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Why is it that girls forgive men that keeps on calling and begging, but when a girl does it everybody frowns upon it? Shouldn't it build up a guys' ego when the girl keeps on calling? I need advise urgently. He dumped me coz he thought i cheated, which i didnt do, and we were together for 4 years.I know his ego is bruised, But will he cool down and how often do guys take back the girl and how long does it take? Past experiences must help?

2006-11-07 20:11:58 · 10 answers · asked by mdkghost 1 in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

10 answers

If you chase him, he is more likely to run.

If you walk away he is more likely to follow.

but if he lets you walk away, its better for you both if you just keep walking.

2006-11-07 20:14:30 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Honestly, I don't forgive a girl if they cheat on me. But in your case, and I'm assuming it's true, if I did such a thing, and actually figured out that you actually didn't, I'd let you come back in my life, but the trust would have to rebuild on the BOTH of us before things get back to the way they were before the mess happened.

But I'm not sure what your ex's personallity is, but let him cool down, talk to him, tell him that you didn't cheat on him, and give him the facts. But don't make it seem so defensive or he'll start assuming such things again. If you two are able to get back together again, regain his shakey trust by just always being with him, letting him know that he means the world to you, and so much more.

2006-11-07 20:19:02 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

geesh....it doesn't matter if it is a guy or a girl who begs. Begging is pathetic. Why would anyone feel their ego built up by a begger?
And why would a beggie (the one who begs) want to be with a person who has been begged to take them back. Sounds like a couple of loosers to me.

I have never begged guy. Because I take them at their word and won't lower myself to begging. What sort of low like would I be?

There is nothing worse than a relationship based on begging. This is very immature.

This is manipulation.

Don't you want to be wanted? Do you really need to beg?

2006-11-07 20:34:36 · answer #3 · answered by clcalifornia 7 · 0 0

To me it becomes why did the two of you break up. Also if you chase him he runs that is a basic way guys are wired. he wants his freedom and the control of the chase.
Oh and regards to cheating - guys NEVER forget. My ex-husband threw that in my face. We were separated in our 5th year and both were seeing others. However, he determined mine was cheating and by our 17th yr we began the divorce and he brought up the 5th year of marriage "cheating" all of the time. By then I realized nothing I ever did mattered to him. He harbored that feeling for many years while I forgave him. And he cheated on me on the 17th year.
Guys do not care about ego they just find you needy and clingy resulting in the psycho chick concept.
forget him and move on to someone else. Fresh start with a better quality guy.

2006-11-07 20:23:43 · answer #4 · answered by Sharon M 2 · 0 0

Well from experience ill tell you when you hurt a man it is hard to try to get there forgiveness the best thing you can do is try to make up for it if you really want to make it with him begging doesn't help start by showing him that you are sorry for what you did give him his space don't force yourself on him because sometimes that back fires and they try to pay you back by hurting you

2006-11-07 20:16:19 · answer #5 · answered by dodgerchik 3 · 0 0

don't call and beg because it will make you sound needy. just try and remain calm, and try and move on go out with friends be seen having fun if he calls let it ring a little before you answer. if he thinks you are unavaliable he is more likely to want you. and if he doesn't change his mind try and dust yourself off and move on because he doesn't want you back. also consider the possibility that he was cheating on you and projected it outwardly onto you so he could break up guilt free?

2006-11-07 20:18:31 · answer #6 · answered by insane illusions 3 · 0 0

Oyness, I've gone through a smiliar experience. My ex and I were together almost three years and we lived together all that jazz. Back in March he accused me of cheating on him, we split up and I moved back in with my mom...I called, he ignored SEVERAL times....then poof one day (about a month later) he called crying and begging, we got back together... only the trust was compeltely gone in the relationship so sadly by June we offically split forever. =[

2006-11-07 20:16:35 · answer #7 · answered by ßrökëñ §cärs 1 · 0 0

the beef is for the guy. The bone is for the dogs. I prefer my women folk with some meat on them. no longer fat yet those skinny length 0 women are for boys. there is no longer something there. I as quickly as had a woman who grew to become into tall and curvy useful butt. I consistently prefer some shape and that i admire those women with somewhat greater thigh and butt. no person likes ok-ankles, yet curvaceous women folk have useful breast and each and all of the coolest stuff. yet another subject completely suited faultless women folk are somewhat uninteresting to be certain after a on a similar time as. There ought to be some flaw that makes them unique. " depart suited women folk for men with out mind's eye!"

2016-10-03 10:03:02 · answer #8 · answered by schugmann 4 · 0 0

It is related to dignity :)

2006-11-07 20:19:22 · answer #9 · answered by S@D L@Dy 3 · 0 0

it shows weakness

2006-11-07 20:15:24 · answer #10 · answered by sandy k 3 · 0 0

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