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Global Warming

[Selected]: All categories Environment Global Warming

A new analysis by WorldPublicOpinion.org of 11 recent international polls conducted around the world shows widespread and growing concern about climate change. Large majorities believe that human activity causes climate change and favor policies designed to reduce emissions.

In most countries, majorities see an urgent need for significant action. For example, a recent poll for the BBC by GlobeScan and the Program for International Policy Attitudes (PIPA) found that majorities in 15 out of 21 countries felt that it was necessary to take “major steps, starting very soon” to address climate change. In the other six countries polled, opinion was divided over whether “major” or “modest steps” were needed. Only small minorities thought no steps were necessary.


Do you agree that we need to increase our efforts, or are you in the small minority that feel no steps are necessary, and why?

2007-12-07 06:16:36 · 23 answers · asked by Dana1981 7

I don't want reports from scientists (I can find those myself). I want you to think about all of what you have learned about the Global Warming theory and tell me personally what you think will happen if our climate warms up more.

Try to push what the media is telling you aside and give this some real thought, because I'll know if you are giving me rhetoric or telling me what you truely believe will happen.

2007-12-07 05:49:17 · 23 answers · asked by Mikira 5

2007-12-07 04:43:56 · 6 answers · asked by Quality 3

How much will Al Gore pay me for my "carbon futures"?

2007-12-07 03:50:12 · 12 answers · asked by Ti 7

With all the concern over climate change, greenhouse gas emmisions and rising petrol costs, taxi companies are not using environmentally friendly vehicles.
Shouldnt the government be regulating the taxi industry and forcing a change to "greener" alternatives.

2007-12-07 03:34:42 · 16 answers · asked by Matt 2

why are 200 of the world's leading climate scientists, from more than 25 countries, saying greenhouse gas emissions must be urgently cut, with reductions of at least 50% by 2050?


2007-12-07 03:06:19 · 35 answers · asked by truth seeker 7

How will he spend the prize money to save the planet?

2007-12-07 02:45:07 · 13 answers · asked by Ti 7


The next cycle

The Sun goes through approximately 11-year cycles that range from peak activity to quiet and back again. We are near the low point of the current cycle.

Scientists have tracked the cycles for decades but have been unable to predict when their durations and intensity.

The new model, known as the Predictive Flux-transport Dynamo Model, has simulated the strength of the past eight solar cycles extending back to the early 1900s with 98 percent accuracy.

Using the model, researchers predict that the next solar cycle, known as Cycle 24, will produce sunspots across an area slightly larger than 2.5 percent of the visible surface of the Sun. They also expect that the cycle will begin in late 2007 or early 2008--about six to 12 months later than earlier predictions--and reach its peak in 2012.

2007-12-07 02:26:10 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

This is a demographic question, so if you would like to humor me, please let us all know your age, where you live and what you believe.

2007-12-07 01:21:52 · 16 answers · asked by Mikira 5

It's just a theory I have been thinking about, but I really do believe that there is a reason the oil is in the earth. It's not supposed to be taken out. Just as trees aren't supposed to be taken out of the rainforest. With the loss of oil in the earth, I think this is the cause of global warming. One way or the other, I truly think that the loss of oil is going to harm us & mother nature.

2007-12-06 18:16:00 · 10 answers · asked by blab 1

If you want to go fast, go alone, if you want to go far, go together" "We have to go far. Quickly." -Al Gore about Global Warming.

2007-12-06 17:00:45 · 10 answers · asked by CFC4Life 5

Can anyone honeslty tell me why it is happening and from that tell me why people are to blame ,taking the almost endless factors capable of changing the climate outside our control into account.

2007-12-06 16:36:12 · 38 answers · asked by Anonymous

true, then how can global warming be the fault of humans?

2007-12-06 16:35:55 · 8 answers · asked by Cee T 6

I believe it is certainly too late to stop all climate change. But climate change is not an on off switch. It is a continuing process. The sooner we stabilise the atmosphere of concentrations of greenhouse gases, the sooner we can reduce our impact on the climate thus minimising the risk of reaching tipping points that will make preventing further warming even harder. Even if we only manage to slow warming rather than prevent it, society will have more time to adjust to the changes.

2007-12-06 16:01:19 · 9 answers · asked by bobe 6

i'm doing a feature article on global warming for english, and i need a catchy title.... any help? ill give best answer to... well... the best one. ha.

2007-12-06 11:30:46 · 13 answers · asked by ho 2

2007-12-06 10:43:17 · 10 answers · asked by simone o 2

"The tardiness of solar cycle 24 indicates that we might be entering a period of low solar activity that may counteract man-made greenhouse temperature increases. Some members of the Russian Academy of Sciences say we may be at the start of a period like that seen between 1790 and 1820, a minor decline in solar activity called the Dalton Minimum. They estimate that the Sun's reduced activity may cause a global temperature drop of 1.5°C by 2020. This is larger than most sensible predictions of man-made global warming over this period."


By itself the Sun might cause a 1.5°C cooling, but combined with human greenhouse gas emissions and other factors, the cooling would be much less.

