Okay, before three years ago, (2003) if you were caught having anal sex (with any sex) in the state of Idaho, you could be charged with a felony and face 5 years to life in prision. In Alabama a misdemeanor punishable by up to 1 year imprisonment and $2000 fine. In Mississippi a felony punishable by up to 10 years imprisonment. Other states had simaliar punishments, including 1-5 years imprisionment.
Imagine that. Now, do you still believe you should do the time if you do the crime? Did you ever think of yourself as a criminal? Maybe some of you shouldn't judge other people.
For those of you that have no pity or regard for those of us that make mistakes, think about what you do or did that was against the law and you simply just got away with it. Think about the people that use drugs, prostitution, a life choice like anal sex. Should you try to justify any crime that doesn't hurt anyone else?
24 answers
asked by
Erica B