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Friends - November 2006

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My best friend is having her birthday on December 4th, which is a Monday. She is a girl, I am a guy, and we're just friends, nothing more... OK, that's the background.

I offered to take her out for dinner during the preceding weekend. She doesn't want me to do anything special, and wants it treated as just another day. I wasn't going to do anything too fancy, just a nice quiet meal somewhere. Her comment was (in a text message): I just don't want a fuss, I'm not worth it.

She's my best friend, and we've been there for each other so much recently. She's special to me, and it should be her special day. Should I force the issue, or back off completely? I feel like there may be other issues at play, so I don't want to upset her by being too pushy.

Does anyone have any constructive thoughts on how I should proceed here?

2006-11-11 19:44:54 · 8 answers · asked by Tiger1980 2

2006-11-11 19:33:29 · 23 answers · asked by betty_htch 5

piegon hedo forbia

2006-11-11 19:28:49 · 15 answers · asked by pigeonhedoforbia 1

2006-11-11 19:11:52 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

Isn't this sort of weird???????

2006-11-11 18:32:02 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am looking for her last name. If anyone know it

2006-11-11 18:17:35 · 1 answers · asked by goodytaz96000 1

only for kolkata's plz.

2006-11-11 18:16:16 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

I spend my weekends doing homework; sleeping and watching TV because I have no friends do something with. I don't know if it is my physical appearance or my personality that makes people feel uncomfortable around me. Whenever i sit down by myself at a college lecture class, I notice that people will usually walk past me and sit somewhere else; perhaps next to someone person that "they" don't even know. I find it hard to conversate with people. Is this abnormal, am I doing something wrong, I'm just a regular guy that wants to fit in with my classmates. Should i accept this as normal behavior of who I am? Please help...

2006-11-11 18:08:06 · 7 answers · asked by CuriosityKills 3

What's with all this Hating going on in this world today? Why are people always hating on others? Can any one explain what a "hater" really is ? and do you know any? Friends? Relatives? Co-workers? Please share some stories about folks you thought were your friend but you found out that they were jealous of you.

2006-11-11 18:08:01 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

A guy poposed me ...i dont love him...i dont wanna hurt him......what shud i do now???

2006-11-11 18:05:27 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

I just so happen to be browsing around on the offender search on mi.gov and I put in an ex's name. I didnt think I was gonna see his name up there, but there it was. In jail for armed robbery. We didnt leave off on good terms but I know he doesn't have anyone else that cares enough to write him. I know I wouldn't scold him or ask "what were you thinking" or saying "I told you so" because that is the last thing anyone in jail needs to hear. Should I write him and give him encouraging words, like keep ya head up or dont drop the soap (j/k)?? but still.. If you were in jail, would you want to hear from your ex? And what encouraging words can I say?

2006-11-11 17:49:48 · 21 answers · asked by A.J. 4


2006-11-11 17:45:42 · 12 answers · asked by Tinti 2

pls. answer my questions..
i want to hear your opinions..
tnx a lot...

2006-11-11 17:41:52 · 9 answers · asked by mayin t 1


2006-11-11 17:40:47 · 4 answers · asked by Tinti 2

Is it okay to fall in love with your bestfriend? He's nice, and I could be myself when he's around. He protected me when I was almost ganged, and he got stabbed for that (I feel guilty!). Then one day, he was waiting outside our door, when i opened it, I accidently kissed him! I thought he was my dad! Oh my God, then he blushed! And I kinda felt uneasy...What should I do? Please help me!

2006-11-11 17:23:28 · 9 answers · asked by Ruth 1

is it ok to not like a person for being a mama's boy? i mean a huge mama's boy. he will only see me like once very two months cuz of her. is it his fault (we r 15) ? if it is or isnt can i dislike him for it? his mom has taught him she and my mom to intervene every time me and him have a problem with eachother, my mom goes along with it i hate it so much. most 15 year olds cant stand their parents. i cant stand mine more tham most, and he just luuuuuuuvs his mom. goes everywhere with her all weekend to the most stupid places like the beauty parlor and the supermarket. its like he is 4. i cant help but find very unnatractive, i mean not as just a opposite-gender attraction thing, also just if i was to be just friends with him. his dad is gone, i dont know where but still i mean he IS a mamas boy. is that an ok xcuse can i dislike him for it can i reject him for it HELP!!!!!!!!!

2006-11-11 17:21:46 · 1 answers · asked by the5500 2

Ok so heres what happend I had a group of girl friend and they would always talk crap about people and so finaly I got sick of it and wouldnt hang out with them when they were talking all this crap about a gril I didnt have any sort of issue with and so one of the grils took it aboun herself to tell ther outhe group meber that I was to busy for stoff and lieing to them saying I was talking all this crap about them and so now every time they see me they call me names like whore and ***** and I'm trying to figer out what i did wrong.I am allowed to pick my friends fro myself so why do thes girls that I have known for years pick a girl they have known for 3 and know that she talks crap about every on over me.

2006-11-11 17:18:08 · 2 answers · asked by mo 1

I have a very nice friend who gave me good advices and chat with me occasionally. But i just can't stand it when she always ask me to join their religion meetings that doesn't concern me and those meetings always make me feel awkward and uncomfortable. I need and want friends who are not so obsessed with religion and can go shopping with me whenever we are free. She is quite a nice person and how should i reply her so as not to hurt her feelings???

2006-11-11 17:14:55 · 10 answers · asked by Daffodil 3

2006-11-11 17:00:15 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-11-11 16:59:00 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

Someone you trust with everything in your life. Someone you want to share everything with. Someone who you would take all their pain away, if you could, when the time came. How many of those kinds of friends do you have? How many do you think the average is amoungst your piers? Do you think that number will change as you grow older?

2006-11-11 16:54:24 · 9 answers · asked by royrox 5

what are some fun things 2 do? um we tryed "light as a feAther stiff as a board" that didnt work, we love stuff like that, like scary but fun stuff kinda like witchcraft but not real intense sso um yeah plz dnt report this either im like not even all in 2that stuff so its nuthin illegal

2006-11-11 16:31:30 · 9 answers · asked by sugarbayb846 2

i need help im so shy in school i dont talk unless some one sais somthing first.people for some reason are telling my friends that they think im mean i like freak out when i see people is there ant way i can get over this? also my friends are also messing with me about my quietness they say stupid things like o your so quiet because your hiding somthing should i stay with these people or find others?do you think it is fair that they mess with me so much? pleas help me i dont know what to do

2006-11-11 16:31:19 · 9 answers · asked by sk8erhjk 3

this guy he was in my class from a jc college but then i guess i cam off kinda desperate as far as wanting to hang out with me (I"m a guy btw straight he knows im not gay though) cause on consecutive days.....but i guess since im a shy guy i dont know what to say and it gets me to come off stupid....so i go to class he says want to go blah blah i said sure just call...so i called then he says ill let u know then i called later on he said want to go here but it closes @ 12 the thing is i think he lied it really closes at 2a.m so i called him back told him that he was like i didnt kno wthat...said he was chilling..i hear a voice and ask what r u doing oh im out with my friends i want to go drinking though so i was like oh okay...then he was like can i call u back he was talking to someone so i was like its okay ill talk to you later now im pissed ill just ignore him but it made me feel bad ...i guess cause im real shy so im not exposed so i say stupid things oh w.e what a liar.

2006-11-11 16:30:22 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

i have these cute pair of earrings i bought in jersey for my best frend wh moved to france. i loove them and i dont know if i should keep them or give them to her. help!

2006-11-11 16:27:34 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

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