I guess this year, I been attracting creepy guys for some reason. Im a nice person, but lately I noticed it has been attracting guys that I find creepy.Theres one of them, he is always saying hi to me every morning. I responded back not to be rude, he even asked if I he can take a picture of me. There where even people reacting but in a creepy way. Because I never had a conversation with him, he just says hi to me. Then theres another one who I find more creepy, always trying to impress everytime he sees me in the halls even though I don't have classes with him, which Im glad. He is also saying to me everytime he sees me hi. Another one, is also starting to try to get my attention a lot. He talks to himself, even though Im listening to music to get my attention. Everytime I get gum, he askes for a piece. If he gets stuck, he is always asking for help. I don't mind helping but he thinks I have the answers to everything.Do creepy guys seem to be attracted to girls that are nice?
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