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Friends - November 2006

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Tell me if i should try to be friends with him again?
i stop calling and talking him because he started acting funny with me he had just started going back with his ex during the end of our 11th school yr and they started spending alot of time together so i didnt want to get n the way. soeverytime we found time to hang out she would be there and i know she didnt like me so i just stop ccalling him like i use to call him and stoped comeing over all together wel when our senior yr started he was acting like he didnt wanna even be around me finally we didnt talk almost at all around christmas time of last yr he had hit this gurl that his gurlfriend was fighting and i didnt even know until i decided to ccall and see how he was doing well his mother told me he had went to juvinile because he had brought 2 guns to school i saw him workin and i decided to say hi an dthen he said he need to talk me so i gave him my number and he said that we stoped being firneds because i didnt have his back

2006-11-16 18:22:53 · 9 answers · asked by nebrea b 1

Okay, so my best friend of a year is like, my sister. Well, she has a bad family situation. she stays with her grandma, but is neglected. I know i can't do anything(i'm only 13) but when she goes to stay with her aunt, she's getting cared for.
well, she came back from her aunts and was told that she couldn't talk to me anymore.
this isn't good, because before me, she was on the brink of commiting suicide.
She has asked to go to therapy, but her grandma forgets to take her, she needs medication but they can't get it for her(yet they can manage to get her younger brother $120 in legos)
and she's a cutter.
i don't know what to do. her aunt just called me and put me on three way with her.
i want to stay friends with her...
and i apologize for any misspellings...my hands are shaking and i'm about to cry.
help me figure it out, I can't talk to my mom, because she doesn't like her very much, and would cosider this a blessing!!

2006-11-16 18:19:05 · 6 answers · asked by Mimi L 2

All I ever seem to do is argue with my friends, put them down, or hurt them. it's completely involuntary, and when do this its like im not me, but smeone else. i dont wanna keep doing this, because i admit that i am being a b*tch. what can i do?

2006-11-16 18:16:03 · 19 answers · asked by ezzaphill 3

2006-11-16 18:11:23 · 7 answers · asked by MICHELLE 1

I often find myself, when in a class with new people, that my conversations lead to nowhere. They eventually stop and people just stop talking to me. When I'm with my friends, I'm really loud and eccentric-- but when it comes to new people and I'm by myself, I'm really quiet. What should I do? I'm bad at continuing conversations.

2006-11-16 18:05:39 · 5 answers · asked by xchipowers 2

Tell me if i should try to be friends with him again?
i stop calling and talking him because he started acting funny with me he had just started going back with his ex during the end of our 11th school yr and they started spending alot of time together so i didnt want to get n the way. soeverytime we found time to hang out she would be there and i know she didnt like me so i just stop ccalling him like i use to call him and stoped comeing over all together wel when our senior yr started he was acting like he didnt wanna even be around me finally we didnt talk almost at all around christmas time of last yr he had hit this gurl that his gurlfriend was fighting and i didnt even know until i decided to ccall and see how he was doing well his mother told me he had went to juvinile because he had brought 2 guns to school i saw him workin and i decided to say hi an dthen he said he need to talk me so i gave him my number and he said that we stoped being firneds because i didnt have his back

2006-11-16 18:04:56 · 9 answers · asked by nebrea b 1

I spent my teen yrs in all girls school and when i went to co-ed school , I used to go from side whenever the guys was having their group discussion . I was just so scared and i am just so scared now . I don't know what girls talk to guys . I never had boyfriend and even my father wasn,t there for me at that time ( b,coz he died long ago, when I was in grade 4). Now , I have my step-father who is conservative . I dont want to have boyfriend but I should feel confident to talk to guys too.

2006-11-16 17:58:27 · 7 answers · asked by dishakr 1

2006-11-16 17:51:56 · 8 answers · asked by lady 323 1

and is there anywhere I can get help to realize what I went through dating him? his whole family were scientologist also and they just seemed evil. Like they would like nothing better than to hurt me. Conversations seemed full of little remarks meant to get some sort of reacion out of me. They would just make up lies to see how I would react. It was freaky. and he wouldn't even give a dollar when we went to see my nieces church play. I just need somewhere to go and see if other people had similiar experiences dating a scientologist.

2006-11-16 17:43:32 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous


I met this girl as my ballroom dance competition partner about 5 weeks ago. And we've been hanging out a lot together.

Well I think I'm just being the person I naturally am, being extremely helpful. I always drive her around, help her move house, take her around the city (she's new to the city), just hang out and buy her drinks, pay for her lunch, nurse her when she was ill. I suppose i have to spend lots of time with her because of dancing.

I would probably do the same for everyone that I spend that much time together. But am I being too nice to her?

2006-11-16 17:36:50 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-11-16 17:22:52 · 12 answers · asked by D.R.M.M's Fairplay's Man 5


2006-11-16 16:46:14 · 5 answers · asked by sexygirl_15 1

We're a group of four but one is going to another city, so only three of us is left. at school, everythings is in twos, project partners, seating arrangements etc. Problem is that the other two are more close and im gonna be the loner next year. help! making new friends wont work cos the whole class has already got its groups.

2006-11-16 16:38:36 · 4 answers · asked by Skelepri 2

2006-11-16 16:27:11 · 5 answers · asked by Unowen 3

i would like to be a little more assertive.

