that devil back in. The devil do not want to see me happy. Like they say this to shall pass. But i see that you have to go thru it first.
I know that so many women out there is going thru what I am now faced with. But sometimes you feel so alone and sad. I cannot even focus on my job.
When I went to work saturday. I were waiting at the bus stop. and I just turned around and went back home, God this is not easy. I am wishing that the man that i were with will get hit by a bus or something. I am having so many crazy thoughts. But right now I am trying to live life on life terms. I am a scorned woman right now. I must accept letting go.

2006-11-29 10:02:41 · 3 answers · asked by Diamond 1

He thank me opening up to him after talking about how much i wanted him. and then told me i was holding back form him.
when i did not talk him about sex. he is in Iraq and lonely. i am
not sure anything he tell me.

2006-11-29 10:02:06 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

My ex boyfriend dumped me after dating for a month. At the time we were going out i didnt think i liked him that much. But as soon as we broke up i started to miss him. To make matters worse he is now going out with my best friend. What do i do?

2006-11-29 10:01:38 · 37 answers · asked by unlucky bubblegu^^ 1

I have a crush on my teacher! What should i do????

2006-11-29 10:01:17 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-11-29 10:01:13 · 5 answers · asked by reynodude 1

I have been with this girl for 2 months. I really like her and she really likes me, but i have never been in a relationship longer than a week before apart from 1 that i got hurt in, and i seem to start arguements for no reason, especially when im drunk, she is a great girlbut am i ruining my relationship on purpouse because i dont want 2 get hurt again or am i not meant 2 be in relationships?what should i do??

2006-11-29 10:01:12 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous


i am a 49 female and never had a orgasm is it me or the man the only way i have one if he goes down on me

2006-11-29 09:59:09 · 4 answers · asked by bonkers13642 2

What signals do you give to guy when you are into him & want him to come talk to you?

2006-11-29 09:58:32 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

I feel like I am comfortable spending a majority of my time by myself. It makes me happy that I can do what I want when I want. There is a lot of talk out there about dating, marrige, having a good support network. I have a good group of friends and can call of them if I need something or want to hang out, but I really feel fine spending most of my time alone. Does anyone agree?

2006-11-29 09:57:42 · 7 answers · asked by tillcow_64 1

Or does he still have feelings for me? He is friends with my best friend but he likes another girl? Why does he flirt with her? Ans what could this mean?

2006-11-29 09:56:14 · 23 answers · asked by Rose 1

Any expenses paid suggestions (Male or Female), which result in me taking home £500 (five hundred pounds sterling) after expenses will be considered. If an agreeement is reached - a Paypal bill will be invoiced for anonomity of payee and insurance of payment. Thank you for taking the time to read this message. (For your info - height 6ft, build average to athletic, cultured & well-spoken, but broad minded with a vast array of experience. Clean shaven with short dark blonde hair). Usually available in the London area during evenings, but can travel further over weekends.

All the best - M. x

2006-11-29 09:54:45 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

ok now tht i got ur attention my real question is WHY do girls put up w/ **** from guys?? them always going to strip clubs and thinking grinding on other girls and watching other girls strip and giving them lap dances and **** isn;t cheating. and i know wut u guys r gonna say going to strip club isn't cheating well if any ordianry girl w/o pay did it 4 u it'd be cheating so wut's the diffrence when it's a job? nywayz, and looking at other naked girls in ponro having posters and magazine and falling for i love you's and sweet talk when u know hwo they r and just want sex and u now trhey really wanna be playboys and live out theri fantasies and being w/ other hot girls instead of u even though they r (y guys?) and all tht other kind of ****! and they're sexist too thinking we shud be housewifes and thinking feminsim is gay and just want us to be their sex slaves w/ a bunch of other girls instead of really wantinf us (again the fanatsy prt) oh and guys cud u also answer my last two quest

2006-11-29 09:54:06 · 15 answers · asked by mamama 2

i really like this girl i told her she said she cares she ignores me sometimes and says she isnt in a "talkative mood" so i didnt pay as much attention as i normally do and shes like one word answering me and is like giving me a stingy attitude so what does that mean and what should i do help plz?

