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We moved with her presure to Colorado on a blink, left my job of 7 years and HAVE yet to find a job and it has been over two months from the last time she touched me. She found a job right away but I have not. I feel there is something wrong, but I don't know!

2007-02-12 14:59:31 · 9 answers · asked by Comp2211 1 in Family & Relationships Other - Family & Relationships

9 answers

Because she is blowing me right now as I type this answer....Oh ya now gargle baby, that's it swallow

2007-02-12 15:07:27 · answer #1 · answered by K S 2 · 0 1

Sounds like she has lost all respect for you.As a woman we need a man to be proud of to look up to ,to protect us from harm etc. etc. etc. Now lets look at it from another point of view .You must feel like s h i t am I right and if so how is your attitude towards her remember now you are the one that is going through this feeling of nothingness because of the job situation .Watch what happens when you get a job you will come home with a whole new outlook on your wife and everything else that has been native for you.In other words it is in your head you are making to much out of nothing. GOOD LUCK !

2007-02-12 23:26:23 · answer #2 · answered by Teenie 7 · 0 0

Don't wait for her to touch you, touch her. Im going to keep it real with you, take your pride and strap some C-4 to it and blow it the hell up. Your wife has a job and you do not, appreciate that, not every woman works to support a house hold, so i do applause that. Next time your wife comes home be romantic, message her back, talk about her day at work, find out what frustrates her. Have fun, make her laugh, do some four play, it's not nasty..... it's your wife. I gaurantee she would appreciate the love more than you.

2007-02-13 10:03:50 · answer #3 · answered by Gentle G 1 · 0 0

Same reason soldiers have sex problems when they finally come home from Iraq. There is just so much on her mind right now, she's stressed. Don't let her push you away. Do something to remind her why you two fell in love in the 1st place. Remember that we women like to be touched and kiss and know that you don't expect anything in return. Rub her back or make her a bath with candles, tuck her into bed, tell her she looks beautiful, kiss her on the forhead and then just cuddle with her. BOTTOM LINE: She needs to feel secure right now and she needs to know that you can provide that security in one form or another.

2007-02-13 02:30:20 · answer #4 · answered by mikesgal06 1 · 0 0

On a serious level, it could be a # of things. It's hard to trouble shoot here, but you guys are married. The # 1 step in keeping a relationship afloat is communication. JUST ASK HER! Make sure it is not in a confrontational way either.

She may be homesick, stressed, depressed, her hormonal balance may be off, she may be pregnant, anything could be the case at this point.

Talk to her. That's the best thing that you can do. Good luck and I really hope it all works out! God Bless you...

2007-02-12 23:18:05 · answer #5 · answered by 100% Woman, yes indeed! 3 · 0 0

Doesn't sound very good dude. If she was pressuring you to move to Colorado, quitting your job of 7 years, doesn't sound very smart!
Maybe she's stressed about things, finances, etc. or maybe not in the mood.

2007-02-12 23:25:37 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Because women only care about themselves. I would suggest that you find a job soon before she asks for a divorce!

2007-02-12 23:13:25 · answer #7 · answered by Bob P 1 · 0 1

Could be one of these reasons:

1. You don't have a job.

2. Her job is being a prostitute.

2007-02-12 23:02:34 · answer #8 · answered by Dreizehn 1 · 1 2

you should be communicating with her!!!!!!!!!

2007-02-12 23:31:36 · answer #9 · answered by sophia 2 · 0 0

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