2006-11-16 16:19:27 · 11 answers · asked by chara 2

I am very clingy person but I don't like being this way.I have many friends.However I seem to run off many because I come off too strong, not meaning anything by it, just being me.I sometimes feel like I am going to explode if I don't express or show how I am feeling.I don't want to change who I am but I don't to be a clingy person or at least I don't want to show everyone that.Being clingy isn't a very flattering quality so what should I do about it

2006-11-16 16:14:39 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have a friend that constantly talks about herself, always complains about how she feels (she never feels good), always takes anything I start talking about and turns it into talking about herself (ALWAYS-NO LIE), tells me she is going to name her soon to be born kid after my ex husband that did me wrong and after a guy I had a major crush on that never liked me for its first and middle name, and who wants constant reassurance that I still am her friend even thought she acts the way she does and apologizes for how she acts all the time.....what should I do about her? She drains me. I'm not a mean person and I dont know what her deal is and what to do.

2006-11-16 16:01:37 · 12 answers · asked by coolchic 2

im still very much in love with my ex boyfriend we broke up over a year ago im now in college 2 hours away from home he has a boyfriend named tom and he has a child on the way from one of his previous exes that he dated after me. So i am almost certain we would never have another chance togehter. Hes more likley to get with the mother of his child before me however...He was my first love in everyway he even took my virginity we were together over a year which really is the blink of an eye. Yet, for some reason im stuck on him and the past. Im constantly haunted by memories of him and i and the things we used to do together and things we said. We are still friends and i wish to remain so.I am having trouble coming to terms with the fac tthat hes having a baby with a mutual friend of mine b/c i still love him.I just want to make peace with everything and move on. I feel like i will never find love again... how can i just get over this and be happy in my life again?

2006-11-16 15:58:28 · 8 answers · asked by bobbo 1

yeah we broke up and it sucked.
he told me that i wasnt good enough for him..
no joke and that i wasnt the right one for him and that like he found someone else.
god **** him

how should i get over him?

2006-11-16 15:49:52 · 4 answers · asked by brittney<3. 1

Within a month from now I will be turning 21 years old, still very young, but I have learned alot heres what I WISHED I had known:

Just because the "coolest" kid in the classroom likes something doesnt mean you have to like it as well.
Just because it isnt brand name, doesnt mean it dont look good.
Freckles enhances beauty, dont buy fade cream to make them go away (dont ask)
Enjoy school, I mean REALLY enjoy school cause the next thing you'll wake up 5 days a week 8:00am-5:00pm everyday, including holidays, only 2 sicks day, have bills, and realized how GREAT naps are.
Just because someone tells you something, doesnt mean it the truth.

Just because you say something, that you KNOW is the truth, doesnt mean it is.


Words does effect a person, doesnt matter how small you think they are (you gained weight, you talk funny) Words doesnt just effect that minute you said it, it could very well effect that persons whole life.


2006-11-16 15:47:30 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

can you love some one you have never seen him or her before. i mean you just know her or him by emails or phone ,you have her or his picture,you , he or she far away from your country,, it's hard to imagine but it happens sometimes. do you agree with me?

2006-11-16 15:24:40 · 6 answers · asked by venus 1

2006-11-16 15:15:28 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

i have this friend that when ever he talks to me hes gotta hug me first and when he or i talk he stares at me with wide eyes and a smile. what does this mean?

2006-11-16 15:04:40 · 5 answers · asked by Meeowf 3

No, nothing is wrong w/ my lips. People tell me I have pretty lips. Is that why they look at them?

2006-11-16 14:34:52 · 2 answers · asked by sweetchick 1

My sister said that she likes many boys in her class 10th. Some boys like her too but others not as she is fat. She wants to know how to attract boys without going on dates etc.

2006-11-16 14:10:48 · 9 answers · asked by yuvraj d 1

I have an ex boyfriend that I loaned money to. He and I are great friends, well sometimes we are great friends. He gets moody and there are times when he isn't the nicest person when he talks to me. He recently started seeing a girl and that is fine but I also would like to get some of my money paid back. Problem is he will accuse me of being jealous or of our friendship having a catch if I bring up starting payments. How do I bring up the touchy subject of repaying money without seeming like there are conditions. He makes me feel like I am a bad friend for asking him to be responsible and pay me back. Help.

2006-11-16 14:00:06 · 11 answers · asked by A. C 1


is a good nickname for chelsea

2006-11-16 13:54:50 · 7 answers · asked by Chelsea [♥] Dawn 3

Hi, I'm a junior in High school. I have a group of friends that I'm constantly in touch with. All of us are acclaimed Christians, but slowly, they've fallen from Christ. Now I'm the only one left who's dedicated to Christ and still a virgin. Is sex really worth the wait? Do any of you regret having sex before marriage? I know God wants me to wait, so I will strive to please Him; but I need some advice for my friends. Please help me!

2006-11-16 13:52:37 · 25 answers · asked by Savannah 1

Does anybody know some meaningful lyric songs... I don't know if I have the same meaning as other people may have, but I'm looking for songs like "Drops of Jupiter" and "calling all angels" and "Konstantine" (in order by, train, train, and Something Corporate) does anybody know any really good songs like that... that just hit the spot and brings tears to your eyes? Thanks.

2006-11-16 13:38:03 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

A brand-new female friend met me yesterday and called, and invited me out to lunch today. I took out time from work to meet her at the restaurant she picked, and waited there an hour. It changed my entire day and was kind of a waste. This evening I got home from work and didn't see her number on my Caller ID. I phoned her and asked what happened. She sounded stoned and said she was sorry, "this isn't the real me", and that she not only did stand me up, she didn't even call before the appt to tell me she wouldn't be there.

She then went into this sob story about her dog and how some medical problem of the dog was what threw her day off. The problem with the dog was not serious, and the dog's fine.

Well, this woman still wants to be friends with me and apologized profusely. But she struck me as kind of weird from the onset, and I think her not even calling to warn me she wouldn't be at the place was an *insult*. I want her un-friended. Should I dump her as a friend?

2006-11-16 13:37:02 · 8 answers · asked by Heather M 2

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