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Singles & Dating - 7 November 2006

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

For the last week I been felling strange. I think he is seeing someone else. We made an agreement that we will only date eachother. For that whole year I been honest, respectful and faithful. I think he has not. He is the only made I dated in my City. Sometime I think I been played for a fool. It hurts me to just think he is with another women. A part of me wanna leave than a part wanna stay, because I grew to love him. I am confuse. What should I do.

2006-11-07 05:10:06 · 9 answers · asked by angle2005star 4

I went On a date Sat. with a girl. It was my first time meeting her. She picked me up at 2pm sat.(cause my car broke down so we used hers) and we went out for dinner and looked at the stars. I went to drop her off at 10pm. But she said I want to stay out later. I she said lets do something spontanious so I agreed. We took a road trip that night across state and really got to know each other. It was 3 am and we were on the road and she said lets stop and get a room. So I agreed (But I wanted to show her that she could trust me and that I respected her so I got one with 2 beds. (nothing happened). We woke up the next morning and drove back to our hometown and went to church and a movie and dinner. We had a great time. But since my car is broke down she had to drop me off and by that time it was 6 pm sun. By that time I started senceing that she may have been tired of me and it's like she was trying to ...PLEASE FIND THE REST ON MY NEXT QUESTION CALLED CONTINUED TO FINISH THIS STORY!!!!

2006-11-07 05:08:52 · 3 answers · asked by stephen 1 1

I have been on dates with someone and at first there were little notes and all that good stuff now we only have 3 hour phone conversations on a daily basis. I am not sure if this is just friendship that they feel or something more.

2006-11-07 05:07:21 · 13 answers · asked by suthernbelle 1

First I want to be clear that Im not narcissistic (if you dont know what that means then this question is over your head) nor arrogrant. Everywhere I go, I turn heads, I get winks, I get smiles, I get comments and that is flattering - I dont abuse it nor do I make myself out to be some stud. Once in awhile, I will see someone that is attractive and make the mutual gestures back and actually approach them. At that point they seem to become uncomfortable, nervous and speechless but why? My female friends tell me that its because Im too good looking and that can make them that way. So if that is the case, should I not approach you and just let you make the move? Can a man be too good looking that it becomes a disadvantage? Are we pre-judged on how we look and dress that you think we have different motives? Many think Im after one thing and the ones I do date end up being extremely insecure up to the point of spying on me. Help?

2006-11-07 05:07:12 · 18 answers · asked by etile 1

I mean they make it sound like they're SOO disgusted or whatever and then a day or two later its like nothing happened at all. Every thing is peachey agian till one of them pisses off one of the 4 musketeers. Tell me what gives. Also why do some act like jealous boyfriends?

2006-11-07 05:06:18 · 22 answers · asked by SCHMUCKY 3


I have the hardest time getting eye to eye with any of the girls I've ever been with. It seems like girls don't want things to be simple, is that true?

2006-11-07 05:06:06 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am nice looking, athletic and average intelligence. I have a diverse interest in things that range from reading to ultra-lite backpacking. Yet I can't seem to find any nice ladies that would like to go out and have just a cup of coffee. I am shy and they don't seem to initiate the conversation. Could it be because I don't have any money?

2006-11-07 05:05:39 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

I own a house and my gf used to live with me. she said she couldnt afford to pay half my mortgage and moved out. I told her i needed roommates, male or female. she said ok. then i got all male roommate and they stayed for 8 months. now i need new roommates and a girl wants to move in (never met her before) and my gf said she doesnt want a girl to live with me. Who is right? just need opinions of other people.

2006-11-07 05:05:33 · 11 answers · asked by Robbyz3 2

Are there more? If so what are they? Just curious.

2006-11-07 05:05:23 · 5 answers · asked by hunterballlover4eva 1

How much younger? 'fess up :)

2006-11-07 05:04:01 · 11 answers · asked by Cindy S 4

If you feel that when you date someone looks have to be in high priority, isn't that like saying you can't find happiness without looks being in the picture? If that's your mode of thinking, isn't that really ruining your chance at true happiness more than helping? In my previous statement the girl I mentioned had her own place and supported herself quite nicely. She wasn't working because she was injured on the job though. The guy she dated didn't have any of the characteristics she looks for except looks. She stopped being able to pay her bills and keep food in the house. Even though he had a car he wouldn't even help her keep her doctor's appointments. Now she has lost her apartment and had to move home, he is in jail and she is about to his baby. This is all because of looks. Why is it that looks are more important to women than a man who is willing to do whatever he can to make you happy and make you feel like the only woman for him? I know it's not possible that women like pain.

