I have gained 40lbs due to taking medicine to try to have a baby, unfortantely the medicine did not help. My signinficant other has been constantly telling me I need to lose the weight. I am working out twice a day 5 days a week. However he has said some very hurtful remarks to me. "He told me if I keep crying, maybe I will lose a few ounces." "What's cruel is making love to someone my size" I'm way past walking I need to start running etc." He also listen to radio talk discussions and twice there were discussion regarding to women who gain weight, and called me and asked me to listen to other people point of views to show that he is not the only one who feels the way he does. I told him how he makes me feel and he says "he so sorry and that he really loves me, but when he's around me he has this look of total distaste, and he acts really nervous. I really am not a desperate woman and I do really love him but I don't think I can stay in a relationship that's so mental abusing!
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