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Friends - November 2006

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Friends

2006-11-21 19:47:28 · 32 answers · asked by Pommie girl 2

I'm in friendship but everytime again & again cheat I do every time help of my friend in every stage I found solution of her any problem but last time she live me alone after your family I do not understand this relation Todat I hate this relationship but I'm not understanding Why? Why ? please tell me

2006-11-21 19:45:25 · 5 answers · asked by saloni a 1

I met this lady (from Sri Lanka - fine by me by the way!) at the bus stop about 3 years ago (she lives a couple of streets away from me). We've been out together socially twice (my iniation). I usually only see her say once every 6 weeks or so, but when I do see her, she always has some remark. Once, another friend of mine and I went to see a ballet and when I told this Sri Lankan lady, she said, "Typical English interest is ballet". I said nothing in response. On another occasion, she said to me, "You get everything on a plate". To pre-judge me like this is not on. She knows nothing about my insecure/unstable background in which to pass judgment. What should I say/do? If I do get as she quotes "everything on a plate", it's only because I've had to do all the hard work myself without any support and I make the most of myself.

2006-11-21 19:43:46 · 16 answers · asked by Say It Like You Mean It 4

Had a girl that i knew about 35 yrs ago great friend, just wondered if anone knows her or Vicky herself could be online right now

2006-11-21 19:35:19 · 2 answers · asked by jawtar 2

Everyone was talking bad about this person ,including me.But I really care about this person and value their company.So I was feeling bad about gossiping and talking about them and I told the what I did.I didn't tell them any details,or whom I was talking about them with,I only said what I did and that I felt bad and wasn't gonna do it again.Now everyone else in the "circle" is acting like I did something wrong by doing this.Everyone is avoiding conversation with me....Why?...What did I do wrong?.............................I didnt rat on anyone but myself.

2006-11-21 19:22:56 · 4 answers · asked by Direktor 5

2006-11-21 19:21:50 · 28 answers · asked by zx 1

If you have a friend that doesn't like to hear bad critism of her and you wanted not to keep contact with your friend because she is bad influence should you tell her/him why? and say i will not be your friend anymore or just say some dumb story?

2006-11-21 19:16:22 · 11 answers · asked by sure_whatever_29 3

this has been a very hard year financialy.

2006-11-21 18:55:28 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have stopped talking to my Boy Friend(Who has committed me for marriage )as he had told me that he has told everything to his Mom and other family members ,but suddenly when I told him that I want to talk to your Mom he denied and said he had a talk with his Mom but she denied for have words with me and she will talk to me after engagement .have I done anything wrong with him?????????I am 99%sure that he hadn’t told anything to his Mom or other family members. He has also started sending cheep messages to his first love. What I should do????????

2006-11-21 18:25:17 · 5 answers · asked by shikha s 1

Not much i am guessing so what can i do to say goodbye?

2006-11-21 18:15:22 · 41 answers · asked by jules 4

and combs her hair when seeing you

2006-11-21 18:05:17 · 16 answers · asked by krishna 1

what is the meanest thing you ever did to somebody to get even with them?

2006-11-21 17:34:02 · 15 answers · asked by sugarmonkey47 3

I just heard that a friend may be dying of cancer. I haven't talked to her in a while and I am scared for her. I don't think I am suppose to know what she is going through as I heard it from a mutual friend that let it slip. But if she is dying I want to tell her how much she means to me and how much of a friend she has been to me. I don't want to let on that I know but I don't want her to die and I know how positive reinforcement can help people that are sick. It is the middle of the night right now, but I want to call her and tell her how much she means to me, but her cell phone is shut off and I don't want to disturb her family. I just want her to call me so I can talk to her. I haven't talked to her in awhile and I feel sorry about that. I don't want her to die because she is one of the most terrific people I have ever met. I would trade places with her if I could. I just want to talk to her. What should I do?

2006-11-21 17:26:46 · 11 answers · asked by three6ty 4

On the time of Noah, humans lasts up to 500 to 900 years old...
Now 60 to 70 years is the standard lifetime of one single human being... ?

2006-11-21 17:23:07 · 12 answers · asked by ? 3

My friend told me today that they cut themself. We are both over 18 so parents arent really a solution here, but I dont know what to do or say... I really dont want them to continue hurting themself...

2006-11-21 17:21:11 · 9 answers · asked by interesting 2

At school there is this girl. she is my rival. I hate her alot. my mum and her mum are pretty good friends so her mum told my mum to do a favour. to babysit her daughter(who is my rival!!!!!) and she is coming to my house for as long as her mum finishes work. my mum agreed and I was like, nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo... fxcking hell, why?? why?? why me!!!!!!!!?????????????!!!!!!! This is my worst nightmare!!!!!! She doesn't like me at all. and I don't because she once excluded me that made me angry, ditched me when I was her friend a long time ago, been really aggressive and spread bad rumours about me. she is such a *****. My mum says to be friends with her and talk to her, and i was like, what the hell?? mum???!!! I am always really friendly to guests who come at my house but why will I be to her???!!!! She is my worst enemy. If I don't co-operate with her and ignore her, my family is going to think I am rude, selfish, not responsible to my actions. HELP ME! what can I do???!!!!

