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Global Warming

[Selected]: All categories Environment Global Warming

2007-12-09 07:57:02 · 14 answers · asked by ricky26j 1

can u link me the wed sites...(with in 3months)

2007-12-09 07:52:40 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

At 11:00 am Dec 9, the temperature in Los Angeles, Ca is 60%

At 11:00 am Dec 9 the temperature in Grayson , Ga is 75%

Normally its warmer in California and cooler or colder in the South.

Could changing temperature indicate a change is taking place?

2007-12-09 07:18:59 · 10 answers · asked by ramni222 6

Why am i cold all the time.

2007-12-09 05:31:58 · 32 answers · asked by taxed till i die,and then some. 7

Core samples of trees provide evidence of past climate change. Climate change occurred well before humans kept written records of climate conditions. List two other kinds of evidence used to study prehistoric climate change.

2007-12-09 04:24:07 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-12-09 03:54:53 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

There were glaciers all over the place and they disappeared without 'greenhouse' gas. How did that happen?

2007-12-09 01:14:16 · 16 answers · asked by 19G30 5

much appreciated

2007-12-08 23:47:51 · 9 answers · asked by savannah 1

from what i was reading, he doesnt want to hurt the economy of australia due to the impact of implementing these global warming changes. i know that he was very vocal on global warming during his campaign. do you think that he may have a change of heart on the matter?

2007-12-08 20:05:16 · 8 answers · asked by just hanging around 5

from the period of 1860 to present, yes there was a global rise in temperature of about 1.3 degrees...but interestingly the majority of this rise occured from 1860 to 1940, and DID NOT simply increase consistently and gradually

from 1940 to 1975, a period of rapid industrialization after the war, the level of CO2 emission boomed, exponentially growing from a level it had never seen before. yet from this period, there was actually GLOBAL COOLING, not warming

many scientists are now suggesting that the relationship between greenhouse gases and CO2 is now obscure, and that people are disregarding this data and simply using a correlation FROM THE LAST 25-35 years to say that temperature rise has correlated with CO2 emission


now lets get real responses that scientifically address this statement, not responses lke "global warming is scientific fact. just accept it dont deny!" or some other dumb response.

2007-12-08 18:46:46 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

fuel and energy production, and energy conserving technology, because man-made Global Warming is a hoax?

If Yes, why?

If not, what is the sense in denying it, when the results are going to be the same?

2007-12-08 16:39:03 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

Most homes are now heated by Natural Gas. It is also used to heat boiler systems that are forced air heating. And to heat our water tanks. I know they are concerned about Electricity usage, but what about natural gas?

If they are, what are there alternatives for heating homes in the winter. Everything I think of gives off CO2 when burned.


Like in the Middle Ages they burned either: Wood, Coal or peat. And all those things give out CO2. Is there anything available that doesn't produce CO2 when burned?

And isn't it better that a big plant processes the resource, since it would be easier for them to use pollution controls than every home that needs to be heated in the winter.

(Yes I know about Solar generated heating coils, I did a paper on that in eigth grade english. I'm still amazed it hasn't been used more.)

2007-12-08 13:45:48 · 12 answers · asked by Mikira 5

im one that believes after all these years global warming wouldnt just start now but recently i stumbled over this

now apparently this shows that humans produce 8% of what cars produce yearly so basicly 1 car =12 people now lets consider this there are 6.5 billion people in the world and a bit over 600 million cars (as of 1997) id estimate about 800 million now considering the growth rate and remember the 8% that humans prouce is only humans that doesent count the huge amount of dogs cats large land mamals and all animals all over the world

now clearly theres a solution to global warming which is plant more trees so im thinking? the whole reason for global warming is deforestation! considering humans produce 8% it seems if there was no deforestation thered be no global warming so simple plant more trees in your lawn!

2007-12-08 10:54:46 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

When warnings about smoking were printed on packs of cigarettes they started off with 'smoking can seriously damage your health' and ended up after some years stating 'smoking can kill!' The problem is that familiarity breeds contempt and the smoking warnings became part of the packet. Climate Change is going down the same route - every day we are being indoctrinised with 'climate change, climate change, climate change' and to be frank it is losing its impact.

