I solved it a long time ago after listening to so many conniving and superficial women say they "loved me." THE PROOF NEEDED TO BE IN THE PUDDING, I reasoned. So I told my admirers that if they really and truly DID love me, they would PROVE it by having the tattoo "Property of (my FULL name)" inked on their fannies!
Since I knew there were many others with the same first and last names, I decided to include my middle name to keep the little sneaks honest. And do you know the women lined up enthusiastically?! Of course that may have been because I was going to pay for the tat (the least I could do, I figured). It was the only FAIR way to give them a chance to prove their fidelity and genuine love for me. Sadly, many fell by the wayside over the years for myriad reasons, but they no doubt went on to become great wives for other dudes.
Still, I sometimes wonder how they explain those tats to those tats to their hubbies and boyfriends. How do you make sure their love is real?
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