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Other - Family & Relationships - 12 February 2007

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Other - Family & Relationships

county of santa clara,CA or san mateo county CA

2007-02-12 15:25:22 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

my fiance and his children moved up to arkansas b/c of a job well i have decided to wait intil my son gets out of his school instead of taking him and moving him into a new school,he s only in kinder. but during the summer we are moving up there. i mean i mad the choice of staying here intil he finished.

2007-02-12 15:11:48 · 10 answers · asked by happybunnyjg 2

My 13 yr old son and I have always been close and able to talk about anything. He has always nagged his dad to stop chewing and his pap to stop smoking. He would bring home pictures of what it can do to you.....I trusted him knowing that he told me all of his friends either chew or smoke but swore he would never do it. YEP! you guessed it! I caught him chewing! broke my heart! then found out it wasn't the 1st.time. He said I just don't understand peer pressure.His friends would laugh at him and tease him so he tried it.He said it was embarrassing how they teased him. I gave him the lecture about not being real friends. My husband say's I can ground him 4ever but he WILL find a way if he wants to do it.(but he is not allowing it) just wondering what I can do to prevent it again????

2007-02-12 15:10:50 · 11 answers · asked by same girl/new name :) 5

the reason why i ask is because i haven't came across no one who wasn't good in bad they knew what they was doing in bed but what would be a reason for them to fake tell me details i want to know

2007-02-12 15:02:32 · 9 answers · asked by MRS DEE 2 U 3

We moved with her presure to Colorado on a blink, left my job of 7 years and HAVE yet to find a job and it has been over two months from the last time she touched me. She found a job right away but I have not. I feel there is something wrong, but I don't know!

2007-02-12 14:59:31 · 9 answers · asked by Comp2211 1

You're in a situation to help other people when they are in need of help and some kind of way that the helping hand from the heart gets in the way, your feelings start to grow toward that person what would you do?

2007-02-12 14:57:40 · 3 answers · asked by George 4

I was wondering so can I get an answeR?

2007-02-12 14:48:00 · 4 answers · asked by Kaybee 2

WELL i was wondering does it seem stupid or funny to laugh at your self if ypu make a mistake??
does that seem like a good quality in a person??
(SORRY IM MY ? SOUNDS STUPID lol 8) but im just curious)

2007-02-12 14:43:05 · 8 answers · asked by ♥Selena♥ 3

When someone talks to you straight from the heart, even though some of the things may or may not hurt your feelings, what goes through your mind at that particular time? What would you like to say to the person that makes you feel irritable? Honest answers please!

2007-02-12 14:41:49 · 8 answers · asked by George 4

We used to be friends but now he thinks that everyone is inferior to him. He drives me nuts sometimes and takes advantage of people. How should i deal with this guy?

2007-02-12 14:36:14 · 5 answers · asked by sandman 1

I like this guy and he likes me but this other gurl is like stalking him and he likes her too but me better what do i do (ILOVE HIM)

2007-02-12 14:31:43 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

I just got out of a 3 1/2 year relationship. I feel terrible and have awful self esteem. I feel like no one will ever love me again. Why are people saying I have to find the love inside myself first before someone can love me? I think that if someone loved me, I'd feel better about myself. Meanwhile, i feel like chopped liver and its giving off bad vibes, and other guys dont like me. I feel hopeless. :(

2007-02-12 14:25:35 · 18 answers · asked by Jae Lynn 4

I work with this guy and he is getting married real soon. He already have one 2y/o daughter, and another child on the way, Well he tells his fiance that he works late every night. I worked with this guy for about a month now and I have met his fiance. They are a great couple but in a months time he went out with 17 other women and he had slept with them all. Every day there has always been someone new that picks him up from work. What drives people to do some crazy things like that? A person that has the whole world in his hand and they screw things up so bad that it's unrepairable especially when children are involved. It really puzzles me when people do things like this! Honest answers and replies please!

2007-02-12 14:23:16 · 7 answers · asked by George 4

I found out that my boyfriend has had a personals page that says has been active within 24hours. He said that he hasn't gone onto the site for years, but that he checks his yahoo EMAIL daily and that is why it says ''active within 24 hours" on his personals page. I think he is lying, but is this possible?

2007-02-12 14:19:47 · 17 answers · asked by Ria 1


my son is 19 months i feel as if im struggling taking care of our son alone for the past 2 years, with his father being in the military and all . I feel as if i am being pulled in two different directions, i miss my husband, and trying to care for our son, not to metion i took up an extra shift a work so that i wouldn't sit at home and think about when my husband was coming home. Then i worry if im a good mother to my son what should i do? Please help......