2007-12-08 10:03:09 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have to a project on Global Warming for my chemistry class and need to compare al gore's views(an Inconvenient turth) with James E. Hansen( top NASA climate scientist).

I watch that movie but i have never heard about James E. Hansen

SO i would like to know if James E. Hansen is also against Global Warming or not?


2007-12-08 07:20:30 · 6 answers · asked by bmtd 1

Is the fossil fuel industry getting their monies worth in the US in spreading disinformation about global warming?

2007-12-08 05:46:35 · 9 answers · asked by Author Unknown 6

Let's say we switch everything over to a carbonless society (Except for Humans and Animals exhaling CO2) and we still see the CO2 levels rising? Then what?

2007-12-08 04:58:46 · 8 answers · asked by Mikira 5

Ok, whether you believe it's anthropogenic or not (and it is), global warming is happening. I've been reading a lot of questions that point to Antarctica and saying that there this year saw a record growth in area of the Antarctic ice sheet (not to be confused with the ice pack).
So, here's a riddle for you. Can you think of a reason why the ice sheet could grow to a record size in the face of global warming?

2007-12-08 04:48:23 · 9 answers · asked by Author Unknown 6

ocean. animals. polar bears. penguins. mosquitos. illness. temperature. society. adaptaion. glaciers, permafrosts, icelands. floods. hurricanes. earthquakes?. air pollution. be creative. be imaginative. what could be THE WORST THING THAT YOU CAN IMAGINE or THE WORST THING THAT CAN HAPPEN IF WE DIDN"T CARE ABOUT ENVIRONMENT/ GLOBAL WARMING / CLIMATE CHANGE?

2007-12-08 03:20:54 · 25 answers · asked by geecee10 1

Burning, say, leaves in the garden seems, to me, to be the same process as letting them rot except it is accelerated by heat. Are the same gases produced and in the same quantities for each process?

2007-12-08 02:40:45 · 14 answers · asked by Professor 7

2007-12-08 01:33:35 · 14 answers · asked by Anna 3

what would not driving hybrids, not going green, and letting global waming happen do to the world. describe it? describe the world 50 or 100 years from now

2007-12-08 00:47:47 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

i like snow

2007-12-07 22:57:42 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

Who is "Americans for Balanced Energy Choices", and why do they get an annual buget from the coal industry of $30,000,000.00?

Check out Issue #936 @ www.rachel.org.

Those of you who don't want "a silent spring" should bookmark this site... lots of well documented info.

Those of you who don't should go read some of the info here in current and back issues so you can get a sense of how poorly your side provides detailed and varifiable information on key issues... sleep well Dr. whats' his name.

2007-12-07 13:47:40 · 14 answers · asked by Rainbow Warrior 4

What ever happened with acid rain

2007-12-07 10:41:59 · 45 answers · asked by TRS 3

Or is this a big sucker job put on by politicians? I believed that crap until I started doing some digging. The web and your local library are full of studies dating back to the 1800's on global warming. It's not a new thing. I've taken the time to read actual research results and it appears that our contribution to global warming is only .28%. Water vapor is responsible for 95% of global warming. Volcanoes, rotting vegetation, solar cycles, magnetic cycles, animals (including CO2 and "intestinal gas" from 6 billion people), and industry for the other 5%. Of that, our share is so small there may be nothing we can do to change anything. So, are we being taken for suckers again? Who gets the money out of this global warming thing? Give me something to believe in, no media crap.

2007-12-07 08:23:41 · 29 answers · asked by californiainfidel 3

Recently there has been a fixation in this section regarding 1998 being the hottest year on record, which they conclude must mean that global warming has "stalled".

Why do these people neglect to mention that with the exception of 1998, every year in the 1990s was cooler than every year since 2000? In fact, if you ignore 1998, no year in *at least* the past 1000 years has been even close to the average global temperatures from 2001-2007.

Choose whichever temperature graph you like:


So why does this argument neglect every single year except 1998? Do you think it's perhaps because in reality global warming has not "stalled"?


2007-12-07 08:19:38 · 9 answers · asked by Dana1981 7

Im doing a science project and i need an idea

2007-12-07 06:39:20 · 14 answers · asked by Mikey 2

Do you believe that it'll work? Is it an effective way to reduce CO2 emissions?


2007-12-07 06:22:00 · 9 answers · asked by kusheng 4

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