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Can anyone honeslty tell me why it is happening and from that tell me why people are to blame ,taking the almost endless factors capable of changing the climate outside our control into account.

2007-12-06 16:36:12 · 38 answers · asked by Anonymous in Environment Global Warming

Im not trying to make people mad, Im seriously trying to believe in Manmade Global Warming, i just have a hard time believing something without concrete proof. Nobody has given me any reasons to believe in it, without doubt.

2007-12-06 16:58:42 · update #1

38 answers

Well, we waste a lot and pollute a lot. It may be a mix of natural and man made causes.

2007-12-06 16:39:02 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

Here's an experiment that works exactly like global warming.
Find a bathroom that has a big red ceiling light (for warming) and do the following
1) turn the light on for 15 minutes
2) check the temperature of the bathroom
3) close the door and wait an hour
4) check the temperature again, calculate how much did the temperature change
now, open the hot water on the shower until the bathroom is completely filled with steam and repeat steps 1 to 4
you will notice that the temperature drops less even though you heated the room exactly the same time
that's because water vapor absorbs heat, just like CO2, methane and the other greenhouse gases
seeing is believing.

2007-12-06 16:56:50 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Hi John, Don't worry it's not bad to be skeptical that Global Warming is being caused by man. The people that believe, try to tell you that the scientists know how fast these cycles happened in the past. Yeah, I'm going to believe that. Nope! This is also a very new thing that they are doing by studying climate change. So to believe they have enough data to go on is also irresponsible. It is also arrogant to believe we can change something as huge as our climate.

The things we can change is the pollution we are putting into the air we breath and the water we drink and CO2 isn't one of those pollutants, since all living things exhale CO2 when they breath.

2007-12-07 00:42:45 · answer #3 · answered by Mikira 5 · 0 0

Most climatologists think greenhouse gases (especially CO2) are to blame. Reid Bryson, the father of modern climatology, does not think so. He thinks mankind is responsible for some of the warming but thinks land use/ land cover changes cause more warming than CO2. Roger Pielke, the most cited climatologist in the field, agrees with him.

If land use/ land cover changes are mainly to blame, global warming will never be catastrophic since they do not have any positive feedbacks.

Recent peer-reviewed papers by Schwartz, Spencer, Kiehl, McKitrick and others lead me to think CO2 is not the problem many people thought.

NOTE- q answers has an interesting experiment to try. Except the experiment has a problem. The room would be hotter because the warm water introduces additional heat into the room. The greenhouse theory has a problem with their water vapor feedback theory. Here's the problem - when the temperature goes up - the climate is dry. It is impossible for temps to go excessively high in the presence of a lot of water. This is the main issue Dr. William Gray speaks of when he says global warming is a theory held by people who do not understand how the atmosphere works.

2007-12-06 17:02:08 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

I dont know much about it and to tell you the truth I recently paid attention to the whole thing through Linkin Parks...Project Revolution. And my new favorite Live Earth concert. It really has raised awareness amongst the young people.

Wether global warming is or isnt hapening going green only proves to be a smarter way of living. Not only do you save money by driving Hybrid cars but it also saves a lot time since one of our mandatory weekly errands is to run the gas station to pump gas. Changing into energy efficient ways sounds like a good idea too. So in my opinion anything that saves you time and money does not sound like a bad idea to me!

And recycling. once you get used to it is not so bad. Plus to know or feel like you are contributing to fixing what a lot people seem as a problem is just the icing on the cake. Makes you feel better about the whole thing.

2007-12-06 16:52:20 · answer #5 · answered by mizthing 2 · 1 0

Really understanding this takes work. The question is - are you willing to do that? You need to look carefully at the science. It can't be done in a Yahoo answer, you need to read the links below.

Good one to start with:


Then download Chapter 2 of this and read it. You'll need Adobe Acrobat Reader (free download).


This will show you it's not the Sun:


News article at:


This site is the closest thing to a shortcut (and it's not short).


Of course you could just believe what they say on political websites. Which is what some of the people above have done.

Or you could believe a few "skeptics" instead of thousands of climatologists. Note that most of the people in Ron C's post are not climatologists. Don't take my word for it - Google their biographies and see for yourself. As I said, knowing truth here takes work.

But, if you don't want to do the work yourself, why not trust the people who have done the work? Here are a few, from different political orientations.

"I wasn’t convinced by a person or any interest group—it was the data that got me. I was utterly convinced of this connection between the burning of fossil fuels and climate change. And I was convinced that if we didn’t do something about this, we would be in deep trouble.”

Vice Admiral Richard H. Truly, USN (Ret.)
Former NASA Administrator, Shuttle Astronaut

"Former Republican House Speaker Newt Gingrich challenged fellow conservatives to stop resisting scientific evidence of global warming"

"National Review (the most prestigious conservative magazine) published a cover story this past week calling on conservatives to shake off denial and get into the climate policy debate"

"I believe there is now more than enough evidence of climate change to warrant an immediate and comprehensive - but considered - response. Anyone who disagrees is, in my view, still in denial."

