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I guess this year, I been attracting creepy guys for some reason. Im a nice person, but lately I noticed it has been attracting guys that I find creepy.Theres one of them, he is always saying hi to me every morning. I responded back not to be rude, he even asked if I he can take a picture of me. There where even people reacting but in a creepy way. Because I never had a conversation with him, he just says hi to me. Then theres another one who I find more creepy, always trying to impress everytime he sees me in the halls even though I don't have classes with him, which Im glad. He is also saying to me everytime he sees me hi. Another one, is also starting to try to get my attention a lot. He talks to himself, even though Im listening to music to get my attention. Everytime I get gum, he askes for a piece. If he gets stuck, he is always asking for help. I don't mind helping but he thinks I have the answers to everything.Do creepy guys seem to be attracted to girls that are nice?

2006-11-07 19:47:26 · 10 answers · asked by Questions 3 in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

I tried with the second guy, I ignore him even made that stare that I did not like him. He once said out loud that he knew someone did not like him which I knew he was talking about me. Said he was not giving up, until I liked him.

2006-11-07 19:57:43 · update #1

10 answers

I believe creepy guys are attracted to nice girls for obvious reasons, they get a response that's not negative. A lot of guys think that you like them too if you're nice to them. You very well could be encouraging their behavior. You've got to be careful though, kindness is often mistaken for weakness. Keep your boundaries and don't take pictures. Just what do you think he's doing with that pic????????? Creepy guys are creepy for a reason and usually only girls can read their creepy vibe.

2006-11-07 19:53:04 · answer #1 · answered by LetMeBe 5 · 2 0

yeah, sometimes. some guys like nice girls, and so do I. Since u said some of the guys u find r creepy, try 2 focus on the other normal guys u attract. See if any one offers u a gum or helps u with your class work, he might really be nice or have a crush on u. But dont stop being nice 2 the creepy guys too. Remember, they have feelings like u and me. this is my opinion.

2006-11-07 20:05:05 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

If you want a boyfriend so bad, then I highly recommend following this https://bitly.im/aL5Lw Since you've never dated or been kissed before, it's going to be hard to get a boyfriend if you don't know what to do but once you know what to do, you'll be able to get a boyfriend pretty easily and can share your dating stories with your friends and experience those feelings yourself. You'll even be able to attract guys you might feel is out of your league. I suggest going on a bunch of dates before choosing one guy to be your boyfriend. Have fun.

2016-05-14 16:39:23 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Sometimes being nice can make you seem like an "easy target" for creeps and even "nice guys" who just seem creepy.

But there are ways you can scare them off with just a piercing stare when you don't want to be bothered.

Brother DzL (AsP)
"The Player's Lifestyle"

2006-11-07 19:54:27 · answer #4 · answered by mo2dajizzo 5 · 0 0

All this unwanted attention probably means you're attractive. It's tricky if you want to be nice to guys without leading them on. Don't worry though, if one of these nerds ever asks you for a date and you say "no", he will probably leave you alone after that.

Oh, and never let someone take your picture if you aren't comfortable. Just say no!

2006-11-07 19:57:19 · answer #5 · answered by mj_indigo 5 · 0 0

ALL guys are attracted to girls who are nice. You notice the "creepy" ones because theyre more needy and you dont want their attention.

2006-11-07 19:50:36 · answer #6 · answered by David B 6 · 0 0

No but more people of all types are going to be more attracted to someone who seems approachable.

I would advise against changing.

2006-11-07 19:50:56 · answer #7 · answered by FSJD 3 · 0 0

Could it be that you're shallow, and that you probably dont find these guys attractive- if you did find them attractive i'd bet you wouldnt think they we're creepy.

2006-11-07 19:50:41 · answer #8 · answered by Damian 2 · 1 1

YES! definitly !

2006-11-07 19:49:01 · answer #9 · answered by ♀★sMiLe☆♀ 2 · 0 0

yes sometimes we all feel this way
somehow they feel you're emotional...available
they just feel it

2006-11-07 19:50:39 · answer #10 · answered by Anais 2 · 0 0

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