2006-11-21 17:09:20 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

ok my boyfriend wants me to go the military ball with him..but i can't dance i mean slow dance yeah but like that fast new crap no i'm a country chick i mean i know how to square dance.....lol.. well i'm a redneck..and what if my mom can' afford me a formal gown..i mean my dad has been out of work for the past 7 months what about that.. how will i buy one the ball is like on the 27 of january..thanks for your help

2006-11-21 16:49:54 · 1 answers · asked by i love my son wyatt 2

like i want to have a song just me and her song we have been friends for like 8 years and i just want a song for me and her

2006-11-21 16:45:50 · 2 answers · asked by .Samantha 1

I try to locate my friend who I lost contact for 10 years with the following details:

Yau Sau Yung, Tracy
She was born in Hong Kong on 1965-2-7

She went to Belfast in 1996 to help her sister to run a Chinese restaurant as her brother in law was killed in a car accident.

Her last mailing address before 1996 was
Suit 19, The Brambles,
Knockmore Road, Lisburn.
BT28. N. Ireland (obvious she moved)

Anyone help me to locate her (either have her to call me or provide me with her contact number), I will reward £2,500.00 to the first person who provide me with the correct answer.

You can contact me by e-mail at eddiemail2005@yahoo.com.hk or (852) 9185-2508

Serious answer only. Please no abuse or joke. Thanks!


2006-11-21 16:45:40 · 8 answers · asked by eddiemail2005 1

My friends are trying to get me and my ex-best friend Lauren to be friends again.

The problem is: I don't want to be friends with her anymore. I don't want to have much to do with her, and if possible I want to talk to her as little as possible.
Yet most my friends are her friends, and they are all trying to make us become friends again.

Awile back, when we were friends, we'd practically spend every moment together. As we began to spend more time together, I began to develop feelings more than friendship for her. She was the most amazing person I have ever met in my life.
Although as soon as I had told her of my feelings for her, she got scared. She stopped hanging out with me as much, and she told me never to talk to her again.
Her new friend verbally attacked me for being homosexual, and apparently 'stalking and obsessing' over her.

So now all of our friends are trying to force us to be friends again.
I just want nothing to do with her, cus I dont want to get hurt again.

2006-11-21 16:27:38 · 13 answers · asked by That cool kid 1

I have this friend(if u call her that) that is very bossy, annoying, mean, selfish and sometime nice.She drives me crazy, She is always telling me what 2 do, and she can't ask for herself she always wants some one to do it for her, if something is to hard (a class or something) she changes her classes(she only has 2 real classes Engish,Math. And she makes me feel dumb sometimes( uses big words). she always get better grades then me and she will laugh because I have a lower grade. When I ask her to help me on my homework she will take a long time to help or give me the wrong answer. She is annoying because she trys 2 copies me, she is always laughing when something happens. She thinks she is my only friend and I wouldn't make on my own in school. Once I tried to not be with her (not sitting or talking with her) but then some one took my seat and I had 2 sit with her again. Should I still be her friend. please help

2006-11-21 16:20:12 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

She is now 17 she is my friend and she wrote in a letter that her brother sexualley abuse her since she was 12?but she afraid of her brother?she live in honea pathe in SC,Can her brother arrest for this?can i produced this letter .i am not a US citizen

2006-11-21 16:18:45 · 9 answers · asked by ray g 1


2006-11-21 16:04:49 · 25 answers · asked by ? 4

his name is drew little and he graduated from largo high school in 2004. i think he has purposly disappeared. what else can i do to find him?

2006-11-21 16:02:06 · 6 answers · asked by vanessa k 1

2006-11-21 16:00:12 · 17 answers · asked by Dannyd 1

If I tell a girl she smells horrible is that bad??!!

2006-11-21 15:59:56 · 10 answers · asked by Carlos! 2

I was joking about boobs and stuff and then he comes up with a rumor that I was rating iam in 8th grade and i dont know what to do should I confrunt them or should I wait it out?now those girls who where my friends hate me and think iam a perve please help.

2006-11-21 15:48:30 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous


2006-11-21 15:43:58 · 5 answers · asked by Sunil Rishi 1

I am in High school and my best friends always make fun of me because how I speak like if I don't pronoce a word right they will make fun of me and some will call me half mexican and I am getting sick of it and it has been going on for a long time even in my family, Both my parents speak spanish but I am the only one in My whole family that can not talk well (roll my R's and others things) It took me 6 years just to say Car and red in spanish. (caro,Rojo)so when I was little all my cousins and aunts,uncles,
use to call me names because of that, and that got me mad. I would start to talk and they would tell me they didn't understand me, some even made me cry because I didn't know how to speak well. (My parents get mad at me because I still can't speak well, I try my best but I can't get it. What should I do? sometimes I even start crying because I can't say some words. What should I tell my friends, I have tried to do every thing to make them stop laughing at me because how I talk.

2006-11-21 15:40:52 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have this freind that i've known since kindergarden, and im now in 9th grade; and over the years, especially over the previous summer, shes changed alot. She turned gothic, and changed most of her freinds completly. Were still friends but we don't seem really close anymore, shes more perverted and depressed over the smallest things, yet happy the next moment. She aslo talks about sex 24/7. Should i tell her that it bothers me when she talks about that stuff, or keep quiet. I'm only asking this because we used to be BFF's.

Thanks for any answers :)

2006-11-21 15:39:32 · 5 answers · asked by Momo 5

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