2006-11-07 05:02:03 · 7 answers · asked by sweet_caring_teddybear 1

I used to "see" an older guy who i fell for big time, then i met another older guy who im not with now! but this other man came back in to my life and started txtin me again, i really dont want to fall for him again as he wont commit to me! help!

2006-11-07 05:01:31 · 37 answers · asked by red devil 3

i mean is it when ur willing to die for that person or when u want to get so close to them.... or is it something totally different????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


2006-11-07 05:00:45 · 26 answers · asked by girly girl 2

That he wants to pound me! Why does he want to beat me up when we don't even know eachother?

2006-11-07 04:58:21 · 23 answers · asked by Pardon Moi? 3

I mean, im a girl and i've spent most of my life trying to figure them out. What do they want? How do you know when they like you? Are guys deep...? Or does it all come back to them wanting to get laid?
Answer please.

2006-11-07 04:58:06 · 18 answers · asked by ggh 2

Alright, at the moment, I am 5'6", blond hair, brown eyes, and yeah, I'm white. I think I have a caring personality when it comes to women, but they just don't seem to see it. For the women, would you be interested in my a person of my description?

2006-11-07 04:56:34 · 18 answers · asked by wizard of stealth 3

I met a girl this weekend at a bar, but i didn't think we hit it off. She called the next day, and said we should go out this week. I was thinking we could either go get a drink just to talk and get to know each other a little, or i could get her to come out with a group. Whaddyathink??

2006-11-07 04:56:11 · 21 answers · asked by Andrew W 1

i split from my 6 year relationship with my fiance 8 months ago.we had our own place too.when i was with my ex, i was introduced to this guy. hes not a friend of my ex. anyway, we swapped numbers coz we had alot in common career wise. he said that he wished he could meet someone like me, but understood that i was in a relationship. despite this, he would always text me asking me to meet im for drinks. i declined as i was with my boyf. my boyf also told him to stop texting me but he didnt. anyway, since, i have split from my ex (not coz of this guy) he is still texting me to meet him for drinks. he has been chasing me for ages now. i have met him a couple of times and have stayed over is place (as i live in a different town to him). we have only kissed eachother. he always compliments me and always makes conversation with me.i always catch im looking at me too.he hasnt pressured me for sex but as asked me to give him oral. i have refused yet he is still contacting me.

2006-11-07 04:55:08 · 21 answers · asked by Pretty Little Girl xxx 1

we have known each other since we were about 3 years old. we have not talked to each other in a long time. but we talk once and a while.. what do u think i should do.

2006-11-07 04:52:50 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

I went On a date Sat. with a girl. It was my first time meeting her. She picked me up at 2pm sat.(cause my car broke down so we used hers) and we went out for dinner and looked at the stars. I went to drop her off at 10pm. But she said I want to stay out later. I she said lets do something spontanious so I agreed. We took a road trip that night across state and really got to know each other. It was 3 am and we were on the road and she said lets stop and get a room. So I agreed (But I wanted to show her that she could trust me and that I respected her so I got one with 2 beds. (nothing happened). We woke up the next morning and drove back to our hometown and went to church and a movie and dinner. We had a great time. But since my car is broke down she had to drop me off and by that time it was 6 pm sun. By that time I started senceing that she may have been tired of me and it's like she was trying to ...PLEASE FIND THE REST ON MY NEXT QUESTION CALLED CONTINUED TO FINISH THIS STORY!!!!

2006-11-07 04:52:32 · 5 answers · asked by stephen 1 1

This question arose from watching an Ally Mc Beal episode where a man was sued by a woman for not revealing the material fact that he was a little person. This fact would not bother some people, but it would bother others.

so I'm just wondering... what facts would you like to know about someone you met online before embarking on a relationship?

2006-11-07 04:50:36 · 29 answers · asked by Balaboo 5

Why do men use women and lead them on????

