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Alternative Fuel Vehicles · Conservation · Global Warming · Green Living · Other - Environment

Do you believe that it'll work? Is it an effective way to reduce CO2 emissions?


2007-12-07 06:22:00 · 9 answers · asked by kusheng 4 in Global Warming

A new analysis by WorldPublicOpinion.org of 11 recent international polls conducted around the world shows widespread and growing concern about climate change. Large majorities believe that human activity causes climate change and favor policies designed to reduce emissions.

In most countries, majorities see an urgent need for significant action. For example, a recent poll for the BBC by GlobeScan and the Program for International Policy Attitudes (PIPA) found that majorities in 15 out of 21 countries felt that it was necessary to take “major steps, starting very soon” to address climate change. In the other six countries polled, opinion was divided over whether “major” or “modest steps” were needed. Only small minorities thought no steps were necessary.


Do you agree that we need to increase our efforts, or are you in the small minority that feel no steps are necessary, and why?

2007-12-07 06:16:36 · 23 answers · asked by Dana1981 7 in Global Warming

I don't want reports from scientists (I can find those myself). I want you to think about all of what you have learned about the Global Warming theory and tell me personally what you think will happen if our climate warms up more.

Try to push what the media is telling you aside and give this some real thought, because I'll know if you are giving me rhetoric or telling me what you truely believe will happen.

2007-12-07 05:49:17 · 23 answers · asked by Mikira 5 in Global Warming

Pl somebody tell me (only owners and users please, no marketing guys), whether you are using any of the new electric two wheelers? for how long? how good is it? maintenance problems? Kms per charge? pulling capacity? single or double etc. pl reply

2007-12-07 05:21:07 · 2 answers · asked by vratin25 2 in Alternative Fuel Vehicles

Hi, I have found this beetle in my garden (UK) and I have no idea what it is. It is brown, about 5mm diameter, looks a bit like it has scales, and has long antenne. The strange thing about it, is that it has about 10+ 'whiskery' things coming out of both sides of it. These are also brown. does anyone have any ideas, or websites?
Also, i found it on my wooden post box?

2007-12-07 05:13:52 · 4 answers · asked by xTamsynx 1 in Other - Environment

2007-12-07 04:43:56 · 6 answers · asked by Quality 3 in Global Warming

Check out the pictures in the link below.

"A company called Marine Current Turbines will be installing a 1.2 megawatt tidal turbine in Northern Ireland's Strangford Lough in August. The SeaGen turbine will be the world’s largest ever tidal current device by a significant margin. It will generate clean electricity for approximately 1000 homes. The turbine is a prototype to be replicated on a large scale over the next few years. The rotors on the SeaGen turbine turn slowly: about 10 to 20 revolutions per minute. A ship's propellers, by comparison, typically run 10 times as fast. The risk of impact from SeaGen rotor blades is small, because the marine creatures that swim in strong currents tend to be agile, and can avoid slow-moving underwater obstructions."


Pretty cool eh?

2007-12-07 04:35:05 · 11 answers · asked by Dana1981 7 in Other - Environment

How much will Al Gore pay me for my "carbon futures"?

2007-12-07 03:50:12 · 12 answers · asked by Ti 7 in Global Warming

With all the concern over climate change, greenhouse gas emmisions and rising petrol costs, taxi companies are not using environmentally friendly vehicles.
Shouldnt the government be regulating the taxi industry and forcing a change to "greener" alternatives.

2007-12-07 03:34:42 · 16 answers · asked by Matt 2 in Global Warming

I have been hearing allot about how great switching to fosil fuels fo our vehicles would be. But why? Surly there is a down side to this, is'nt there?

2007-12-07 03:22:22 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Alternative Fuel Vehicles

Polar bears are said to be endangered because of the melting ice in the Arctic so shouldn't a colony be established in Antarctic where the ice is expanding and Penguins would provide plentiful food supply?

2007-12-07 03:20:49 · 15 answers · asked by Texan~to_the-Max 5 in Conservation

All humans including me are destroying our home diretcly or indirectly How we can stop it ? Actually what are we doing here it also killing our earth , I need serious answers I want to try it on my life .

2007-12-07 03:17:10 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Environment

why are 200 of the world's leading climate scientists, from more than 25 countries, saying greenhouse gas emissions must be urgently cut, with reductions of at least 50% by 2050?


2007-12-07 03:06:19 · 35 answers · asked by truth seeker 7 in Global Warming

How will he spend the prize money to save the planet?