2006-11-29 09:53:46 · 6 answers · asked by NOOB 3

the day before thanksgiving my bf decided to break up with me.he said it was because he had doubt about a lot of things.he's a freshman in college and i'm a senior in high school. So after he used this "reason" i didn't believe him because i figured that he just wants to play around while he's there and i told him that i didn't want to see him again. later, he told some mutual friends of ours that he didn't trust me but he wanted to talk to me.they also said that they asked how i was doing because he wanted to know. he's even tried to contact me through facebook and even one of his friends, who had a part in the break up tried to request me as a friend through the site. i happily declined. for me, it seems like he wants to be friends to make himself feel better about everything. when we broke up he hinted at getting together again in the future. i told him that i never want to speak to him again. lately, i've wanted to contact but i don't want to be the one who caves. Advice?

2006-11-29 09:53:46 · 4 answers · asked by thebodyelectric! 1

Its not my child in question its my boyfriends 7yr old daughter who feels she has the right to choose for her dad when he can get married, when we make plans together she will decide she wants to go to a movie out of nowhere and he will break our plans to take her, her mother does fuel this and poors on the guilt to him that he is neglecting his daughter, although he is the custodial parent and she just has been given right to have unpsupervised visits,grant it its his fault because he allowed her ie., his child to be this way out of feeling guilty she will feel unloved and unwanted, she adores me and loves me but feels she has the control to make that decision. I have a child as well from a previous and I do not feel he has the right to tell me who and who not I cant be with or marry for that fact, What do you think? Should a 7yr have that power and right to make decisions on who their parent wants to marry or give the go ahead on the decision?

2006-11-29 09:52:49 · 17 answers · asked by brite star 3

me and my bf just broke up and i dont want him anymore cuz hes such a jerk to me now (ignoring and all to me and is telling lies to ppl left and right acting like an ***) hes not the guy he was while we were going out but like i still cant imagin being, kissing, hugging, talking on the phone with another guy, and i hate imaging him with another girl or even seeing him talk to another girl. is this normal?? what should i do? like i guess i still could have something for him but its out the question cuz our parents wont let us be together (thats the truth why we broke up, his mom hates me viceversa cuz we got introuble and his mom blames me 4 everything...but he is telling ppl he got sick of me...hence the *** thing)but anywayz. he doesnt want me back and is a coward so wouldnt go aginst his mom. so what do i do. it hurts seeing him and knowing we dont have what we did, but i need to move on from him so is what im feeling normal or what? and what should i do about this whole situation

2006-11-29 09:51:56 · 15 answers · asked by Ladyjack12 2

Ex-girlfriend dating a close friend of her ex's friend.

2006-11-29 09:51:04 · 2 answers · asked by sweetladytease 3

he talks to her alot he does not think he does first she said she never married then she says she is she comes on line when she gets out of work and my b/f will stay on line with and vise versa til they are to tierd to talk any more the longest that i know of is 5 hours and i guess whats up i told my b/f her husband must be sleeping with his secretary because his wife is always on line with my b/f and when i say anything to him about it he gets very defencive about it and gets MAD and takes it out on me and tells me i am a idiot please give me straigh answers

2006-11-29 09:50:24 · 3 answers · asked by Bianca H 2

i know really stupid, old question, but i have a problem with being to staight forword, so i'm wondering if theres some other way i'm supposed to go about asking

2006-11-29 09:49:23 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

I've been seeing a lovely guy for a few months now. He has a 17 year old daughter whom he soon wants me to meet. He said she will probably ask me alot of question like past boyfriends etc. I know this is to be expected but i dont like being put on the spot with questions as i have social anxiety. I am worried i will embarass myself or something. I am also 22 and her dad is 42 so i think we will both be very nervous meeting one another.

2006-11-29 09:45:51 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

i can never tell if a guy likes me cause they flirt with you but that can just be a friend thing but when a guy kisses you more than once what the crap is that like come on its pissing me off cause ive liked this guy for so long and he never use to pay much attention to me before but all of a sudden hes kissing me and its a tease cause ive liked him for so long and stuff im being hurt andi don't even know if its worth it i need to know his name is luke culuchie and hes so hot but he is just like other guys they never tell

2006-11-29 09:44:13 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

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