i mean theres totall proff and you dont have to like al gore to believe it . Look at the enviorment , certain animals are becoming endangered thanks to the weather , look at the artic ice , its melting very fast , look at how bad the air is , all you need to do is walk outside for that one , and if you dont care about that then what about all the scientists who totally believe it , ok and if you dont believe that then what about the fact that this summer has record breaking heat , ( RECORD BREAKING!!!!) thats not normal , and what about all the huricanes in the past few years , we've seen many more than normal , and they have been much worse.......plain and simple every year the weather is getting worse , you cant even walk outside without sunscreen anymore , not because of a burn but because of the risk of skin cancer . and if you dont believe any of this ( oviously because your an idiot ) then why dont you just watch al gores movie....
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