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Family & Relationships - 14 February 2007

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

2007-02-14 13:34:56 · 4 answers · asked by Huggy Love 2 in Friends

you have found so many person to be loved but no body just as what you want, seems that to be perfectionist is the only get away. we never meant it but, see...no body seems suit me.

2007-02-14 13:34:43 · 3 answers · asked by sarienem 1 in Singles & Dating


ok idk i guess i do like this guy but im not sure, he used to like me... he had my cell and hed used to IM me all the time a caught one of his friends talking about me and how he liked me a week ago ...
now all of the sudden hes gone with flirting with this other girl and telling my friends that he likes her?? im just really confused... i havnt done anything to him and on his myspace im still one of is best friends... i havnt talked to him online for 1 month and everytime the one girl is on he is on... idk is it to make me jelous? or does he really like this other girl?

2007-02-14 13:34:05 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

Where can a young guy who is drug-free and isn’t a religious crazy person go to look for single women who are looking to have a good time? I know it might sound like a dumb question to some of you people out there, but being a former boozer-loser and being fed up with people who only know how to have fun via self-toxication made me curious to know exactly where I can go to meet women that are educated, cultured, drug-free and that aren’t bound to the confines of some religious institution (Ex: Church, Mosque, or Temple/Synagogue) Now tell me am I SOL? Or is there a unique club/gathering place for someone like me?

2007-02-14 13:34:02 · 6 answers · asked by S.Magus 1 in Singles & Dating

We played volleyball at gym and he always looked at my team... see what I am doing. But he has a girlfriend and I really like him unfortunately, I cheer for his basketball team and he always looks at me sometimes and we went to gym and I didn't know if we had gym or chorus and I looked him and smiled and he did the same and at the end of the day we looked at each other for a long time and then he left and so did I. Does he like me?

2007-02-14 13:33:22 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

Anyways, thanks for your interest. I am 30 years old have a wife and two kids, make almost 7 figures a year and have numerous investments. I have a PhD with postgrad work.I am part owner and executive in a flourishing drug company that is pretty much self sufficient, I am basically there just to go through the motions and dont really do much there anymore but I somehow find myself working from 7am to 6pm, I see my kids on the weekend and at night but usually we are shuttling them too and from activities which they have a packed schedule, my wife of 12 years and I still have a decent relationship but at times we seem to be growing apart. Lately I feel that my life lacks purpose and direction. Which is odd for me because I am always focused and driven. I was wondering what other peoples takes on this are and any simple advice besides dont work so much.

2007-02-14 13:33:08 · 5 answers · asked by garciaamd 1 in Other - Family & Relationships

I like this guy and I don't know if he likes me back... So what do I do? I have no idea what he's like. And he lives far away so I don't get to see him very often. What should I do?????????HELP

2007-02-14 13:32:45 · 6 answers · asked by roxy<3 2 in Singles & Dating

ok theres this guy i like who knows i like him and now he kinda avoids eye contact when i pass him in the hall and sometimes i find him starin at me idk but his friends says he kinda likes me on and off but my friend ashley says not to get my hopes up cuz they could just be playin me what does this mean???

2007-02-14 13:32:34 · 5 answers · asked by cmpk26 1 in Singles & Dating

this guy and i have been sorta dating for a month now...he said he wanted a serious relationship with me so now im trying to get to know him. we made plan to go see a movie tonight and i was all excited about spending time with him. then he told me he had to work for someone else because it's valentine's day. it really pissed me off because he cancelled on me, which means im not that important to him. he said he would call me to hang out after he gets off work but i really dont think he will. is he playing mind game or is he just not that interested?

2007-02-14 13:32:07 · 2 answers · asked by kittytie 2 in Singles & Dating

Well my mom want to know everthing that goes in my life. But im afraid of telling her becuase I dont know how she would react or who see would tell. these are very personal information i just dont want anyone to know about. Not her husband, friends, or family. i would like everything that I would say be very confidential and not repeated across the would. I also have another question do you agree with me?

2007-02-14 13:31:48 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

i know this girl and i like her yea we talk
i make her laugh even if the jokes was not funny she slaps me on the arm she even looks me in the eyes when we talk. I sometimes c her looking at me my friend says he thinks she likes me because everytime she c me she has a smile on her face. I also noticed when i was talking to another friend which is a girl she stood between me and her until i started telling her a story
that happen which they both laughed but she i think tried to out laugh the other girl.

2007-02-14 13:31:48 · 13 answers · asked by Joe 1 in Singles & Dating

I found out my roommate has 3 kids, and recently wanted them to move in with us.. how crazy is that? i am a student just trying to do school, not live with 3 kids. how do i nicely say sorry its not going to work out?

