I'm always straight from the heart. I don't like to sugar coat things. I expect to be treated the same. You don't need to walk on egg shells around me.
2007-02-12 14:44:48
answer #1
answered by CC 6
If you know that they are talking straight to you, then even if it hurts what they are saying, you will know that they are telling you because they care, not because they are verbally beating you up. You should thank them for their advise, and then have some alone time to think through what they told you so you can decide what to do and whether to listen to what they told you. There is nothing wrong with criticism, it makes you a better person in the long run, even if it hurts at the time.
2007-02-12 22:45:58
answer #2
answered by MRod 5
I'd like to thank them for being honest and truthful and then ask why they said whatever it was they said. If it was something that upset me, I would want them to know it did and why. And I guess after they told me I would still feel hurt and maybe pout for awhile.
2007-02-12 22:46:40
answer #3
answered by Serendipity 3
I think it's better to no just where you stand with this person then play head games with each other .If it isn't working out it is always better to no then to hung around and make a complete fool of yourself.
2007-02-12 23:02:28
answer #4
answered by Teenie 7
Normally I would cry. If it is going to hurt my feelings then I don't want to hear it. So I cry to make everything go away. I know it never solves anything but it makes me feel better to get it out when I cry. So just cry. Oh and if it is something that is going to make me mad I don't cry I get really pissed but then I think about where and who it is coming from and I am not so mad.
2007-02-12 22:46:19
answer #5
answered by Jorge's Wife 4
when someone speaks to me directly from their heart it makes me think that they really care. what would i say to the person that makes me the most irritable....... drop dead u horse mouth bit*h! if i wouldnt go to jail i would ........ u get the picture.
2007-02-12 22:48:12
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
well i will try to think of what that person have juz said to me then i will think am i that bad then when i am done with it then i will make changes and improve myself then i will thank them for what they have to said
if what they said is not true and i have not done anything like that i think i will be really mad
2007-02-12 22:55:53
answer #7
answered by astrid 5
f*ck off b*tch, that's what.
2007-02-12 22:44:33
answer #8
answered by sweetchick 1