2007-12-07 02:45:07 · 13 answers · asked by Ti 7 in Global Warming

This is spurred on by a question someone asked about what you would do in a power outage, as she wasn't prepared, and it was an ordeal for her to get through one night, and part of a day with no power.

Many of you (probably most) have city water. By the way, I'm in the U.S.A. and I'm imparting information on the U.S. system, not another country.

If you recieve TREATED city water, and it is almost all treated now, at the very most your city has a seven day supply of clean water for you in a National Emergency.

Checmicals to treat city water arrive on a "just in time" basis. There is not one single city in the entire U.S. that has more than a seven day supply of chemicals. Many only have a three day supply.

After that, the water may become so full of bacteria is it unsafe for you to drink.

Even if you live in cities and have city water, you need to store water in case of an emergency. How many of you knew that?

2007-12-07 02:36:08 · 10 answers · asked by Bohemian_Garnet_Permaculturalist 7 in Green Living


The next cycle

The Sun goes through approximately 11-year cycles that range from peak activity to quiet and back again. We are near the low point of the current cycle.

Scientists have tracked the cycles for decades but have been unable to predict when their durations and intensity.

The new model, known as the Predictive Flux-transport Dynamo Model, has simulated the strength of the past eight solar cycles extending back to the early 1900s with 98 percent accuracy.

Using the model, researchers predict that the next solar cycle, known as Cycle 24, will produce sunspots across an area slightly larger than 2.5 percent of the visible surface of the Sun. They also expect that the cycle will begin in late 2007 or early 2008--about six to 12 months later than earlier predictions--and reach its peak in 2012.

2007-12-07 02:26:10 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Global Warming

This is a demographic question, so if you would like to humor me, please let us all know your age, where you live and what you believe.

2007-12-07 01:21:52 · 16 answers · asked by Mikira 5 in Global Warming

I need this for a presentation..so please be specific so that I can implement these ideas in my project..thanks!

2007-12-06 23:31:25 · 7 answers · asked by Preethikrish 1 in Green Living

we lost our electricity supply along our street on weds eve, it was off by the time i got home from work and didn't come back on til midday on thurs!! I had such a nighmare in trying to cope with it (good job i wasn't born before electricity and our now general day to day appliances came along!!!!!!).

how do you cope in this sort of situation??

2007-12-06 21:45:10 · 45 answers · asked by Anonymous in Green Living

I am thrroughly intrigued by this 100 mile diet that I recently came upon, (eating within 100 miles of your home/localvores/eating locally). Has anyone tried this diet?
Was it difficult? Did you miss anything? What are your ideas? Would you try this diet? What made you or would make you decide to try it? Anything else you'd like to tell me about it!! Thanks

2007-12-06 20:47:22 · 4 answers · asked by Maggie B 5 in Other - Environment

Is it the only way of making real reductions in carbon emissions? Is it really too dangerous? Are renewables a realistic option? Is more uranium mining a decent economic opportunity?

2007-12-06 19:21:07 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Environment

It's just a theory I have been thinking about, but I really do believe that there is a reason the oil is in the earth. It's not supposed to be taken out. Just as trees aren't supposed to be taken out of the rainforest. With the loss of oil in the earth, I think this is the cause of global warming. One way or the other, I truly think that the loss of oil is going to harm us & mother nature.

2007-12-06 18:16:00 · 10 answers · asked by blab 1 in Global Warming

2007-12-06 17:47:04 · 15 answers · asked by hi there! 4 in Other - Environment

Mega hydro power projects causes sinking of large area (forest, agriculture land, villages, etc.) which results into depletion of our ecosystem, can't we go for any other form of energy which is clean and still doesn't affect the environment on the large scale and can be implemented worldwide easily.

2007-12-06 17:06:23 · 5 answers · asked by Charle's 2 in Green Living

If you want to go fast, go alone, if you want to go far, go together" "We have to go far. Quickly." -Al Gore about Global Warming.

2007-12-06 17:00:45 · 10 answers · asked by CFC4Life 5 in Global Warming

2007-12-06 16:47:33 · 9 answers · asked by blueeyedportagee 2 in Alternative Fuel Vehicles

Can anyone honeslty tell me why it is happening and from that tell me why people are to blame ,taking the almost endless factors capable of changing the climate outside our control into account.

2007-12-06 16:36:12 · 38 answers · asked by Anonymous in Global Warming

true, then how can global warming be the fault of humans?

2007-12-06 16:35:55 · 8 answers · asked by Cee T 6 in Global Warming


Iraqi is enough.
How many times has President George Bush lied through his teeth to the American People?

2007-12-06 16:32:13 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Alternative Fuel Vehicles