Student in my class -mentally handicapped, great kid in 8th grade, and have known him for 2 years now. Attends school regularly, clean and with appropriate clothes until a few weeks ago. Now he doesn't have dinner, clean clothes or showers. Found out they are homeless again -they've gone from motel to motel, and mom refuses a shelter b/c of the rules. Big sister is pregnant (17) and not in school. Brother works to help with rent. Mom expecting a check at end of the month. Child says they are smoking pot, and he leaves because HE knows it's wrong. Ok, seems clear-cut neglect, right? I hesitate to call b/c I know they are a close family and this is the life he's known. Not sure he'd be happy without them, or understand why he couldn't be with them. Also, we take care of him during the 7 hours we see him shower at school, clothes, food, etc. I doubt he'd still be at our school if DCFS was involved..I hate the thought of him in foster care....but is that better? Do we wait and see?????
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