2007-02-14 13:31:05 · 5 answers · asked by christianpunkgirl 2 in Friends

take so much longer than women to do 'number 2'

2007-02-14 13:30:16 · 21 answers · asked by xoheidixo10 2 in Marriage & Divorce

The girl that I like who stars in these questions of mine:




was laughing at me when I was getting the sh*t knocked out of me(not punches just the playin around but serious kind) from the kids that at my school are the kids who cause the trouble. All that I got out of it was a sore right leg, but no bumps or bruises. And tomorrow the candygrams are going to be sent out (it would've been today but I got a snowday (I live in Michigan)) and I'm 100% sure she doesn't know I even sent one to anyone. So what I'm tryin to ask is that is it normal for a hot blonde to be laughing at you when you are getting knocked to the ground? And two other last comments, first, I don't cause any serious trouble, the worst thing that I ever did at my school that a lot of kids knew I did is try

2007-02-14 13:30:10 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

Me and my mom are going to hawaii for spring break I am turning 14 soon and really want my belly button pierced. And I wanted it done in Hawaii. I know I want it and am positive I have wanted it for atleast 3 years and I know I will take care of it. I just need to know how to convince her MOMS FEEL FREE TO COMMENT!!!!!

2007-02-14 13:29:23 · 15 answers · asked by Taylor 2 in Family

what does it take for your spouse to admit and own up to his wrong doing.honesty is the best policy is it or?

2007-02-14 13:28:43 · 3 answers · asked by spunky 3 in Marriage & Divorce

There's this girl that I like in my class. I've never flirted with her before and she doesn't know I like her, but sometimes I catch her looking at me and then I look away. We've never had a chance to talk, I've never said a word to her, but I don't know. I like her so maybe i just think she likes me because i want her to like me? Anyway, there's this guy she always hangs out with. I don't know if it's her boyfriend or just a friend. I've never seen her hanging out with anyone but him. And I never see them hold hands, hug, or kiss. Today (Valentine's day) I saw her walking in the hall alone. So, what do you think?

2007-02-14 13:27:49 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

I'm a French teacher, my husband's a sports writer. We just bought a house last year near both of our jobs. I like my job a lot and it pays well (for a teacher anyway). I love where we live both because we've done a lot of work on our house and I like it a lot AND because we live near where we grew up (so lots of friends and family nearby). My husband HATES his job. The problem is, we both have fairly specific job fields and his tends to have very few openings. He's currently applying for a new sports writing job in other cities, but I don't want to move across the country b/c I like my job (who knows if I'd find another full time French job somewhere else) and where we are (we want to have kids soon and when we do, I want my mom nearby). On the otherhand, I hate feeling like I'm holding him back (which he never would say that I am, but I'm his reason for staying where he is... so I AM!)! Suggestions on what to do? I don't want to leave, but I hate seeing him so unhappy!!

2007-02-14 13:27:37 · 20 answers · asked by stubby9516 1 in Marriage & Divorce

I am and it sucks seeing other people get flowers and candy........WHAT ABOUT ME?????

2007-02-14 13:26:59 · 38 answers · asked by sugar_n_spice 5 in Singles & Dating

can u people help me i think im being dump or not because her friend said she hate me but when i ask her she won't answer.wat should i do please help me

2007-02-14 13:26:54 · 2 answers · asked by Will 3 in Singles & Dating

since it valentines day so... lets hear your favorite love quote
mine is

It's better to have loved and lost then to never loved at all..

2007-02-14 13:26:49 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Family & Relationships

im 24 male and working.

2007-02-14 13:26:34 · 5 answers · asked by hacker_lexy 3 in Weddings

if u do it how badly does it hurt cuz i am to scared to do it before i no

2007-02-14 13:26:33 · 5 answers · asked by kaykay 1 in Singles & Dating

I am a proud gay male. I love my man. I am happy. We don't have kids nor do we want them. What makes you think because you are a soccer mom I have to like your kids or put up with them? What makes you think that you have the right to decide whether I am can marry the man I love? Are you that insecure in your life that I can't live mine? Let me ask you this: Is marriage to you, being cheated on, teaching your kids how not to act in public, being part of a dysfunctional family, driving a gas hog, living in a house with a picket fence with a miserable man and mad wife with four terrible kids marriage?

2007-02-14 13:25:53 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

I often visit this doctor every other month for my condition but lately i find myself thinking about him. Of course he is handsome and has a great sex appeal but it is more than that. It is something special about him. He give me cues of liking me but i am not sure of how he feels about me. I want to tell me so bad of my feelings but I think it spells trouble. My mind say no way but my heart says yes. We come from different background especially the race factor he is russian and I am Africian American but in my eyes color doesnot matter. Tell me guys what should I do help me this valentines day.

2007-02-14 13:25:33 · 4 answers · asked by mickey864 2 in Singles & Dating

me and my best friend are fighting and ive appoligiezed so many times she wont 4give me.!!!!!! i got mad at her for tellin this guy i like that i like him and now me and him r dateing so i was really stupid and i told her that butt she keeps cussin me out and getting all mad....i dont kno wat i wood do if i lost her as a friend...plz help me!!!!!!

2007-02-14 13:24:48 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

So lately when I've been french kissing with my bf, he's been moving his head back so that our tongues are touching and everything like out of our mouths. i like it so much better when our mouths are up against each other and we're french kissing (like the kind that if you were watching, you wouldn't see the tongues). How can I get him to do that again?

2007-02-14 13:23:50 · 18 answers · asked by cherries 9 1 in Singles & Dating

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