The question is, by entering a period of low activity will the Sun buy us some time to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions?

Cycles 24 and 25 would last until approximately 2030.

Do the IPCC projections take this into account?

2007-12-06 09:41:24 · 11 answers · asked by Dana1981 7


From the site:

"Join Me in Bali

I support Al Gore's call for a visionary global treaty to be completed and brought into effect by 2010 and want my government to be a leader in making this happen."

2007-12-06 09:38:30 · 18 answers · asked by qu1ck80 5

"The Inuit have always insisted the bears' demise was greatly exaggerated by scientists doing projections based on fly-over counts, but their input was usually dismissed as the ramblings of self-interested hunters"


2007-12-06 08:45:07 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

(such as the morally repugnant eugenics movement of the 20th Century)?


2007-12-06 08:27:24 · 16 answers · asked by Rationality Personified 5

2007-12-06 08:11:36 · 16 answers · asked by Dr Jello 7

Who is?

Here is a chart from NASA GISS that plots temperatures since 1880. If you enter these numbers in an Excel spreadsheet you will see that we are not hotter than ever before, it isn't getting hotter then in the past, and we haven't seen warmer temperatures in over 10 years.


The USA is still part of the globe.

So if the USA isn't getting any warmer, who is? Is it Europe, or Asia, or South America, or Antarctica?

Does anyone know of a site from NASA where I can get the raw data like the information on the above website?

2007-12-06 07:49:47 · 9 answers · asked by Dr Jello 7

"First Australia won international applause for abandoning the United States and signing a global warming pact Washington has long opposed. Then a U.S. Senate committee voted for deep cuts in greenhouse gas emissions.

The Bush administration's position, that technology, private investment and economic growth — rather than mandatory emissions cuts — will save the planet from global warming, is taking a beating this week at a U.N. climate change conference in Indonesia.

The public defeats for the U.S. stance, coupled with mounting warnings from scientists and others that only decisive action will control rising temperatures, have cast the Americans as wayward sons who need to wake up and join the rest of the world."


Why do you think the US policy on global warming continues to differ so vastly from the rest of the world? Especially since global warming is supposedly a US liberal hoax?

2007-12-06 07:35:21 · 20 answers · asked by Dana1981 7

Over the last 5 years Total Solar irradiance TSI levels have dropped by 1 W/m^2 and current data suggest that it is still declining.


Solar cycle 24 should have started last December, scientists now think that it could be as late as 2009 before it begins. There is very little doubt that solar cycle 24 will be weak when it does start. Solar cycle 25 is forecast to be even weaker than 24, if this scenario actually occurs members of the Russian Academy of Sciences indicate that global temperatures could drop by 1.5 degrees C. by 2020. If global temperatures continue to diminish over the next two decades it almost certainly will cause severe hardships for humanity, so I ask is it irresponsible to ignore the warning signs.


2007-12-06 07:25:30 · 8 answers · asked by Tomcat 5

Is global warming as bad as some scientists say it is, or is it just being blown out of proportion for a political role?

Now, I know pollution produced by cars, factories, and oil is bad, that's a given. But, what if this supposed global warming is just a natural cycle? Something like the Ice Age maybe?

Also, some of the methods designed to deal with global warming seem far fetched. I understand things like reducing fuel emissions, but stuff like reducing animal respiration, stop eating exotic food like bananas and pineapples, and now divorce?

Yes, it has been suggested to stop eating exotic foods such as bananas, since it takes oil to run the ships to bring them to other countries.

I just wanted some info. Thanks.

2007-12-06 07:20:29 · 13 answers · asked by electrosmack1 5

2007-12-06 06:36:11 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

There are many other reports from around the world that go into great detail regarding the scientific evidence that AGW is almost certainly occurring.It's a shame that the whole issueseems to be split along an ideological divide which weakens the arguments of both camps.The whole issue seems to be at best poorly understood.The amount of time of heard comments such as "it's snowing in Utah; AGW my ****" or "more people die from the cold than warming" betrays a total lack of understanding amongst vast swathes of the public.
I'm not saying that AGW deniers are idiots, most base their argument around atleast a semblance of understanding of the issue but many just jump on the political bandwagon and base their stances on politcal allegiance.Make up your own minds people but PLEASE LOOK AT THE EVIDENCE FIRST.
Source below was comissioned by the British government led by Tony Blair; the staunchest ally of the US since WW2.I'm implying that these guys are your friends.Listen to them.Endrant

2007-12-06 06:35:37 · 13 answers · asked by damienabbey 2

... and advise on the problematic on things anyone can do on every day life?

I 've already posted this question on another section
also if you can send me links , i'll apreatiate it , thanks in advance!! :-*
and you can also write to me at :


2007-12-06 06:15:03 · 26 answers · asked by Hera 1

I am very interested in the subject and am wondering what it is and why is it happening. Is there a way to stop it? what chemicals are used?

2007-12-06 05:31:05 · 10 answers · asked by abbykit306 2

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