2007-02-12 14:18:45 · 7 answers · asked by tray_trevon 2

There are these two guys in my physiology class (I am a junior in college). They keep staring at me in general, and then laughing and whispering. I'm becoming very uncomfortable as I'm wondering what the reasons might be for such funny behavior? I mean, is there something on my face? Everyone I've talked to says that I should ignore them...and I am doing that. What do you guys think?

2007-02-12 14:16:15 · 16 answers · asked by biologyqueen 1

Hey folks, I'm a grad student here in the midwest, and it's my first year. I'm working with another grad student, a guy, in his fourth year, who's almost done with his PhD work. He's pretty much been a colleague and mentor over the past few months since September. He's really cute, and I've developed a crush on him. Here's the thing: I'm a guy too. I know he's gay (for sure -- long story), and I'm just starting to come out. Should I tell him about my crush and ask him out? He doesn't know I'm gay (or that I might be...)

2007-02-12 14:12:37 · 3 answers · asked by euges116 3

My life partner want to do something that i have never really agreed about, after anal sex, he wants to feltch the sperm out of my rectum, I have a moral stand point and a very strong conviction that eating sperm is canabalism, can some please help me out with this matter

2007-02-12 14:12:04 · 8 answers · asked by K S 2

2007-02-12 14:09:47 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

this guy in my class hates me and loves making my life a living hell. so he has been known to watch me during practice and then heckle me or make fun of me when i mess up. How can I endure practice knowing this might happen - AGAIN? thanks!

2007-02-12 14:02:46 · 15 answers · asked by 77684 3

ok my friend is a little bit of a freak but doesn't want to lose her virginity because she might get a disease or pregnant. And she doesn't want to be caught at a "toy" shop. She wants to kno that if u get one of those electric toothbrushes, will it vibrate enough to do the job?

2007-02-12 13:59:23 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

So me and him have been friends since kindergarten-i'm a freshman-and a couple weeks ago I told him i liked him..he said ummm ok and went and told his friends. I'm not upset about that in fact i don't even care, but it seems like he puts me on and then tries to get away from me. So anyways my question is what should I do?should i keep flirting or leave him be and wait things out...sometimes i catch him staring and just want to say smething

2007-02-12 13:51:54 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

I Mentor a boy (heas a young teen) and his Mom is dating a new boyfriend. She had only known him for about 2 weeks and had him "sleepover" (several times) at their house while my mentee and his little sister was home. This isn't the first guys to walk through the door. I obiously think she is a little easy (cleaned that up for you) . I also don't think this is a good thing for the kids (especially for her daughter), but is there anything I can do? (probably not). I'm pretty sure it bothers the kids because my mentee seems more agitated when a new boyfriend arrives on the scene. Any suggestions or comments?

2007-02-12 13:33:46 · 16 answers · asked by benjamin p 1

I do not mean 'guy's girl' as a heterosexual girlfriend and a 'girl's girl' as a homosexual girlfriend.

2007-02-12 13:22:08 · 5 answers · asked by greene01 1

Even if it was very very early in the relationship before he fell in madly in love O:]

Here's the deal. I've been with my girl for 2 years. I am a good boyfriend and I wouldn't cheat on my girlfriend ever (again). But very early in the relationship I did cheat one itty bitty time : - [
We had only been together for 4 months and I wasn't in love yet and I didn't know we would get this far together. I'm thinking about proposing to her really really soon but I have this weight on my chest. Should I tell her or not? I don't want to lose her. She is the best thing that has ever happened to me, total package-intelligent, beautiful, career oriented, nice, everything I could want in a woman. If I lose her I would be devastated but I think she has the right to know. What if this fling comes back to bite me? To tell or not to tell, that is the question

2007-02-12 13:14:33 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-02-12 12:59:50 · 3 answers · asked by andypc14 2

Before I ask my question you need to know a little bit about my life. Im in high school and take care of my 59 yr. old dad. Its just me and him together. I cook clean do laundry you know the usual, and he takes care of a business and works constantly. When my parents went through a devorce my mom took most of the friends, which was dumb, because hes the nicest person you could ever meet. He knows he has a teenage daughter on his hands and for him he gets a little lonely. For free time hes always worn out from work so he normally sleeps or watches tv. I try to keep him company but I have a life on my hands too,its hard to manage both. I have a boyfriend who I love to hang out with but I feel bad because then my dad is alone. I care alot for both of them and try to do activities that both can enjoy but it gets awkward. Recently hes had a break up with a psychotic girlfriend who didnt really care about him. Hes shy so I feel as though this Vday I need to do something special. any ideas?

2007-02-12 12:50:56 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

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