2006-11-07 04:49:07 · 17 answers · asked by Brooke H 2

if someone tells you that they love you, then turns around and trys to stab you in your face with a pencil. does that person really love you or are they telling a lie.

2006-11-07 04:48:43 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

my boyfriend broke up with me after being in a relationship with him for 7 months.i listen to 'say goodbye' and 'what hurts the most' constantly,are there any others you would recommend?

2006-11-07 04:48:18 · 23 answers · asked by foblovr351 1

I'm only fifteen, but please listen to my story, befor you blast me for being to young
Here goes....I love her, now please dont say I'm crazy until my story is over..
Over the summer, I liked her. we seemed to talk all the time, and flirt like crazy. well she kinda backed off, and I kinda smothered her a little bit...so I gave it a while and asked her how she felt.....she said she didnt like me like that...but... a month later...she emailed me..and told me that she was really sad..cuz our friendship wastn wat it used to be ( we've been friends since age 7).. I told her it was just hard for me to get over her.....but I was working on it..and things got better, and we seem to be good friends again..but theres one problem..I love her....I just cant get over her.... I mean I want her to be happy, and if she is thats great..but, she's a huge flirt, ..and it just kills me to see her with these other guys all the time....

Additional Details

9 minutes ago
but a couple of things she has said confuse me. when she said she wants our friendship back....she was talking about me moving on and getting a gf......that if I get rejected ..the reason is probably stupid.....and she also said her reason was probably stupid... but the she goes and flirts with these other guys...and I just dont want her to be a **** or sumthing...that would kill me more than anything..I am afraid to get close to anyone else, becuz I'm afraid that this wiill happen again.....and plus..well idk..i love everything about her..her smile, the way she laughs....everything..I know this isnt just another crush..cuz i have had many of those....and this isnt one of those...is there anything i can do?? please help?

Additional Details

39 minutes ago
but way back 6 months ago, she told her friends she mite like me......and then she backed off ..so I know she has even the slightest feelings..and other times..I just kinda get that sense..she has thought about it..i just dont know what to do..I mean she is only 13..so I know her mind is goin crazy.but what should i do

Additional Details

42 minutes ago
I mean since weve been friends for so long...we see each other every week...... i mean..i know nothing is gonna happen in the next month..but am i crazy to hope for sumthin in the next year or so?? or however long??

2006-11-07 04:47:37 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous

Ok this is the storie. My gurlfriend told me about three weeks ago that she was going to go to a party with her friend Nichole and i was ok with it a got mad but i didn't tell her she has been asking me to go with them but i say no because i will feel like the third wheel and i will feel left out then last firday i was supposse to go skating with my friend Tiara but i didn't because my gurl said that on fridays are the day that we spent together so i cancel with Tiara but now yesterday i told my gurl that she can't go to the party because on fridays is when we see each other she said wheel the only reason why she can't go is because if my mom don't go to work on friday i have to wait to see her on saturday so that's what got me mad after i told her all of this she still said she was going to go to the party with Nichole so i think that that's not fair because i had to cancel on friday to see her so why can't she cancel on saturday to see me

Help please!!! I'm bi

2006-11-07 04:45:57 · 14 answers · asked by Crazy Gurl 2

Okay, me and a friend of mine (Rachel) are going to a concert (not the fun kind) for a school assingment. Rachel is very pretty and I'm a little sweet on her, like when I talk to her I get a funny feeling in my stomach and my hands sweat and my mouth get dry. Anyway we're going to this concert not so much as a date, but as a "we both have to go, why not go together?". Anyway, here's the quandry. The concert is at 7 or 7:30 at night, i'm not sure which. Should I ask her if she'd like to get something to eat before we go? If she says yes should we go to a fast food place or a sit-down restaurant? should I pay if we go? Like I said, it isnt really a date and If i paid for her meal would she think it was? what should i do?

2006-11-07 04:42:48 · 16 answers · asked by packerswes4 5

If your partner asked if you wanted to try different partners,what would your reaction be?

2006-11-07 04:42:47 · 40 answers · asked by Pardon Moi? 3

this guy from another country constantly emails me and i answer back for quite a while now and he is courting me now.We havent met personally yet though

2006-11-07 04:42:43 · 18 answers · asked by meg 1

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