Ford Motor Company CEO William Clay Ford, Jr.

"The science of global warming is clear. We know enough to act now. We must act now."

James Rogers, CEO of Charlotte-based Duke Energy.

And EVERY major scientific organization says it's not a natural cycle. If you don't want to trust people, how about the National Academy of Sciences, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the American Meteorological Association, and many more.

2007-12-06 17:17:03 · answer #6 · answered by Bob 7 · 0 1

Bob (Top Contributor) is so wrong and very dishonest when he says "EVERY major scientific organization says it's not a natural cycle. "

That is simply false.
A quick Yahoo search will disprove.

Representatives from every major university, National Academy of Sciences, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, Russian Academy of Sciences, USC, Yale, Danish National Space Center, USDA Water Conservation Laboratory, MIT .....
(sorry the list is very long so I'll stop)
say that Global Warming is a natural process.

Bob is just flat out wrong.

2007-12-07 03:59:03 · answer #7 · answered by highspeed 1 · 1 0

It is very unlikely that humans are causing this particular warming trend because human contribution to total greenhouse gases is less than 1%.


Thousands and thousands of scientists from major universities and scientific organizations say that this warming trend is largely due to natural processes.
A sample of a few of these is here:


And don't believe the Yahoo Answer of Bob (Top Contributor) . He is apparently a spokesperson for some environmental group who is very biased. He is what is called in the scientific community a One Sided Wonder.
Meaning a person who only looks at one side of the scientific equation, and not all sides.


2007-12-07 01:39:34 · answer #8 · answered by watchout_above 2 · 1 0

This whole global warming thing is a bunch of crap! You see, the earth goes through cycles by the millions of years, like when the earth was first formed, it was a surging hot molten ball, and it slowly cooled down to where life cellular life could exist, not just bacteria(yes bacteria was the first form of life on earth) so then came the ice age and the earth was completely cooled back down to several degrees below zero. Now its just warming up again to the temp. of about the dinosaurs lived and then another ice age will come. Dont listen to what these enviromentalist are telling you! its all science people! lol

2007-12-06 16:51:02 · answer #9 · answered by JesusH 1 · 2 1

step out of your shell and look at the big picture,, really big

earth used to have three forms of natural fire: these are volcanos, lightning strikes and impacts from space. so before man, all the crap in the air was from these three producers, and the earths cycles of warm and cold were directly affected by these natural causes. Agree... ok

enter primitive man nearly 400,000 years ago (unless you are a bible thumper, then 6000 years ago) Man wields and controls fire, adding a fourth variable to the contributing air pollutants. And ever since that fateful day there have been 10 times 10 to the billionth power fires from billions of people across hundreds of thousands of generations, and that is before the industrial revolution. then **** really hit the fan, factories, motors, power plants, cars, etc etc.
forrest fires burn, volcanos erupt and crap hits us from space every so often, this is all still happening, but now its like the fires never go out, so for 400,000 years there has been multiple fires, explosions, wars, and a bunch of other pollutants put into the system by man. we are the fourth variable. it is simple as that, and if you cant see it, you might just be too simple to open your eyes to the fact that humans have been around for a long time and we burn crap. no other species ever has done anything remotely like that, and 400,000 years of fires has its consequences. its little by little, but the fact remains that we put it there, and ideally it is our job to clean it up, its like the saying dont crap in your own nest, well we are and some people just wanna keep on crappin, i dont get why. and i dont get how a people dont understand, it is not that comlicated

humans burn things and blow things up, this is not natural, the earth cant deal with the three natural producers of crap and deal with all of our crap too, the system cant take it, and we are just realizing it now. (well about 10 years ago anyway)

2007-12-07 05:15:46 · answer #10 · answered by take it or leave it 5 · 0 1

You're probably going to get a different point of view on every single answer, but to share mine:

I don't believe in global warming either. Man has nothing to do with it. The earth NATURALLY heats and cools itself. We weren't around for a few of the ice ages we had, we didn't cause them. I'm sure there were periods we weren't around that it heated too. Just because the earth is heating right now and ever so slightly, some people blame man for it, which is ridiculous. I heard something on the news once that said it takes about 20 years to raise the global climate 0.1 degree (Fahrenheit, I think), so obviously, we're not doing anything. Plus, I think that if it is heating, let the people 100 years from now worry about it. It's currently not our problem and if it's 100 years from now, it'll only rise half a degree (nothing to "sweat" about). So no, I don't believe in global warming, and I hope my opinion helped.

2007-12-06 16:44:51 · answer #11 · answered by Peter 2 · 3 3

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